Chapter 25

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[It's nearly dark, now, and Elijah is sitting at his booth as the waitress from earlier slowly walks past him. After a moment, Bella walks into the restaurant, with Hope in her baby carrier, Hope is wearing:]

 After a moment, Bella walks into the restaurant, with Hope in her baby carrier, Hope is wearing:]

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"Writing is so true." Said Davina.
"I love all her outfits! They are best!" Said Layla.
"Of course they are, I chose them." Said Bella smirking.
[Elijah immediately stands when he sees her, and she smiles at him. When she makes it to the booth, she sets Hope's carrier on the table, and Elijah smiles widely as he gazes at her. He and his sister share a hug, before he focuses all his attention on his niece. Bella sits down while Elijah picks up Hope and holds her.]
Hayley and Klaus smile.
Elijah: [to Hope] Look at you. So big. So perfect.
Bella: [smiles] Mmm.
Elijah: I can't imagine the joy of spending every day with her. It's...
Bella: ...Quite lovely. It feels so peacefull.
Elijah: Yes... some would argue the most human of experiences. [Elijah continues to gaze at Hope, not noticing when Bella spots a smear of blood on the sleeve of his shirt and becomes worried.]
Elijah looks down.
[He notices her concern and misreads it.]
Elijah: You needn't worry. We're safe. [Bella licks her lips and puts on a fake smile before standing on her feet and grabbing Hope's blanket.]
Bella: Looks like this little one needs her diaper changed! [Elijah stands so he can hand Hope back to her.]
Bella: [to Hope] Here, princess. [She heads toward the bathroom across the restaurant. Bella's eyes widen in horror as she notices a smear of blood on the counter while she passes it. There's another bloody smear on the door to the kitchen. The waitress from earlier washes her hands at a nearby sink and has presumably been compelled to ignore the blood, because she does not seem bothered by it, nor does she seem to mind that Bella is about to enter the kitchen.]
Hayley looks horrified for her daughter.
[Bella gently kicks open the kitchen door and gasps when she enters sees a dozen bloodied bodies strewn around the room. She turns and shields Hope's face with her blanket to keep her from seeing any of the carnage. Elijah continues to stand near their table with his back to her, oblivious to Bella's discovery.]
[Klaus and Davina are facing off in the courtyard.]
Klaus: You forget yourself. You're not as powerful as you once were, Harvest girl.
Davina: [smirks] Doesn't mean I can't still kick your ass! [She thrusts her hand in front of her and telekinetically throws him across the room. His body flies through the closed double doors and breaks them, shattering them into broken pieces of wood and glass. She stops and confidently walks toward him, but when she gets to where he landed, he has disappeared. Suddenly, he vamp-speeds toward her and throws her down the hall. She screams as she flies toward a wall, hitting her head so hard her forehead starts to bleed as she rolls over and gets to her feet.]
"You realise he could kill you, right? He would rip out your heart if not for Marcel, Kol and me! You are playing with fire, darling and it'll get you burned one day." Said Bella.
"I'll protect her." Said Marcel.
"You will try." Corrected Bella. Marcel glared at her.
"You know i'm right. She should stop messing with things or she will share Bennet's fate. It's not a threat. It's foresight. Having witches in slavery, Reviving Mikael, having him as pet, pissing off Nik and attacking him. It's like she wants to get killed." Said Bella.
Klaus: Such hubris! And from one who bleeds so easily. [As Davina stands, she struggles to catch her breath, and starts to taunt Klaus.]
Davina: You talk such a big game, but you couldn't even kill Mikael when you had the chance! [She laughs darkly] He was right about you, you know? You're weak.
Klaus, Layla and Bella glare at her.
"You have no idea what it's like to be raised by abusive father and hear how weak, an abomination and waste of space you are EVERY SINGLE DAY so shut it!" Yelled Layla, glaring at Davina. Davina looked guilty. Bella looked at Layla sadly.
[Klaus loses his temper and vamp-speeds toward her. He grabs her by the hair and pulls her head back so he can bite her neck. She screams in pain, but after he drinks a couple gulps of her blood, he starts to choke and gasp until he eventually falls unconscious. Once he is incapacitated, Davina smirks in triumph.]
"See? she won." Said Marcel proudly.
