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"Michelle shut down your alarm" Anntonia ordered
I did what she said without hesitation because I know she set her alarm also, so it will probably wake us up.
But I'm wrong
"Michelle wake up we're late"
Oh my god
When I checked the time it was already 7 AM and we have to be ready at 7:50
Me and Anntonia rushed.
"Why did you wake up late?" I asked Anntonia
"I didn't hear my alarm.... Oh wait I didn't set it last night"
"My god Anntonia"
She just laughed at me.

8:30 AM

We were riding a double-decker bus, we sat beside each other it was kinda hot but the wind was cold.

8:57 AM

Me and Anntonia were having our own world sitting at the bus, when I remembered listening to a song while riding in a double-decker bus is, y'know romantic, there are a lot of cameras pointing at us and we're not alone so this probably won't feel very romantic as I imagined. So I stood up and get my AirPods in my bag which Ken was holding. Gave the right pair of AirPods to Anntonia and played the music on my playlist.

"Hmm I love this song" Anntonia said.
haha of course you do it's About You.

The tour finished early and we have time to rest in our room.

We're both busy on our phones. I am watching funny videos while she was texting

"Who are you texting?" I asked
"Oh, Irfan, I missed him"
haha of course you do he's your boyfriend
"You have plans today?"
"I don't know, I wanna relax in the bathtub," she said
"That's a good idea, do you want me to prepare the bathtub for you?"
"No, you don't have to haha" she declined politely
"I'll do it after all, in fact, I'll do it now"

I immediately went to the bathroom and prepared the bathtub for her, I don't usually do this but for her, I'm willing to.

"Anntonia the bathtub is ready"

"Aww, you don't have to do that. Thank you"

She stayed in that bathtub for almost an hour.

Hours have passed and it's already nighttime, me and Anntonia are getting ready to have dinner.

We ordered foods that are not familiar to us, and they actually tasted better than we expected, after we ate dinner, we decided not to go back to our room yet.

Since the hotel is beside the beach we decided to chill there together with the calm beach and sands

We spent 30 minutes without talking to each other, everything was silent all you could hear was the beach.

"After this, what are your plans?" Anntonia asked
"What do you mean after this haha?"
"After we leave Mexico"
"Oh, I don't know yet, maybe chill and hang out with my friends if I'm not busy, how about you?"
"Maybe do the same as yours"

"I wanna ask something personal, can I? Anntonia asked again.
"Of course, go ahead"
"Do you like someone right now?"
"What do you mean like? Like, "like like?" haha" I asked
"Yeah, like romantic feelings"
"I don't know, if I like that person, I'm still confused about my feelings"
"Ohh. It's okay to be confused, you'll figure things out, but can you tell me who is that person who you were referring to?"
"Hmm, maybe I'm not ready to tell but, I will tell you everything when I'm ready"

Im kinda shocked when she asked me that, I think that was the first intense talk we had.

After chilling beside the beach, we went back to our room had a little rest and went live on Instagram again, it's just a short live because we had to sleep early again, cuz tomorrow is our last day in here Mexico. Woah last day in Mexico, that means tomorrow might be the last time I get to see her.

2:38 AM

It's already 2 AM but I'm still awake while Anntonia is sleeping pretty, a lot of thoughts are getting in my head, cuz ever since me and Anntonia get closer together I realized I had Crush on her, but I don't think this is a crush anymore, cuz every time she mentions her boyfriend I get jealous, I don't have a right to get jealous I'm just her friend. We are friends.

But I don't think this is how a friend feels. I want to spend more time with her, I want her to meet my family, I wanna spoil her, I wanna do everything with her.

But obviously I can't, there are many reasons why I can't, one of the reasons is she has a boyfriend.

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