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Anntonia Porsild POV

"Love, can u get the plate over there?"
"Sure love, what are you cooking?" Michelle asked
"Pasta, you said you were craving some, so I thought I cook you some, here, enjoy," I said while handing the pasta to her.

"How was it?" I asked
"It's good hehe, thank you," she said and kissed my hand and forehead

Me and Michelle have been dating for 6 months already and we live happily together here in Switzerland.

We do fight sometimes but, we know how to understand each other.

There was a time before that we fought about what movie to watch.

"Love, what do you want to watch?" She asked me
"I wanna watch some romantic movies"
"Eh? I don't wanna watch that, can we watch horror instead?"
"You asked me, I said I wanna watch a romantic movie"
"Well, I don't want to watch that"

We went silent for a moment before I told her

"Fine, we'll watch horror"
"Yey, thanks love"

I stood up in the middle of the movie cause I didn't like how the movie was going, I stood up and went to our room expecting Michelle would go with me too, but I was in our bedroom 20 minutes already and she didn't even go here and she didn't even try to beg me to stay to watch the movie with her, I was so pissed off that I went out of our room stomping my feet and confront her.

She looked at me shocked and confused
"Really, Michelle? You're still watching that?"
"Huh? Why, love?" She said
"I'm so pissed off with you right now, first, you asked me what movie to watch and I said a romantic movie, but you don't want it, you just wanted to watch a horror movie, what's the point of even asking me? And then, I walked out of this room and went to our bedroom instead but you didn't even go with me, you just watched here" I said and rolled my eyes at her before walking back inside to our bedroom
"And Michelle, you'll sleep there outside, don't even knock at this door" I added before slamming the door and locking it.

She knocked at the door, begging to open it

"Ann, love, open it please, can we talk? I'm really sorry love, this won't happen again" she said

Of course, I waited for 2 hours before opening the door, jk hehe I opened the door after she said that, hehe I can't stand her, I feel bad for her.
She said sorry to me and we're good again hehe she even slept beside me hehe, of course, she's my girlfriend

I think that was our first fight? Haha, I don't know, All I know is I love her, she loves me, and we're happy. We could get married today if she would ask me to.

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