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It's our last day here in Mexico, we just arrived at the hotel after our work, Me and Anntonia have been busy doing our work so we didn't have time to spend alone time together.

"We should do live on Instagram again, our last live together" Anntonia said

As usual, we did the "get unready with us" live and talked about our day together. And of course, it's a short live cause we'll go pack our things and go back to our own lives.

"I'm gonna miss you" I told Anntonia
"Me too, I'm gonna miss you so much"
"Come here, I'm gonna give you something" Anntonia said
"Here" while handing me some jewelry
"This is my parting gift, for you, it's all yours"
"What? You can't give this to me, you used this during the pageant, I can't accept this."
"Yes you can"

Packing is hard when there is Anntonia Porsild existing, cuz I've been packing my things for almost 2 hours now, but I'm still not halfway of finishing it, she keeps bothering me and teases me which is very normal cause she's been doing that to me ever since we became close.

But I got really annoyed and started tickling her, she's begging me to stop cuz she can't breathe already haha my bad. So I stopped, I can't believe I fell for that trap, she ended up tickling me. She didn't stop even though I told her I can't breathe

"Stop, I can't breathe," I said, but I could still breathe, I was just telling her that to stop
"I know you're lying, I won't stop," she said

Suddenly my knees got weak and I ended up lying in bed, when she got on top of me, I couldn't feel anything, all I could see was her, all I could hear was her laugh, and my heart was beating so so fast.

"Ann, I can't breathe" I said quietly, I couldn't breathe because I could feel her, I could feel her body on top of me, the butterflies on my stomach were waking up, I hadn't felt anything like this before. I think I'm in love with Anntonia.

"Anntonia, I can't breathe," I said again
"Anntonia Porsild I.... I... I think I love you"
I'm surprised because of what I said, it just came out of my mouth.
I looked into her eyes after saying that, she's also shocked about it and she's still on top of me, didn't even try moving.
"Antonnia I love you," I said again

She started leaning on me closer and closer, and when our face was getting really close, I closed my eyes and kissed her and she kissed me back, SHE KISSED ME BACK holy moly.

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