journal entry #3

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☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。༅JOURNAL ENTRY #3january 12th

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january 12th


i don't really know where to start. the last time i wrote in here, it was good news. now, not so much.

um, some stuff went down with vinnie i guess. i definitely wasn't fun to endure. at least i know for a fact that vinnie doesn't like me. it makes things easier.

it still hurts like a bitch, you know? i was thinking like... what if he's the one? what if he's the one for me? i might be slightly delusional, but fuck, it would've been great if i was right. but now i know! and it's okay that he doesn't like me. he's not obligated to of course. and it makes everything easier. like, getting into a relationship with a member of your band is risky business. J*STIN was a great!!! example!!! so yeah, i guess jules and axel were right. to stay away from vinnie.

i guess im just disappointed. if he didn't like me, he could just say it. HE'S the one who kissed ME. and he really didn't have to make the decision to have sex with his ex afterwords so.

i know im an insecure person sometimes. i was growing from that and i feel like this whole situation single-handedly set me back a few steps. did i do something wrong? am i not pretty enough? stephanie was really pretty. she embodies the beauty standard... i can see why he liked her. maybe there really is something wrong with me. when i think about it, im the common factor in all of my relationship problems. i can't seem to hold a relationship to save my life.

i think vinnie is a good guy. i think it's just me. maybe he doesn't like how sad my songs are. or that i'm slightly fucked up in the head. maybe it's how i look? it could be that.

maybe i'm just not good enough.

i'll give him space n shit because obviously he doesn't want to be around me. and that's okay! we'll keep our distance. i don't think that'll be hard on his part.

anyway yeah our first show was great.

i'm gonna go to sleep now.

- haven.

joy speaks!

why am i actually so sad for her


we have vinnie's pov next chapter i fear. that should be interesting lol!!

anywho!! bye <3


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