Chapter 58

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[Hayley's voicemail to Elijah is played in voiceover as the scene cuts between Hayley, Hope and Jackson preparing to leave their hide-out in the Bayou and Elijah at the compound. Unbeknownst to anyone, Klaus and Bella standing in the next room, listening as Elijah plays the voicemail on speaker.]
Hayley: [in voiceover] Elijah... I'm calling to say goodbye. Hope and I... we can't be part of your family anymore. All Hope's life, her family has tried to destroy her. That can't be my little girl's story.
"We did nothing to harm her! And Esther, Mikael and Dahlia aren't family!" Said Bella.
[Elijah is standing in the study, both looking devastated as they hear Hayley's voicemail. Behind them, Klaus and Bella sneak up and listen in from the hallway, becoming more and more angry the more of the message they hear.]
Hayley: [voiceover] Family is supposed to love you. Even if she is free of Dahlia's first-born curse, Hope would still be Klaus' daughter. She'd inherit a thousand years of enemies, all his anger and rage...
Klaus and Bella look like they want to kill her.
Hayley: I don't want Hope to be a Mikaelson, all the pain that comes with that name... She doesn't deserve that. [In the hallway, Klaus is near tears, and takes a deep breath to steady himself. Bella grabs his hand in support.]
Hayley: [voiceover] Elijah, I... [She sighs] Goodbye. [Elijah is near tears, and looks as though someone has just punched him in the stomach. Elijah sadly turns off his cell phone, while Klaus and Bella, now furious, leave the compound.]
[Dahlia is still in the tomb, where she is continuing to rub her fingers with the blood in a stone cauldron. After a moment, a still-weakened Klaus and Bellastumbles through the cemetery until they make it to Dahlia's hideout.]
Dahlia: [smiles] I knew you were the smartest of your siblings. There's no brute Viking blood in those veins. I'm glad to see you made the right decisions.
Bella: I never cared for Hayley. She reminds me of doppelgangers too much.
"I'm nothing like them." Said Hayley.
"Mhhm." Said Bella.
Klaus: But, you should know, the rest of my family will stand against us in defense of her.
Dahlia: [sighs] We will have to go through them. Are you prepared for that? [Klaus still pale with desiccation, limps toward her, glaring angrily.]
Klaus: They have more than earned everything that is to come.
Bella: [enraged] I never thought i would say it, but Elijah betrayed us! He will get what's coming for him, so will Jackson and Hayley and your prescious niece. They are all gonna pay!
Elijah and Hayley shared scared look.
Klaus: We need to hurry. Even now, Hayley is attempting to flee with my child. [Dahlia laughs and rubs her bloody fingers together before grabbing a bundle of what looks like lavender, which she uses to stir the bowl of blood.]
Dahlia: Mmm, don't worry. She won't get far tonight. [Dahlia has finished stirring the blood, which is now reflecting the sky of the Bayou in the bowl. Dahlia, Bella and Klaus look inside it and watch as the weather becomes more and more intense. Dahlia blows into the bowl, which causes a storm to begin in the Bayou. Klaus and Bella are visibly impressed by Dahlia's magic, and when she smiles happily at them, they return the smile.]
[Klaus and Bella are looking out the window of the bell tower at the pounding rain, while Dahlia paces impatiently behind them. Klaus's phone rings, but when he sees it's Cami, he ignores the call.]
Dahlia: My deadline has come and gone, and yet you bring me here.
Klaus: I find it fitting. This is where Freya plotted her own treachery.
Dahlia: When I granted you the strength to overcome that dagger's curse, I assumed you would thank me by taking swift and merciless action.
Klaus: Am I allowed to traipse around in this monsoon you created? [Dahlia rubs her hands together and blows on them, which seems to cause Klaus a momentary degree of pain.]
Dahlia: This storm is to stop you family from running with the child! So, I wonder... are you having second thoughts about standing against them? They are the family, after all, who left you here to rot. [Klaus turns to face her and scowls at Dahlia.]
Bella: There are no second thoughts.
Hayley and Elijah glared.
"You have no right to judge, you started it." Said Layla.
Dahlia: We struck a bargain for the benefit of your child, so that she would be delivered to me safely and be content by the presence of her father and aunt. Make no mistake-- I will take her-- with or without you.
Klaus: [smirks] Let me be clear about one thing, witch. [Dahlia rolls her eyes dramatically. Bella continues.]
Bella: You need us. We know my siblings better than anyone.
Klaus: Their strengths, their weaknesses. They are a powerful and determined lot!
Bella: Perhaps capable of evading you for the short year you have until your slumber begins anew!
"Ughh.. they are like real twins." Said Layla.
[Dahlia sighs in frustration, knowing that they're right.]
Klaus: You may well lose everything. But, we know how to vanquish those who stand against us, and that is exactly what we intend to do. [Dahlia sighs again and curls her hand into a fist, which reverses the spell that caused the storm. When Klaus and Bella notice the wind has died down, they smile.]
Dahlia: The storm has served its purpose. Now, enough delays. I will take what is owed to me, and if the mother resists, or attempts to run, I will kill her myself.
