Chapter 30

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[In the Delphine tomb, which is full of dozens and dozens of human skulls, Esther wakes up on the floor just in time to see Klaus toss a blood bag next to her. She groans as she tries to get her bearings, and Klaus crosses his arms as he smirks at her.]
Klaus: Hello, Mother.
Esther: [scared] What have you done?
Klaus: You-- who sold me to that butcher Mikael like I were nothing more than chattel-- ask me what I 
have done? [Esther sits up, her hands shaking nervously as Klaus walks toward her.]
Klaus: I've done what every good son does, Mother! I've followed the example of my parents. You taught me exactly how I should treat you.
"Ha! Suck it Esther." Said Bella.
"Not literally." Added Layla. Everyone looked at her weirded out.
[Esther looks around the tomb and clutches her chest, both confused and overwhelmed about what has happened to her.]
Klaus: You must be feeling a little twitchy right about now. It's what happens when you're in transition. [Esther licks her lips and takes notice of the blood bag on the floor next to her.]
Esther: [horrified] No... [When she starts to put the pieces together, she becomes angry.]
Esther: [gasps] That's not possible!
Klaus: Oh, but it is! You see, you might have thought you were one step ahead of us, but the truth is, Elijah was two ahead of you.
[Esther flashes back to earlier, when she, Kol, and Elijah were in the Lycée, talking about her deal.]
Kol: And when am I happiest, then, Mother? [Esther rolls her eyes and turns toward him.]
Esther: When you're doing as you're told!
"She clearly doesn't know you." Said Bella.
[While her back is turned, Elijah bites into his thumb and dribbles a sizable amount of his vampire blood into Esther's wine glass. Later, Esther takes a large sip of it after she and Elijah toast to their deal.]
[Esther is completely dumbfounded by this revelation.]
Esther: The wine?
Klaus: You died with vampire blood in your system. It's a delicious irony, because, as you know, you cannot be both witch and vampire. [Esther, horrified and overwhelmed, chokes back a sob.]
"Elijah, Nik, This was the perfect revenge! I love you!" Said Bella and hugged nearest one-Klaus. Klaus and Elijah looked amused.
Klaus: So, now, you can either be the thing that you hate the most, or you can be dead. [He walks out of the door of the crypt, but turns back one last time toward his mother.]
Klaus: Your choice. Which is more than you ever gave us. [Klaus leaves, and Esther starts to cry, sprawled out on the floor of the tomb. She reaches out toward the blood bag on the floor and pulls it toward her.]
"Nothing makes me happier than watching her suffer." Said Bella.
"Same." Said Klaus.
[Elijah's body has been laid in his coffin, which is in the room off of the courtyard. Klaus walk toward him and look at him sadly. After a moment, Kol joins him, and pulls out the white oak stake to return to Klaus.]
Kol: A promise is a promise. [Klaus smiles and takes the stake from Kol, relieved that he kept his word.]
[A young man suddenly awakens with a gasp on a bed inside the abandoned home. He looks at himself in the mirror for a moment, until he starts to hear screaming nearby and leaps off the bed to investigate. He runs down the stairs and toward the doors, desperately trying to break through, but they won't budge.]
Elijah: [groans] Let me out! [He continues to pound on the doors with no avail.]
Elijah: [furiously] Kol! [Maniacal laughter is heard nearby when he turns around.]
Elijah, Bella and Klaus glared at Kol. Kol ignored it.
[Bella picks up Hope and carries her into the kitchen. Hope is wearing:]
[Hayley is making breakfast and sees Hope and stops and goes toward her.]
Hayley: [to Hope] Hi, honey! Mama's here. Ooh! [Hayley takes Hope in her hand. Than sees writing on her shirt and chuckles.]
Hayley: Good outfit.
Bella: Of course, i chose it. [Hayley smiled.]
Klaus: [voiceover] It has been said that all love begins and ends with she who gave us life. A thousand years ago, my mother turned us into monsters. Yet, still, she claimed to love her children, even as she vowed to destroy us.
"Well... I don't question anything she does anymore. She's just crazy." Said Bella.
Klaus: The noble Elijah, tormented by long-buried, shameful secrets. Kol, the wily troublemaker, out for no one but himself. Finn, the devoted acolyte, his love all too easily walked by our mother's sick hate. Fierce Bella, willing to risk everything on the chance that this family may one day find happiness. And me, the bastard child. My mother's greatest shame. Now, finally, we have defeated her, giving her the choice she never thought to give us-- to live on as one of the monster's she created... [Klaus and Cami arrive at the safe house, where Klaus finishes up his story just as they both depart from their vehicle.]
Klaus: ...Or, suffer the slow, agonizing death she so deserves.
Cami: [confused] Um, congratulations, I guess? But, right now, I'm a little more worried about Finn... considering I totally stabbed him in the back.
"I like her." Said Layla.
Klaus: He won't find you here. This is the safest place you could possibly be. Come on! There's someone I want you to meet. [The two walk together toward the house while Klaus continues talking.]
Klaus: I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our family. The little troublemaker all the fuss has been about. [The door opens, and Hayley comes out on the porch with Hope in her arms as Klaus walks up the steps and joins her on the porch.]
Klaus: Camille, this is Hope. [Cami is absolutely stunned, and looks at Klaus and Hayley in confusion before turning her focus back on Hope.]
Cami: [shocked] Oh my god! But-- You said-- I thought she was--? [Klaus doesn't take his eyes off his daughter while he talks.]
Bella smiles at this little gesture.
Klaus: The only way to truly protect her was to convince the world of her death. [Hayley smiles kindly, but Klaus looks awkward as he turns back to Cami.]
Klaus: I hope you understand, once it is safe for you to leave here, this secret cannot leave with you. [Cami, clearly happy at this revelation, nods in understanding and smiles at her with tears in her eyes before she walks past him to see Hope for herself. Hope grabs her finger and coos at her, and Cami and Hayley both giggle.]
Cami: Oh, she's perfect!
"She is." Said Hayley. Everyone agreed.
[Inside the house, Klaus, Hayley, Cami, and Bella are brainstorming their next move.]
Klaus: Now that we've entombed our mother, I intend to finish making the city safe for Hope. Which, to start, means dealing with the lingering problem of Finn.
Cami: [sighs] Oh, once he figures out what you've done to your mother, he's gonna go off the deep end.
Klaus: That's exactly why we need to keep you out of harm's way. Hayley and I will return home and take care of my wayward brother. Bella will remain here with you.
Bella: But i haven't see Kol since he came back.
Kol smiled at Bella.
Klaus: Finn will probably keep trying to find you and my daugher still needs protection. You will stay here. [Bella sighted and nodded.]
Klaus: Now, if you excuse me, I best be on my way! Elijah should have already woken up in the body of John Barker. Once he has cut the ties of Mister Barker's former life, he'll make his way directly here. [He smiles] You should expect him shortly. (To cami) It's good you are here, because Elijah has been suffering after effects of mother's torture.
Elijah looks offended.
[Klaus leaves for New Orleans, leaving Bella and Cami alone in the safe house with Hope.]

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