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"Ladies, 5 Minutes before the show starts"

Preliminary is starting very soon, I don't know what to feel exactly, I feel nervous, excited, happy ugh.

The show started, I walked on the stage with a lot of confidence, very fierce. When it was already my turn to introduce at first I had thoughts about what if my voice started cracking.

"Michelle Marquez Dee, Filipinas"
After saying that I felt very proud, At that moment I knew, I'm gonna slay this competition, and thank god my voice didn't crack.

Many rounds have passed and now it's time for the national costume, I know this costume deserves to win, we gave our best in this and the details of this costume are really good, I don't see any reason for this not to win.

When I walked to that stage with my national costume, I felt very excited, and excited about people's comments about my national costume, I love how cute this costume is, a national costume that is an airplane. ha! Have you seen anything like that in this competition?

I really enjoyed the preliminary and now I feel very excited about the pageant

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I really enjoyed the preliminary and now I feel very excited about the pageant.

After the preliminary we went straight back to the hotel and rested, I couldn't even sleep, I kept thinking about how I slayed that preliminary competition haha.

Since I couldn't sleep I decided to use my phone and opened my social media to see what people's thoughts after preliminary.

I've seen a lot of hate but the love, it's overflowing, I've seen about Pordee also and that made me really happy.

We woke up a little early today because we have a lot to prepare for the big competition. We went to eat breakfast and I kept finding where Anntonia was sitting but I don't see any Anntonia here.
I didn't really think about it and just started eating my breakfast, when suddenly I felt the urge to look back without any reason and boom! I saw Anntonia.

"Hey," I said
"Hey, how are you?" She said
"I feel good, how about you?"
"Same as you haha, I also missed you, we didn't really have any interaction in preliminary, and also before that day before haha, we've been very busy."
"Oh yeah, I missed you too, I kinda hope that after the big pageant, we can hangout together"
"We can do that, that's a great idea"

And we talked about our plans after the competition, she invited me to Thailand and I also invited her to the Philippines.

I really hope we can meet again after the competition.

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