Klaus: I wouldn't worry about that. [He turns to leave] What we have planned for Hayley is far worse than death. [He and Bella leave the room together.]
Elijah and Hayley glare again. Bella rolls her eyes.
[It's morning the following day, and Elijah is at the compound, where he is explaining the plan to Marcel in the courtyard.]
Elijah: Until Niklaus and Bellatrix are found, you and I will scour the city.
Marcel: Assuming Klaus and Bella don't slaughter them. You know as well as I do they'll be on the warpath.
"Should have thought about that before daggering us." Said Bella.
"What about when you daggered them?" Said Freya.
"First of all, i never daggered them, the opposite i was the one who deactivated daggers, second, It's different." Said Bella.
"How is it different? That it was you daggered?" Said Hayley.
"No, it was different, because Klaus wouldn't be able to raise his daughter, i wouldn't be able to watch my niece grow up and all because of you and Elijah." Said Bella. Elijah looks down.
Marcel: Which again raises the question-- how in the hell are they even awake? [They pass Klaus' three paintings, which contain Norwegian soil and Mikael's ashes and are hung in the courtyard. They're about to walk up the stairs when the sound of Freya's voice stops them.]
Freya: It was Dahlia. This was all part of her plan. No doubt, she killed Aiden, hoping that the blame would fall on Klaus, the family would divide, and she could win Klaus and Bella to her cause.
Elijah: klaus and Bella would never align with Dahlia.
Freya: [patronizingly] You continue to defend them.
Elijah: He'd kill anyone who'd try to take his daughter.
Freya: Isn't it Hayley who's trying to take his daughter?
Elijah: [gruffly] Their daughter. Let's not forget that Dahlia is the true enemy here!
"Is she? Because it seems like they plan to do the same thing! Take Hope from her family! But difference is that Dahlia doesn't betray and is straight with her motives." Said Bella. Hayley glares at her.
"I was trying to protect my daughter!" Said Hayley.
"You are the one putting her in danger! Can't you see it?! You took out only people who had enough power to protect her- Klaus and mom- The Original Hybrid and Heretic. You left Hope in protection of some dogs who would be easily defeated by Elijah, who is Original vampire and learned fighting from Mikael. The same Mikael Dahlia mopped floor with. I mean did you really thought that someone as powerful as Dahlia would be stopped from finding Hope by simple locator block spell?! It didn't stop Esther and Freya and they are much less powerful than Dahlia. So are you really that idiot or are you doing that because Jackson asked you and you feel guilty for not loving him so you do everything he says?!" Said Layla.
"I love him!" Defended Hayley.
"But not enought! Not as much he loves you! Not as much as you love Elijah! And because of that you feel guilty! That's why you did every extremly stupid thing he suggested!" Said Layla. Hayley opened her mouth to say something, but Layla shut her up with magic, she did same with Elijah who was gonna scold her. Bella looked at Layla proudly.
Freya: [smiles fakely] How good, then, that I finished my spell. [Freya walks over to one of the three paintings, which is hung on an easel.]
Freya: The paint of his artwork, combined with my blood, will render Dahlia vulnerable. The moment she passes between these paintings-- [She gestures to the two other paintings, which are hung on the opposite walls]-- she will be mortal. [She pulls the small blade that Elijah gave her for Mikael's memorial out of her pocket and hands it to Elijah.]
Freya: You can kill her... using this.
Elijah: [surprised] Father's knife?
Freya: I thought it appropriate. [Elijah freezes in place when he senses something nearby.]
Elijah: [quietly] We have a visitor. [He vamp-speeds to the entrance, where he finds Gia standing there, waiting for him.]
"What is she doing there?!" Said Marcel.
Elijah: [sternly] You shouldn't be here.
Gia: [angrily] Marcel told me about Josephine. I wanna know who we need to kill.
Elijah: We don't need to kill anyone. [He walks toward the door to show her out] Leave here now, please. [Gia makes an angry face and groans before turning to face Elijah, jerking out of his grip when he tries to pull her toward the door.]
Gia: You know what, I am done taking orders from you. Who do you think you are?
Elijah: [frustrated] Now is not the time for this--
Gia: [cuts him off] --It never is!--
Elijah: --Nor is it the place. Now, believe me when I tell you, you can't be here. [He once again tries to pull her toward the door, but Gia once again breaks out of his grip and stays planted right where she's standing.]
Gia: Look, is this-- [She laughs bitterly]-- Is this your way of looking out for me? [Elijah sighs, clearly conflicted, and Gia looks frustrated.]
Gia: Whatever. Too bad I don't play guessing games. [She tries to shove past Elijah, but he stops her and kisses her passionately for a moment before finally pulling away.]
Elijah: You don't have to. [Gia looks at him in surprise] Go. [Seemingly satisfied for now, Gia walks toward the door. She turns back one last time to look at him, and Elijah looks desperate to keep her safe.]
Elijah: Please. [He nods at her reassuringly, so Gia sighs and leaves the compound without another word.]

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