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It's the day, the day we're going to Mexico.

Me and Anntonia are inseparable, going to the airport and sitting beside each other on the plane even when we landed in Mexico we're still together, it's like we can't function without each other.

When we arrived at the hotel and asked for a room, turns out were roommates

"Michelle we're roommates" she said excitedly
" Come on, let's go let's go I wanna see our room" she added

We entered the room and when I saw the bed my eyes went wide cuz oh my god there is only one bed. Queen mattress.

We are going to sleep beside each other. Wahh and she seems pretty excited about it while I feel really nervous.

"Michelle put your bags and try laying here on the bed, ughh so soft"

I did what she told me to do, she's right, the bed is so soft it feels like you're sleeping on the softest feathers, sleeping must be nice here especially we'll be sleeping beside each other but I have to ask her first.

"There is only one bed here, are you okay sleeping together? Or I can just sleep on the couch."
"I am okay about it, are you okay about it? I can sleep on the couch if you want?
"Well I'm okay with it too haha guess no one is sleeping on the couch"

6:51 PM

Me and Anntonia are preparing for the event tonight, I'm already finished but she's still halfway, while waiting for her I just decided to play games on my phone.

"What are you doing?" She asked
"Playing games, why?"
"Why are you playing games? We have an event to go to"
"I'm already done, do you need my help?" I asked while chuckling at her, she's annoyed again haha
"Of course you're done. And I'm fine, I don't need help" she said while her eyebrows are meeting each other haha

7:00 PM

We are right on time arriving at the events venue.

We've meet here some Mexican businesses man's and learned a lot about them, but in the middle of the event I got bored while Anntonia is nowhere to be found, I really wanna go sleep right now but I can't, we still have to wait 3 hours for the event to finish, guess I'll have to wait.

12:27 AM

Finally we are about to go home, I greeted them all and I'm ready to go back to the hotel, while Anntonia is not yet finished greeting them, she always greets people just like the first time I saw her, greeting a lot of people like she is the owner of the hotel.

My feet are getting tired but I can't go back to the hotel without Anntonia cause she holds the key to our room.

"Ready to go?" Anntonia said
"Girl, I've been ready since 9PM"
She just laughed at me. Ehh.

When we arrived at our room, that's when we realized we haven't eaten a single food yet.

"Shoot, didn't we eat or not?" Anntonia asked.
"Nope, not a single food"
"We should order some food here, I just realized how hungry I am"
"Me too haha. Go order something good"
"What do you want?"
"Anything, but shouldn't we clean our make up first?" I asked her
"Yeah we should probably do that first" she said smiling at me
I like it when she do that haha it's making my heart melt.

"We should go live and update our fans about what's happening here while we get unready" Anntonia suggested
"Yeah, that's a great idea"

We shared a lot of our off cam moments with our fans and I've seen a lot of comments calling us mommy and daddy, which I find it cute and funny ahha it's like I already have childrens and a happy wife. She also put her head on my shoulders again, and I have to act unbothered even though I'm screaming inside. She really likes to do that, I like it when she does that.

Sadly we have to end our live, cuz we have to eat and sleep cuz we have morning tour tomorrow.

"Umm, the food is really good"
"Yeah it is, are you excited for tomorrow? She asked
"I am, it's my first time here"
"Me too but we have to wake up early tomorrow"
" Yeah, I guess I'll set a bunch of alarms" I said while I let out a small laugh

"How's your boyfriend by the way?" I asked
Of course I have to ask her about her boyfriend
"Hes fine"
"He didn't call you today, he always call you"
"You are such an observer, I told him that don't call me, if I have time I'll update you and call you"

"How is he as a boyfriend?"
"He's a good man, very gentleman, always putting me first, generous, good with kids, I love him so much and I love how our relationship is really healthy, we know how to respect each other. He's really good, I'm actually ready to marry him."
Woah I didn't expect the last sentence, why did I even ask her that even though I know when she answers that it will hurt me.
"Aww" was all I can say

"We need to get ready for bed, we have to wake up early tomorrow" Anntonia said

Sleeping beside her is making me harder to breathe and I can literally feel my heart bouncing.

I guess she's sleeping already but I still can't, when suddenly I felt her arm around my waist, that made my heart pound even more, when she pulled me closer to her suddenly I felt relaxed and found myself sleeping cozy with her arm around my body.

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