Chapter 20

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[Elijah is dreaming that he is his teenaged self in the 10th century. He's chasing a young Klaus through the woods.]
Young Klaus: You cannot catch me, Elijah!
Young Elijah: You're getting faster, Klaus, but you are not yet fast enough! [Young Klaus giggles as he continues to run through the forest, his voice echoing through present-day Elijah's head.]
Mikaelsons watch it smiling.
"You were so cute." Said Bella and pintched Klaus's cheek.
"Do that again and i will rip your arm off!" Said Klaus glaring at her.
"Such a change." Said amused Layla.
[Suddenly, Young Klaus disappears, and Young Elijah stops in the middle of a small clearing.]
Young Elijah: Klaus? Niklaus? [He looks around him until an older, deeper voice calls out to him. It's present-day Elijah, his face and suit splattered in blood. Thunder and lightning crack above them.]
Adult Elijah: There you are. [Adult Elijah approaches Young Elijah, who is getting more scared by the moment.]
Adult Elijah: Do you understand? [Adult Elijah places his hand on the back of Young Elijah's head as his vampire-face comes out.]
Adult Elijah: One day, only a monster shall remain. [Frightened, Young Elijah grabs his hatchet from his waist, and though Adult Elijah dodges it at first, he's eventually hit in the shoulder.]
Peopel look at Elijah with sympathy.
[Elijah lays on his bed in the compound, still asleep as he was when he was rescued. He's breathing erratically, covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and his muscles are tense, as though he's being overwhelmed by fear. Klaus stands over him and talks to him, his voice echoing through Elijah's head. In Elijah's dream, he pulls the hatchet out of his shoulder, but Young Elijah runs away before he can catch him.]
Klaus: I know you are locked in battle, however deep in your mind our mother has set the stage. Hear my voice. [Elijah twitches anxiously in his sleep.]
"It's working." Said smiling Bella.
Klaus: Our mother thinks she will win because she has left you alone, but you are not alone. Let me in. [Klaus puts one hand on his head, and one hand on his chest, hoping to gain entry into Elijah's mind.]
"This time Klaus is the one saying it." Said Layla. Elijah smiled proudly at his brother.
[Elijah's body goes rigid as though he's been shocked and Elijah's muscles begin to seize and spasm painfully.]
Klaus: Let me help end whatever torment she has forced upon you. [Klaus' nose begins to bleed, and he gets glimpses of the dreams Elijah has been having. Klaus groans in pain as he continues to try to break through, but he's quickly ripped off of Elijah by Hayley.]
Hayley: [confused] What are you doing? [Klaus, startled, pants in an attempt to catch his breath as he wipes the blood from his nose.]
Klaus: I'm trying to enter Elijah's thoughts to wake him. [He gestures to Elijah, who is still sleeping fitfully.]
Klaus: Esther's locked me out. [Hayley walks over to Elijah, noticing a flower petal-shaped wound on his neck.]
Hayley: Is this rash a side effect of the witchy acid trip he's on? [Klaus frowns and returns to Elijah's bedside to examine the wound more carefully.]
Klaus: I haven't seen this since I was a child. Mikael would return home from battle more blindly temperamental than usual, and our mother would use the petals of a rare merlock orchid to put him to sleep. She would mend his mind with a spell, and then wake him with the roots of the same plant. [He turns to Hayley, looking hopeful.]
Klaus: If she has access to it now, then maybe it also grows in the Bayou. You stay here with your wolves and mind the fort.
Hayley: [rolls her eyes] I'd rather rip your mother's head off.
"And she would rather rip off yours, You're being impulsive and stupid." Said Bella.
Klaus: [looks at her seriously] Stay clear of her. I mean it, Hayley. She already got to you once. What would happen if Elijah were to wake and find you a victim of her madness?
"We would be in really big trouble." Said Bella.
Hayley: [reluctantly] I won't go after her. I promise. [Klaus looks at her for a moment before turning and leaving. Hayley turns back toward Elijah and approaches the bed to talk to him.]
Hayley: [quietly] I've learned a few things from your mother. I won't go after her. I'll go after everything that she loves.
"Now that's more smart. Just don't do it alone." Said Bella.
"I didn't." Said Hayley.
