Chapter 60

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*Unfortunetly, chapters mixed up a little. This is 60 chapter, so don't read if you aren't there.*

[Elijah gets in a defensive position and vamps-out, hissing and baring his fangs at his brother.]
Klaus: Is that a hint of the fabled beast behind the red door? [Elijah continues to glare at him] Come on, brother-- let him out to play. [Elijah leaps toward him and punches him forcefully in the head, but Klaus easily spins and wraps an arm around him, quickly stabbing him in the heart with Papa Tunde's blade before Elijah can react.]
Klaus: You should know better than to fight me in anger, for my anger is unending.
"Kind of has a point." Said Layla.
[Elijah tries his best to break out of Klaus' grip, but he's quickly overwhelmed by the excruciating pain of the cursed blade and screams in agony as the blade magically embeds itself in his chest.]
Elijah: [bellows] UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. AHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHH! [Bella looks away. Suddenly, Cami enters the courtyard, and is both stunned and horrified to see Klaus neutralizing his brother with the blade. Klaus looks momentarily ashamed at the sight of her before pushing it down and regaining his appearance of evilness.]
Cami: Klaus! [Klaus and Bella give her an annoyed look and Klaus drops Elijah's body on the ground.]
Klaus: You shouldn't have come here, Camille.
Cami: [determinedly] I came here because you need me. [She walks toward him despite the violent behavior she just witnessed.]
Cami: You need me to tell you that this? This is not you. And I know you are hurt, but please listen to me.
Bella: And what justifies what they did? They tried to take Hope. They are no better than Dahlia. [Dahlia, having neutralizing Freya for the time being, joins Klaus, Bella and Cami in the courtyard.]
Cami: You are better than this. [Bella rolls her eyes.]
Bella: Why are all my brothers' lovers annoying?!
Layla chuckled. Kol caughed.
"Except Kol's of course." Said Bella. Kol smirked. Davina smiled.
Dahlia: [rolls her eyes] Is there a problem?
Klaus: Not at all. Just another victim.[Klaus starts to walk toward Cami, but she stands her ground.]
Cami: No, Klaus. I know you won't hurt me. I've known that from the second we met.
"Brave." Said Layla.
[Klaus finally stops walking when they standing are face-to-face.]
Cami: [sighs] I trust you. [Klaus caresses her cheek with his hand before speaking.]
Klaus: Then you're already lost. [Klaus lunges forward and sinks his fangs into her neck while Dahlia watches.]
Cami: AHHH! Ahhh! [After a long moment, Klaus stops feeding and releases Cami, who is now unconscious, before dropping her onto the floor.]
[Jackson is still inside the main building, where he's checking the string on his bow. After a moment, Hayley comes to check on him.]
Hayley: What about Alaska? [Jackson thinks for a moment, and then smiles and shrugs.]
Jackson: I could live in Alaska!
"I could kill him in Alaska!" Said Klaus. Bella chuckled. Hayley glared which got ignored by Klaus and Bella.
[Suddenly, they're cut off by the sound of one of the wolves screaming in agony outside, which startles them so much that they both jump. Hayley, Jackson, and some others wolves run to see what has happened, only to find Klaus, who rips the wolves' throat out with his own fingernails and Bella who snaped every wolf's neck around. Hayley is horrified, which only makes Klaus and Bella more satisfied.]
Klaus: Good evening, Crescents. It will come as no surprise to learn that things will not be ending well for you. [Jackson, looking anxious, steps in front of Hayley before calling back to her, though he doesn't take his eyes off of Klaus.]
Jackson: [whispers] Go back inside. Get Hope and Mary out of here.
Hayley: I can help you!
Jackson: [sternly] I'll be right behind you.
"Heroic, but stupid." Said Layla.
Hayley: [frowns] Jack...
Jackson: Just get hope, and run. [Hayley looks reluctant to leave him behind, but after a moment, she vamp-speeds away. Jackson gulps nervously before addressing the other wolves, who have no surrounded Klaus.]