"She than woke me up, because she needed me. Did she really win?" Said Klaus.
[After the break, Davina is still looking at Klaus' unconscious body when Kol sneaks up behind her, somehow freed from his manacles. He seems pleased to see her as he rubs his sore wrists and approaches her, taking note of the unconscious Klaus on the floor.]
Kol: It's impressive. What exactly did you do to him?
Davina: I channeled dark objects through my blood to poison him.
"Smart." Said Hayley.
[She notices he's no longer shackled and frowns in confusion.]
Davina: How did you get free?
Kol: Oh, it's a long story. Better question is, if he's not dead, then what are you gonna do when he recovers?
Davina: We have an hour, maybe less. Enough time to chain him, bleed him, dump him in the river.
"Wow. You are spending too much time with us." Said Bella.
Kol: [surprised] That's a bit harsh, isn't it?
Davina: Since when do you care what happens to Klaus? [Marcel suddenly awakens from his snapped neck with a loud gasp. He pulls himself to his feet and rubs his sore neck.]
Marcel: Kol is with us now. We're going to be going up against Esther, assuming Klaus is... upright. [Davina looks at Kol, confused and slightly betrayed.]
Kol: Look, Nik is a pain in the ass, but, well... she's a problem for us all.
Davina: [angrily] Klaus is the problem! I don't give a damn what happens to Esther.
"I understand why you hate Nik, but you have to stop doing things like this. One day he won't stop only because it would get me, Marcel and Kol upset." Said Bella.
[Cami arrives and joins the conversation.]
Cami: Yeah, well, I sure do. [She notices Klaus' unconscious body and looks horrified before turning back to Davina, Marcel, and Kol.]
Cami: [incredulously] Should I even ask? [Marcel shrugs and rolls his eyes toward Davina.]
Davina: Cami, you should go. It's not safe.
Cami: No kidding! I woke up with puncture wounds all up and down my spine and no idea how they got there. According to my uncle's files, they're part of this ancient spell, and I don't know about you guys, but when I see "ancient" and "spell" in the same sentence, I think Esther. [Davina looks at Cami with concern.]
[Cami is sitting on a couch, chugging a glass of water, while Davina and Kol examine the puncture wounds on her back. Marcel sits near her.]
Kol: That's Mom's work, all right. She must have wiped your memory.
Cami: Not the first time that's been done by a member of this family. What does it mean?
Kol: It's a byproduct of a... [He hesitates for a moment] ...preparation spell.
Davina: Preparation for what?
Kol: To make her a vessel. [Davina and Marcel both look horrified, and Cami looks confused and scared.]
Marcel: [to Cami] He means Esther prepared your body for someone to jump into.
Kol: Likely herself. I mean, knowing Mother.
"Why would she? I mean she took witch bodies before. She likes being a witch." Said Layla.
[Marcel looks at him suspiciously. Cami becomes overwhelmed.]
Cami: Where's Vincent? [Cami goes to the ballroom, where Finn is still hanging from his wrists by his manacles. She storms toward him and immediately smacks him across the face.]
Cami: Why me? Out of everyone in this city?
Finn: [weakly] Because you're perfect. Healthy, beautiful, smart... and alone. No one would question any personality changes. And, as I discovered from my sessions, Niklaus would never allow you to be harmed.
Cami: [furiously] Fix this. Do something to stop it.
Finn: [guiltily] I can't. Only my mother can.
"He liked Cami?" Asked surprised Layla. Bella shrugged.
Cami: I will step in front of a moving truck before I let your mother take over my body.
Finn: [confused] She wasn't preparing you for herself, Cami. She was preparing you for Bellatrix. [Cami's eyes widen in shock. She looks over toward Marcel, who is standing in the doorway.]
[Bellatrix finally comes out of the bathroom after changing Hope's diaper and returns to the table with Elijah. Hope begins to whine restlessly, alerting Elijah to their return. He stands to help her put Hope back into her carrier.]
Bella: Well, she is all sorted, and ready for an adventure! Aren't you, my love? [Elijah smiles and watches as Bella settles Hope into her seat.]
Elijah: It's difficult to believe we were this innocent once. [He sighs deeply] We mustn't let the world ever hurt her. [Bella comes up behind Elijah and watches him suspiciously as she rubs his arm.]
Bella: You're right. We mustn't. [She quickly grabs Elijah by the chin and snaps his neck, allowing him to fall to the floor, unconscious. She sighs and looks overwhelmed.]
"Always the problems." Sighted Bella.

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