"Good girl." Said Bella. Hayley glared at her.
"Oh, sorry. Is only Elijah allowed to call you that?" Said Bella smirking. Now both Hayley and Elijah glared at her while others laughed.
[Davina is looking into a broken mirror as she performs a spell.]
Davina: [chants] Venez très connu cendre. Venez très connu cendre. [Kaleb/Kol walks out of the bathroom, having just showered, and watches as Davina's spell begins to repair the broken mirror. He approaches her and
leans in close.]
Kol: Still at it? [Davina is so startled that the mirror cracks in the corner again.]
Davina: [annoyed] I'm trying to repair the damage that you did to my de-linking spell!
Kol: Oh. [He looks down at the indestructible white oak stake on the table in front of her, and she snatches it away from him.]
Davina: The only reason I'm still shacked up in this dump motel with you is for your freaky witch- encyclopedia brain.
"Cute. I always loved enemies to lovers thropy." Said Bella while eating popcorn. Kol smirks, Davina rolls her eyes.
Kol: Okay. Well, here's a magical secret from the ancient legends of the Romani psychics-- SLEEP, Davina! You've been awake for days. [Davina starts anxiously packing up her things.]
Davina: Kind of hard to rest with a thousand-year-old psycho in the next bed.
Kol: [scoffs] You say that, I sound like a bit of a creeper!
Davina: [frustrated] Can you just stop?
Kol: Stop what, darling?
Davina: Calling me "darling," and trying to be funny, and-- [She's momentarily distracted when she sees that Kol's shirt is open, revealing his bare torso.]
"Like the view, huh?" Said Layla and nudged Davina. Davina blushed.
Bella looks amused.
Davina: --That. [Kol simply smirks and buttons up his shirt before walking toward her again.]
Kol: Oh! Well, most girls like this. But, then, you're not like most girls, are you?
"Oh, she definetly likes it." Said Layla. Davina looks jaelous.
Davina: What I'd like is for you to just stop messing around. [She continues packing up, and after a moment, Kol stops her.]
Kol: Okay, Davina. Alright. I have been trying to charm you. And your resistance is as impressive as it is baffling. But, there are things that we can do. Big things. [Davina looks at him warily] I can't share my secrets with you unless we trust each other.
Davina: I don't care about your secrets, Kaleb. Kol. [She becomes flustered] I don't even know what to call you!
Kol: Kol Mikaelson. And, if you want to take down Klaus without his sireline dying, well, then, you'd be a fool not to listen. [Suddenly, Kaleb begins to groan in pain and falls to his knees. Davina rushes over to him to find that there are symbols burned/carved into the skin of his forearm-- there are Norse runes that spell his name, and a triskelion.]
Davina: What's happening?
Kol: That's Mother Dearest, calling me home.
"Text would be just as effective." Said Bella.
"That's what i said!" Said Kol.
[Klaus is wandering around the Bayou, looking for the merlock orchids to awaken Elijah. As he walks through the forest, an unidentified man stands nearby with a knife in his hand. Eventually, Klaus, noticing the man's breathing and heart beats, vamp-speeds over to where Ansel has been watching him and pins him against a tree.]
Klaus: Stop following me. I have no intention of taking Esther's bargain, and no desire to be remade a mortal being. Now, kindly piss off. I'm in a hurry to help my real family. [Klaus stomps away, but stops when Ansel calls out to him.]
Ansel: You seek the merlock orchid. [Klaus turns toward Ansel and looks at him suspiciously.]
Klaus: How did you know that?
Ansel: I saw you carry Elijah home last night. Who do you think used to find the orchid for your mother to put Mikael to sleep? Without my help, you could search forever. [They stare at each other for a long moment, and Ansel smiles a small smile at his son.]
Klaus: My mother brought you back from the dead. My sense of strategy tells me that it wasn't to play a father-son game of hide and seek.
Bella smiles at Klaus reassuringly.
[Klaus once again turns away to search for the flower.]
Ansel: You can storm off in a fit of stubbornness if you like, but I suggest you do so toward the west. [Ansel gestures to his right, and Klaus stops for a moment, considering his options with a sigh.]
"Thanks god mine wasn't brought back!" Said Bella.

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