journal entry #2

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january 10th

hi, journal!

tonight is the night before tour and im so fucking excited!

of course, andy isn't coming along, which is sad, but we have a new addition! remember the guy i talked about meeting? well, that guy is our new drummer. his name is vinnie. he has to be the nicest and most gentle man i've ever met. my friends like him, most importantly, i like him. i like him like him. but i don't know if he likes me like that.

we had this great moment in the studio. i played him my song and he loved it. he opened up to me about his own relationship. we have a lot more in common than i thought and that makes everything so much better. WE ALMOST KISSED???? i swear to god, carson is my biggest opp. i can't prove it, but i know he did it on purpose. all those butterflies that people talk about? i felt them. A LOT of them.

i think the last time i felt shit like that was at the beginning of my relationship with j*stin.

the hardest part is that technically, im not allowed to date him. it's not written in stone or anything, but jules told me explicitly that i couldn't date him which sucks major ass.

what if he doesn't even like me like that??? that would be embarrassing as FUCK. maybe i'm reading into things too much. maybe he's just a really friendly guy. but you don't almost kiss your friends like that. maybe he does...? this is too fucking complicated. i should talk to marce about this tbh. i should ask her if she thinks he likes me bc i sure can't tell.

i know i like him tho. i could find a way to convince jules to let us date??? maybe?? but what if she's right about not dating him? what if we have a big falling out and it ruins everything? what if it's another justin situation?? i would not be able to handle that a second time. and i don't want to put the people in my life through my shit a second time.

um, i'm just hoping for the best. AND TOUR!! IM SO EXCITED. our first stop is boston. i'm very very excited for that bc the vibes there are so nice BUT it's gonna be cold as balls bro omfg. whatever. then we're hitting up philly, dc, miami....... then we go west coast, houston, las vegas, LA, san fran, then back to NYC for a two night show! gonna be tired asf but it's gonna be so worth it. i'm so fucking excited to meet fans n shit. i'm literally squealing just thinking about it.

everyone is coming over to my house first thing tmrw so it's easier for the tour bus driver to pick us up and hit the road. vinnie is gonna come over earlier so we can get everything set up for sabrina and hera. i'm so glad they get along. it would be so sucky if they didn't omg.

alright, it's like 11 i should go to sleep. i don't even know if i'll be able to fall asleep. i'm just oh wait vinnie texted me hold on LMFAO he said he can't fall asleep either. i guess i'll text him for a while... oh he's calling me now GOTTA GO JOURNAL I LUV YOU BYE


joy speaks!

i love haven shes so cute

i'm not gonna edit chapters like these bc it makes it more... authentic 😅

and the next chapter is definitely going to be something!!! haha!!! you'll LOVE it haha!!

you'll see in 2 days 🤣🤣🤣🤣

bye i love u <3


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