Chapter 16

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[Klaus is still wandering around the outskirts of the Bayou, looking for Cami and Mikael. He sees a rock soaked with blood outside the abandoned building, and frowns anxiously as he touches it, realizing it's Cami's blood. He sees a shovel nearby and breaks it in half before entering the building, where Mikael is holding Cami at knife-point. Cami is weakened by blood loss and is swaying on her feet, only still standing because Mikael is holding her up. Klaus becomes furious and points his handmade stake at Mikael threateningly.]
Klaus: You're gonna pay for hurting her. [Mikael carelessly lets go of Cami and drops her to the floor. Klaus watches, concerned for her.]
Mikael: Aw, how sweet. The cur whines for its bitch.
Everyone glared at Mikael.
[He holds Papa Tunde's blade in one hand, and the white oak stake in the other.]
Mikael: I'll be sure to drain the rest of her right in front of your eyes, just before you burn. [Furious, Klaus leaps a dozen feet into the air and lunges at him with his makeshift stake. He tackles Mikael, but they both quickly rise to their feet in defensive positions. Meanwhile, Davina and Kaleb/Kol have just arrived to the building in Kol's car. Inside, Mikael has pinned Klaus against the wall, and is struggling to stake Klaus in the chest. Cami starts to come to and sees the two fighting each other.]
Everyone is tense.
[Outside, Davina and Kol have finally parked, and Kol follows her as she rushes toward the building. Just as Klaus is about to be staked by Mikael, he fights back by kneeing Mikael in the gut and the face before the two begin to fight again. Klaus then tackles him, and the two bust through a concrete and brick wall into the next room. Davina is about to walk into the main room when Kol stops her.]
Kol: Wait! We need to do this together.
Davina: [shakes her head] I'm strong enough on my own.
"You are being cocky. It never ends well." Said Layla.
Kol: No, you're not. Listen, I know you don't trust me, and that's fair enough. But, the only way that we can do this is if we work together. [He grabs one of Davina's hands in his own, and holds out the other for her to take.]
Kol: You need to trust me. Alright? Take my hands. Take my power. Channel me. [In the next room, Cami struggles to pull herself to her feet while Mikael and Klaus continue to fight. She stands up weakly, just as Klaus kicks Mikael to the floor. He then straddles Mikael , and though he tries to stake Klaus while he's down, Klaus easily turns the stake on him, and musters up all his energy to break his grip to kill him.]
Klaus: [smirks] Not as weak as you remember, am I? [Klaus breaks the stake out of his grip and goes to stake him, but Mikael throws Tunde's blade at Cami, forcing Klaus to vamp-speed toward her and catch it before it stabs her in the face.]
"Hey! That was cheating!" Yelled Layla.
"What else he could do? He knew he would lose." Said Bella. Klaus smirked.
[This gives Mikael the opportunity he needs to steal the stake back. In the other room, Davina has grabbed Kol's hands and begins channeling his power for the spell.]
Davina&Kol: [chants] Mwen la bois. Donne m' la bois, la bois. [Suddenly, to Cami's horror, Mikael stabs Klaus in the chest with the white oak stake.]
People looks nervous.
"That's it! You are not leaving my sight! You always get into situations like this." Said Bella. Klaus rolled his eyes, but his lips twitched upwards.
[Outside, Davina and Kol chant the spell, as the wind whips around them.]
Davina&Kol: [chants] Mwen la bois. Donne m' la bois, la bois. [Mikael smirks as Klaus shrieks in pain and falls to the floor, and Cami shrieks in horror when she sees Klaus' face begin to desiccate.]
Cami: NO! [Mikael backhands her, which throws her backwards before she falls to the floor. Davina and Kol continue the spell. Mikael stares at Klaus' body, but becomes concerned when nothing happens. Cami cries in shock.]
Mikael: [growls] Why aren't you burning? If you were dead, it would burn. BURN! [Mikael senses Davina and Kaleb/Kol outside the room, and rushes to find them. Davina's struggling to continue the spell.]
