Chapter 54

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[Elijah, Hayley, and Klaus are still arguing at the safe house.]
Klaus: Freya objected to us making a two weapon because it spoiled her plan. [Klaus is interrupted by the sound of Jackson's angry voice calling out from the entrance hall.]
Jackson: [furiously] KLAUS! [Hayley and Elijah turn to look at Jackson, who comes in with Aiden's body over his shoulder and another werewolf guard following behind him.]
Hayley: [confused] Jack?
Jackson: KLAUS! [At the sound, Bella comes down.]
Bella: What's happening? [Bella sees Aiden looks surprised.]
Hayley: [sees Aiden's body and looks horrified] Oh, my God. [Jackson and the other werewolf place Aiden's body on a table in the next room, and Klaus, Bella and Elijah follow Hayley in to investigate.]
Hayley: What happened?
Jackson: Klaus made Aiden spy on us. Instead, he told me everything-- [Jackson turns to Klaus and gives him a mutinous look]-- so you killed him! [Klaus looks at Aiden's body with a blank face, and Hayley looks at Klaus with a look of betrayal. Bella looks at Klaus, than Aiden.]
"You knew he didn't do it, didn't you?" Said Layla.
"Not Nik's style." Said Bella.
Hayley: You killed one of the wolves sworn to protect our daughter? [She, Jackson, and the other werewolf stare Klaus down, and Elijah looks at Klaus, not sure what to believe. Klaus looks upset for a brief moment, but then pushes it down and lies.]
Klaus: So what if I did? [He points at Aiden's body] This is what happens to anyone who dares cross me! [Bella shook her head.]
"You are making them against you, Nik." Said Bella.
Werewolf: [furious] Just give us the word, Jackson.
Klaus: [shouts] Yes! Come and have a go! But you'll be putting your life on the line for one who is all too willing to betray you. Perhaps this never would have happened if he'd had a real Alpha. [Jackson lunges for Klaus and punches him in the face, which is all the invitation Klaus needs to fight back with all his pent-up rage. He pushes Jackson backward into the other wolves who have come to defend their Alphas, and when Hayley vamp-speeds over to Klaus to get between them, Klaus punches Hayley in the stomach so hard she's thrown to the side. When Elijah sees Klaus strike Hayley, he jumps into the fray and lunges between Klaus and Jackson, pushing each of them backwards with an arm.]
Elijah: [to Jackson] Do you wish to die?
[Hayley, furious, vamp-speeds to her feet and shoves Elijah away from them.]
Hayley: You wanna kill me, too, Elijah?
"Seriously?! You are manipulating my brother's feeling for you?!" Said Bella.
[Elijah looks hurt and stands in front of Klaus, who looks pleased with this outcome.]
Elijah: If you come at him, you come at me.
Bella: Agreed.
Klaus: You lot should make better use of your time. I suggest burying your dead.
Hayley: [enraged] GET. OUT.
Elijah: Niklaus, you mentioned a plan. I recommend you begin. Hayley and Hope are safe for the time being and not going anywhere. [Klaus smirks smugly at Hayley and the werewolves.]
Klaus: [fake-whispers] Shan't be long.[Klaus turns and walks away, leaving Elijah alone with Hayley and Jackson. Bella follows him. Klaus and Bella are out off earshot.]
Bella: You didn't kill him.
Klaus: I did.
Bella: Pleaase. It's not your style. If you killed him, You would make a show out of it. [Klaus nodded in agreement.]
"He would." Agreed Kol.
Bella: Besides i can tell when you are lying.
[Jackson wraps the bracelet Davina spelled around Hope's wrist as she sleeps in her cradle and stares at her with worry. An exhausted Hayley finds him a moment later and comes to check on him. After a moment, she turns and walks over to Elijah, looking furious.]
Hayley: [angrily] Nice job today. First Klaus kills Aiden, and then you defend him?
Elijah: I was defending Hope.
Hayley: Yeah? Well, if that's true, then what happens now? Somehow, I don't think that Klaus is going to be able to save us.
Bella and Klaus glared at Hayley.
"Yet he did." Said Emma.
Elijah: He loves her. I love her. [Hayley gives him a desperate look and lowers her voice to a whisper.]
Hayley: Well, if you do, then let us leave.
Elijah: [whispers back] If you went to the Bayou, I can't protect you from Dahlia. Or Niklaus.
Hayley: We have a way to keep Hope from doing magic. Dahlia won't be able to track us down. [Elijah looks stunned by this admission.]
"And how long is it gonna work? Do you really think you can block Hope's magic forever?" Said Bella.
Hayley: Jackson knows every inch of the Bayou-- he can protect us. And, I know that Marcel will help us get out of the city. The only thing standing in our way is you.
"You think you can hide from Dahlia, Nik and me so easily?! Even if you dagger us. Don't you think Hope will want want to know her father or use her magic?" Said Bella.
"I was trying to protect her." Said Hayley.
"That's exactly what Esther said about Nik when he turned us and took Nik's wolf." Said Bella. Hayley winces and looks hurt.
"Bellatrix that's enough!" Said Elijah. Bella rolled her eyes.
"I'm saying facts. It's not my fault if it burns some of your asses." Said Bella looking at Elijah and then at Hayley.
Elijah: What are you asking me to do?[Hayley grabs Elijah's hand and squeezes it as she stares him in the eyes.]
Hayley: We can't run from Dahlia and hide from Klaus and Bella at the same time. You wanna protect us? Buy us some time. [Hayley turns and walks back over to see Jackson, leaving Elijah to consider his options.]
