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Anntonia Porsild POV

Me and Michelle are hanging in the corner after the rehearsal. I feel awful today but Michelle looks gorgeous.

"It's getting colder, can I use your dress to keep me warm?" I asked jokingly but she said "sure"

She's wearing a white long dress which is really pretty and paired it with jeans that she looks really good in.

"Come here get closer," she Said
The way that I could feel her body is touching me made the butterflies in my stomach wild, but since I'm really tired I tried to lay my head on her shoulders, I didn't even mind asking her cuz my head is too heavy right now, I'm about to fall asleep when, she sneezed.

"Oy, Michelle are you okay?" I asked not hinting at her that I wanted to laugh so bad
"I am fine, it's just, I feel cold that's why I sneezed," she said and that made me feel bad about how I tried laughing at her.
"Is that so? Here hold my hand" I gave her my hand hoping that would make her feel warm
"How do you feel? You still feel cold?" I asked
"Nope, I feel warmer, thanks to you and your warm hand" she Said
"Wahh no it's fine, for you Daddy ackkk" my thoughts

6:00 PM

After the rehearsal we went to get dinner together and made some jokes in some of our friends which they didn't really understand it, its only me and Michelle could understand, but after joking I tried really hard translating it for them.

After that, we got even closer together.


All we did was rehearse all day and share tea to each other.

After rehearsing we skipped dinner and spent an alone time on the hotels' rooftop and I really enjoyed it because I got to spend a time with her and also she shared some of her secrets with me and I feel really good thinking she's trusting. She must really like me huh?


"I look hot in this outfit, ugh" I said
I mean I already know that haha I just want Michelle to hear it

"I'll take a photo of you, come here" Michelle said

"Let me see it"

God damnit the photos are really good and I look indeed hot. The photos, ugh, the angle, it's really pretty huhu my boyfriend could never, he took a really bad photo of me ugh, good thing I'm photogenic.

"Send me that later, I'll post it"
"I am happy to"
"You really take good photos, I like you for that"

"Send me that later, I'll post it""I am happy to""You really take good photos, I like you for that"

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Just like everyday, we repeat what we do. Rehearse, eat, sleep and, repeat but, that's ok, at least I get to hang out with her.

8:08 PM

"Why are we here?" She askedGirl I don't even know huhu"Nothing" I replied

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"Why are we here?" She asked
Girl I don't even know huhu
"Nothing" I replied

Silence occurs for both of us, we are just staring at the sky not saying a single word, just enjoying the moment, but I have so many things to talk about I just can't say it to her because I'm kinda shy when we're alone together.

'trrrr trrr trrr'

Ugh, My phone again

"Hey babe, how are you? I started
"Hey baby, did I disturb you?"
"Um not really"
"Oh, just checking on you, did you have dinner?"
"Yeah I did"
"Can I call you back babe, I'm doing something right now, I'll call you back before sleeping okay?"

'that night, I didn't, I didn't call him back, I just went to bed immediately'

"Sorry I had to take that" I told Michelle
"No, it's fine, but I feel very sleepy right now-" I cut her sentence not wanting to hear more of her excuse, I know she felt really bored to spend the night with me, I know it, I can see it in her face.
"Oh yeah it's fine, you should go to sleep, it's getting late, good night" I said


"Hey, how are you?" Michelle trying to talk to me
"I'm good" I replied, I tried sounding angry. I don't know why I did that but I'm just disappointed on her last night because she didn't stay long enough with me, I know she's tired but,
"Oh ok" she said
"I'm good," I Heard her mock me, that was a really quiet whisper but one thing about me is I'm actually a good listener and I have a good hearing that's why I hear a lot of gossip
"What?" I made her really hear me, I tried to look very angry and I know when I'm angry I'm scary and it's very obvious
"Here, carry my things, just follow me anywhere I go, DON'T TRY DROPPING THEM!!" I said angrily trying to scare her and tried telling her to carry my bags, haha it's just an excuse, I'm lazy holding my bag and other things and also I'm not actually mad because she Mocked me
"Yes ma'am" When she said yes ma'am haha damn my eyes went wide

 I don't know why I did that but I'm just disappointed on her last night because she didn't stay long enough with me, I know she's tired but,"Oh ok" she said "I'm good," I Heard her mock me, that was a really quiet whisper but one thing about me i...

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And she got guts posting it and telling it to her fans in her broadcast channel


Last day rehearsing, preliminary is getting near that means the amount of time that we get to spend together is getting little, I'm sad and aslo excited because ugh, can't wait to bring home that crown.

Me and Michelle have been having a lot of fun lately and I really enjoyed her company.
I've been her admirer since I heard about her, she has really good face and I'm amazed how she speaks and does interview, and also her humor. I love her much.
Whoever is going to be her partner is going to be so lucky dating this amazing girl.

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