Davina: [chants] Mwen la bois. Donne m' la bois, la bois-- [Davina is so overwhelmed by the force of the spell that she's forced to stop chanting.]
Davina: [frantic] I can't hold it!
Kol: Just trust me!
Everyone look nervous.
[Suddenly, Mikael appears out of nowhere and approaches them.]
Mikael: Is this your doing, little witch? Then you will undo it! Return the power to the stake! [Inside, Cami has crawled over to Klaus' body and stares at the stake in his chest. She grabs it and tries her hardest to pull the stake out, though it barely budges. Outside, Davina and Kaleb/Kol continue the spell. When Mikael comes near them, Davina lets go of one of Kol's hands and thrusts it toward Mikael, keeping him back with a pain infliction spell while continuing the spell to drain the power of the white oak stake. Meanwhile, Cami continues to try to remove the stake from Klaus' chest. Kol, wanting to defend Davina, lets go of her and lunges for Mikael, but he easily throws Kol across the room and against a chainlink fence. Unable to stop him magically without Kol's help, Mikael grabs onto Davina and starts to feed on her while she screams.]
Everyone glare at him.
[Finally, Cami removes the stake from Klaus' chest, and color starts to return to his skin. Mikael, having just fed on Davina, rushes back into the room and finds Cami bent over Klaus' body.]
Mikael: What do you think you're doing? [Cami sits up and turns, gripping the white oak stake tightly in her hand and pointing it at him.]
Cami: Stay the hell away from us! Or, I swear to God, I'll kill you myself.
"I like her spirit." Chuckled Bella.
"So do i." Said Klaus.
Mikael: [mildly impressed] You have a warrior's heart. Perhaps I'll keep it as a souvenir. [Mikael is about to grab Cami when Marcel appears out of nowhere and pulls him away from her. He then starts hitting Mikael over and over so quickly that he's too disoriented to fight back right away. Mikael eventually knocks Marcel flat on his back and grabs Klaus' makeshift stake to point it at Marcel's heart.]
Mikael: Now, ENOUGH! This night has been a long parade of fools. I'll enjoy killing every last one of you. [Klaus awakens with a gasp, and Cami bravely stands on her feet. Suddenly, Hayley arrives and throws a chain around Mikael's neck and yanks on it so hard it knocks him off of his feet.]
Hayley: Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it. [She hits him in the face with the chain, and Klaus, determined, jumps to his feet.]
"Wooohoo!" Cheered Layla.
"Beat his ass!" Yelled Bella. People looked at them amused.
[Hayley and Marcel rush over to him, and they're eventually joined by Davina. They all stand in tableau and smirk at him, knowing that they finally have the upper-hand.]
Klaus: It's over, Mikael. You're outnumbered. Are you going to beg for your miserable life?
Mikael: [laughs] You think having people makes you strong? It proves how weak you are. Come find me when you don't have fools, women and children fighting your battles. [He throws the scrap of wood at them and vamp-speeds away to heal. Klaus, looking relieved, just sighs.]
"If it doesn't make you strong than why did he ran?" Said amused Layla.
[Kaleb/Kol sits on the hood of his car while Davina checks his wounds, including a bruising laceration on his left temple.]
Davina: Are you okay?
Kol: Uh, a bit light-headed. Might have something to do with being knocked ass over teacup by dear old Dad. [After a moment, Marcel approaches them, ignoring Kaleb/Kol in favor of addressing Davina instead.]
Marcel: You are lucky to be alive, young lady. You wanna tell me what the hell you were thinking?
Davina: Can we not do this right now?
Marcel: [annoyed] Am I gonna embarrass you in front of your friend? [Marcel finally takes notice of Kaleb/Kol and stares at him suspiciously.]
Marcel: Who the hell is this guy, anyway?
Kaleb/Kol: Oh, we've gotta stop meeting like this, pal.
"Can you at least try to hide your identity?" Said Bella.
"Why should i?" Said Kol.