[Klaus has just arrived home when Cami, whose eyes are filled with tears, confronts him.]
Cami: Tell me you didn't do it. [Klaus stops dead in his tracks and sighs deeply.]
Cami: Tell me you didn't kill that sweet boy.
Klaus: Camille--
Cami: [cuts him off] They said you admitted it.
Klaus: [aggravated] Then why even come here? To see for yourself? Morbid curiosity? Another piece of the puzzle in your long-standing analysis of the immortal bastard? If I tell you who I am, and you refuse to believe me, then I can hardly be blamed for your disappointment.
"That was wise." Said Layla.
[Klaus storms away from her and walks into the courtyard. Cami follows him, looking upset.]
Cami: I wish I did believe you. [Klaus stops walking again and turns back to her, looking upset about this conversation.]
Cami: And, you know, maybe you were right. Maybe about everything. Even Freya! Maybe she's not what she seems. Maybe she is out to get you and twisting everyone against you, and maybe she is this terrible person. But, you know what she didn't do, Klaus? She didn't just kill Aiden! [Cami breaks down into tears.]
Cami: She didn't just murder an innocent guy.
Klaus: [frustrated] And neither did I!
"Not today." Said Davina.
[Cami looks so confused and overwhelmed that Klaus actually looks guilty for a moment. When Cami finally processes what he just said, she gasps in relief and confusion.]
Cami: What? Why did you tell them that you did?
Klaus: If I've spilled Crescent blood, then Hayley will be forced to question her pack's loyalty to Hope, and she will not run!
Cami: But if they don't protect her, then--
Klaus: [upset] Only I can save her! And I need them to fear me!
Cami: [sadly] Am I supposed to fear you, too?
Klaus: [quietly] It would be better for you if you did. To believe that I'm the monster they would paint me as. And then, when all this was past, I might find you and profess my innocence. And, because you're you, you'd believe me. And we would pass a perfect afternoon in a corner café together.
[He gently caresses Cami's cheek with his hand, and Cami sighs and closes her eyes, overwhelmed by her conflicting emotions.]
Klaus: And I would wish for nothing more. A better man would protect you with that lie, but I am not that man. [He starts to back away from her, and she looks hurt.]
Klaus: And so I leave you burdened with the truth that no one will believe. [Klaus rushes away from Cami, leaving her alone and confused in the courtyard.]
Bella sights.
[Later, Klaus comes into his art room to find Elijah already in there, looking out the window and holding one of his paintbrushes in his hand. After a moment of silence, Elijah lifts the paintbrush in the air.]
Elijah: You put them in the paint. Father's ashes, the earth from sacred ground, all hidden in plain sight.
"You are freaking genious and Elijah is even more genious for figuring it out." Said Layla with stars in her eyes.
Klaus: [unamused] What are you doing here? You're supposed to be guarding Hayley.
Elijah: [calmly] She's gone. She and Jackson took Hope, and you will not find them, brother.
"Unbleiveable! You are kidnapping his daughter?!" Said Bella to Elijah.
"She's my daughter, too." Said Hayley.
"She is also Klaus's so shut it before i shut you up, slut!" Said Bella glaring at Hayley.
"Don't call her that!" Yelled Elijah.
"You are such a fucking hypocrite Elijah!" Said angry Bella.
Klaus: [furious] You helped Hayley escape? With my daughter?
Elijah: Well, someone had to protect that child.
"We were protecting her and we did more than you did." Said Klaus.
"What did you do except sitting? Nothing. We made weapon and fought with her even if we lost. We did more than all of you combined to protect Hope!" Continued Bella and they glared at Elijah and Hayley.
[Klaus becomes so enraged that he vamp-speeds toward Elijah, shoving him backward until he is bent backward over the railing to the balcony overlooking the city.]
Klaus: [bellows] HOW DARE YOU? [Elijah grabs Klaus' arm, twists it and him around, and throws him back into his room, where he crashes into one of his tables. Klaus tackles Elijah and throws him backwards onto another table as he holds him down by the chest.]
Klaus: I'm a hybrid, Elijah. Why provoke a fight you cannot win? [Instead of replying, Elijah pulls the golden dagger out of his jacket pocket and shoves it into Klaus' heart.]
Klaus: AHHHHHHH! [Taking advantage of Klaus' distraction, Elijah pushes them both upright and shoves the rest of the dagger's blade into Klaus' chest. Klaus is so taken off-guard by this move that he has no time to fight back as the dagger begins to desiccate him. We see Bella desiccating in her room.]
"You daggered my mother?!" Screamed angry Layla.
"It's okay." Said Bella.
"No, it isn't. (To Elijah) You judge Klaus when you always participated in daggering Kol and now you daggered both mom and Klaus and still act like you are better brother, like nobel one? Let's face it! You are just as bad as Klaus if not worse!" Said angry Layla. Elijah looked hurt.
Elijah: For Hope. [As Klaus falls to his knees and becomes weaker, Freya walk into the room and watch him with blank expressions. Once Klaus is fully neutralized, his body laying gray and mottled on the floor, Elijah and Freya each look at each other nervously.]
"How did they even got the dagger?" Said Layla.
"Davina gave them after hearing about Aiden's death." Said Emma. Layla nodded.
[As Elijah walks out onto the balcony, looking horrified by what he's just done, the three hear the bell tower of St. Louis Cathedral playing Dahlia's tune to the city.]

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