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Anntonia Porsild POV

Of course I said yes to her proposal, and now we're a married couple here in Switzerland hehehe

We've been married for 2 years already and I still remember every detail about our wedding, it was the best day of my life, marrying the person I love.
Our wedding is a garden wedding, we took so long to decide what kind of wedding we wanted.
A garden wedding was the best choice, even before we like to hangout in the garden, talk in the garden, we are always in the garden, so why not get married in the garden right? We love our memories in the garden hehe

"Love, Michelle! Go change Mia's clothes we're going out"
"Okay love"
I love how Michelle just do what I wanted her to do without even questioning it. I don't even know where we are going I just wanted to go outside and she just agreed to me

Michelle, Mia and Me stopped at our favorite cafe to buy some pastries and coffee and we also stopped at the pet store to buy Mia her dog treats and new toys, and that's all we did, we just walk and walk as a family.

Michelle and Me balance each other out, if we fight we always fix it before sleeping and say sorry if we know that we are wrong, as I said before, this is the best relationship, I ever had and I'm glad it's with Michelle, being her girlfriend was great already but being her wife is the best. I love her so much, very much, and I am thankful to have her in life.

Michelle Dee POV

When Anntonia said yes to my proposal, that's when I knew, I'm gonna spend my time forever with her and I will cherish it.

Being married to her was the best gift I ever received, marrying the love of your life is the greatest gift.

I remember the day during the time in El Salvador, spending time with her is already the best but marrying her is the best of the best and the best, you get what I mean? Marrying the Anntonia Porslid, wow, until now I still can't believe it.

When we had Mia, our dog, I had a vision that both of us would be a good mom in the future and I low-key wanted a child hehe, but of course, I have to ask Anntonia about that first. But maybe in the future I guess?
What do you think?

Right now, I am watching our wedding video by myself cause I asked Anntonia if she could buy pastries for me in our favorite cafe, I always watch our wedding video, admiring how pretty Anntonia is in a wedding dress. Our vows, always making me cry every time I watch it

"From the first moment we became friends at that pageant, a spark of something more ignited between us. I'm grateful for the foundation of friendship that blossomed into the extraordinary love we share today. Your patience, as you waited for us to become more than friends, is a testament to the depth of your commitment.
When you traveled all the way to Thailand to surprise me and ask me to be your girlfriend, my heart skipped a beat. That gesture remains etched in my memory as a symbol of your love's unwavering dedication.
Today, as we stand on the threshold of forever, I reflect on the journey that brought us here. I'm thankful for every twist of fate, every moment of waiting, and every surprise that led us to this day. Marrying you is not just a promise, but a celebration of the love that has grown from friendship to something truly extraordinary. I am overjoyed to be your wife and embark on this beautiful journey of marriage with you." Anntonia said

"My love, Anntonia, from the moment fate led me to you on that pageant, my heart found its true north. Even in the silence that followed our paths diverging, my love for you remained an unwavering beacon. No other love could compare, for you were the melody my heart had been searching for. Reuniting with you in the enchanting embrace of Switzerland, surrounded by the whispering winds and blooming flowers, was the culmination of a love story written in the stars.In that Swiss garden, our laughter echoed through the petals, and the time we spent there felt like an eternal dance. Today, as we stand here ready to embark on a new chapter, I vow to cultivate a garden of love in our shared life, where the seeds of our affection will blossom into a tapestry of enduring beauty. Our choice of a garden wedding is a testament to the love that has weathered storms and flourished like the flowers we once walked amongst.I promise to nurture this love, to be your constant and your confidante, as we continue our journey surrounded by the serenity of nature's embrace. With you, my love, every day feels like that cherished day in Switzerland, and I am profoundly grateful for the gardens we've sown together and the flourishing love that will continue to bloom, season after season."

Ugh always making me cry

"Love, I'm home" I Heard Anntonia
I immediately wiped my tears before she could see me
"Where are you mich?" She asked
"I'm here"
"Oh, are you crying?"
"What? no?"
"You are crying, why?"
"Nothing, I was just watching our wedding video and it made me cry"
"Awww" she said and hugged me
"I still can't believe that we got married"
"Me too love" she said and kissed me
"Okay, enough crying, I bought the pastries hehehe"

While eating the pastries she bought, I look at her, admiring her, thinking 'wow, Anntonia is my wife'

"Love, what stop looking haha I might melt" she Said
"Haha opps sorry, I'm just admiring my wife"

After we ate, I went to the balcony appreciating nature. While Anntonia went to play with Mia.

I am happy with my life now, having Anntonia as my wife is the best thing that happened to me, waiting for her until the right moment was one of the best decisions I made. I am happy and content with her and my life now.

Anntonia Porsild POV

It's already night time and I'm waiting for Michelle to go out in the bathroom, I'm here on the balcony feeling the air breeze on my skin.

Having Michelle in my life as my wife was the best thing that ever happened to me, ugh just imagine Michelle Dee as your wife.

I am happy with her now, and I am happy to spend the rest of my life with her.

You don't need to rush for love, you just gotta wait for the right moment And love will find its way to you.

Suddenly I felt like someone is hugging me
"Love, let's go to bed now?" Michelle said with the soft beautiful voice and kissed my neck
I didn't say any words, I just kissed her back and pull her to the bed.
"I love you Michelle"
"I love you too Anntonia"

The end.

Author's note

Thank you for reading hehe I hope you guys like it and I'm sorry for the long wait, I had to end this story because I am really busy now hehe I'll try to make a new story if I have time, if you guys want to, let me know hehe.

Was this story good? Please let me know hehe thanks again.

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