[Marcel gives him a confused look and is obviously still suspicious of him.]
Davina: He's my friend, and he's helping me.
Marcel: Helping you do what? Wage war on Klaus?
Davina: [angrily] I just saved Klaus' life!
Marcel: Yeah, from a psycho-vampire- hunter that you brought back to life--
Kaleb/Kol: [interrupts them] Alright, enough! [Marcel glares at him, which scares Kaleb/Kol enough that he starts to backpedal.]
Kaleb/Kol: Well, I--I think it's enough. [Marcel continues to glare at him] It should be enough. I mean, we're all friends here, aren't we?
People look at Kol amused, Marcel looks smug.
"Get that smugness off. I wasn't used to being mortal." Defended Kol.
[Marcel gives Davina a look that says, "Seriously?" but Davina just glares at him.]
Marcel: [to Davina] Just stay here 'til I get back. [Davina scowls and looks away] I'll handle Klaus. [Marcel walks back toward the building, leaving Davina and Kaleb/Kol by themselves.]
Kol: We should get out of here. Trust me, my brother's not the forgiving kind. Even if you did help out back there, his hatred and betrayal outweighs his sense of gratitude.
Everyone agreed with him.
Davina: I'm not afraid of him. [She pulls the white oak stake out of the inside of her jacket and shows it to him, causing Kol's eyes to widen in shock and horror.]
Kol: [incredulously] You out to get yourself killed?
"You are an idiot!" Said Bella bluntly.
Davina: I'm out to get even with Klaus. And, you're going to help me. [She hands him his car keys and smirks.]
Davina: But first, you're right-- let's get out of here. [Davina climbs into his car, and Kol hesitantly follows her.]
"Aww. You don't want to kill him." Said Bella.
"This shouldn't be a big deal." Cried Hayley.
"We are Mikaelsons, darling. If we don't want to kill each other, it's already an achivment." Said Bella.
[Inside, Klaus is tending to Cami's wounds. She looks pale and weak as she notices the stab wound in Klaus' chest that hasn't yet healed. Klaus winces, and takes her hand.]
Klaus: [gratefully] You pulled the stake out in the nick of time. A moment longer, and I would have been done for.
Cami: It's the least I could do for telling you not to kill that bastard the first chance you had.  
"She learns." Said Layla.
Klaus: [quietly] Well, he hurt you. For that alone, I will kill him. [He gently touches the bite marks on Cami's neck.]
Klaus: You know, in a thousand years, I think it's the first time I've seen him run.
Cami: He was still weak. [Before Klaus can say anything more, Hayley and Marcel enter the warehouse and join them, having heard their conversation with their vampire-hearing.]
Hayley: And, he knew he was outmatched.
Marcel: We checked the perimeter, and he's definitely gone.
Klaus: [sighs] I appreciate your assistance. [Marcel smiles.]
Hayley: Klaus, We have another problem...
"When do we not?" Said Kol.
[Vincent/Finn is kneeling in front of a sleeping Elijah, waving a hand in front of his face and Elijah's eyes are still open, as though he is catatonic.]
Finn: [unnerved] What'd you do to him?
Esther: I let him dream. [Finn continues to stare at Elijah, both horrified on his behalf and still happy to see him weak and vulnerable.]
Finn: That's... considerate of you. [He pats Elijah on the shoulder and stands up to join his mother at the table, still looking conflicted.]
"He is worried?" Asked surprised Bella.
Esther: I cannot lead him out of darkness by simply exposing him to the horrors of his past. I have to let him bask in his version of a better world to come. [Elijah's lip begins to twitch as we see his dream. He has just stopped feeding on Hayley, and looks at her for a moment. Hayley pants in pleasure, but Elijah is still hungry, and his eye veins darken as he begins to feed on her again. Hayley holds onto him tightly, letting him continue.]
Hayley blushes.
Esther: And by the time he wakes, he will know the only way to find peace is my way. [Esther watches Elijah dream, while Finn looks over at her, concerned.]

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