Jackson: Let's take him! [After the break, Klaus and the wolves are in a vicious fight. Bella grabs one of the wolves and shoves his head through a glass window, which shatters upon impact with his skull. Klaus shoves another into the tree, but is quickly grabbed by other, who holds onto Klaus so that Jackson can hit him with an arrow, which lodges into his chest. Bella angrily chops off the werewolf head while Klaus pulls the arrow out and gives Jackson a pitying look.]
Hayley glares at Klaus and Bella.
"It's your own fault." Said Bella. Hayley glared at her, but didn't say anything.
Klaus: [incredulously] You think you can defeat us with your toys?
Jackson: We're just getting warmed up.
Bella: [amused] So are we.
Klaus: [chuckles] So, Hayley runs, and you hold the line. How valiant. Not too bright, though. You do remember our last, somewhat-one-sided altercation?
Jackson: This ain't gonna be like last time. [Jackson flashes his yellow eyes at Klaus.]
Bella: You are right. Because this time i'm fighting with him.
Klaus: Don't you dare! This is my fight. You find Hayley.
Bella: [rolls her eyes] Fine. [Inside the building, Hayley has just met up with Mary and Hope and explained their current situation.]
Mary: What about Jack?
Hayley: He and the others will meet us up the road. [Hayley is suddenly distracted by the sight of Mary's lantern full of Solomon seal and snapdragon, which is currently producing red smoke.]
Hayley: [gasps] Oh! It's her. Dahlia.
Mary: All the more reason to go. [Hayley, completely overwhelmed, starts to cry.]
Hayley: No. I'm not gonna teach my daughter that it's okay to leave the ones you love to die.
"Oh really? Aren't you making her leave her family exactly right now?" Said Layla.
[She hands Hope to Mary and looks at her daughter sadly] 
Hayley: Take her, and get her as far away from here as you can. [Hayley bends over to look at Hope one last time.]
Hayley: [to Hope] It's okay. It's okay, baby. Mama's gonna catch up with you real quick, okay?
Mary: [concerned] What about you?
Hayley: I'm gonna rip that bitch apart.
[Klaus is yelling at the top of his lungs as he continues to fight against Jackson and the werewolves.]
Klaus: AHH! [Various wolves lunge at him and attempt to tackle him, but Klaus just punches and kicks until they fall to the ground. Jackson rushes up behind him and punches him several times in the stomach and face until Klaus backhands him so hard that he flies backwards.]
Klaus: [amused] Ah, you have gotten stronger! I reckon you've gone from a field mouse to a lapdog.
Kol and Bella chuckle.
Jackson: [glares at him] Come on, then.
[Jackson braces himself for a fight, but before either of them can make a move, Hayley vamp-speeds toward them, Bella grabs her by the hair and throws her at tree. Bella and Hayley start fighting each other, and when Jackson tries to join in to help her, Klaus vampspeeds toward him and kicks him in the stomach and knock him flat on his back on the ground. Klaus starts kicking Jackson while Bella throws Hayley so hard that She's both thrown several yards away. Before they can return to fighting, Dahlia arrives and breaks them up before standing at Klaus' side.]
Dahlia: Enough! [Bella joins them. Hayley looks at Klaus, Bella and Dahlia together before she realizes what is going on.]
Hayley: Why is she with you, Klaus?
Dahlia: Unlike some, he's doing what is best for his daughter.
Hayley: [enraged] I'm gonna skin you alive! [Hayley lunges for Dahlia, but when Dahlia raises her arms and closes her eyes, Hayley's bones start to snap, and she's forced to fall onto the ground. After a moment, Jackson is affected by the spell as well, along with all of the other werewolves.]
Hayley: [horrified] What are you doing to us?
Bella: Oh, this? This was Nik's idea and i really liked it. Perfect punishment for a bitch like you. We stole from Marcel the Crescent curse he once used on your pack. Now because of you your whole pack will pay. (Tutted) such a terrible fate. [Bella cackled evily.]
"You're scary." Said Layla.
"Thanks, love." Said Bella.
Klaus: And Dahlia was all too happy to make the necessary adjustments to accommodate your hybrid nature. [He crouches down in front of Hayley, whose bones are snapping, and whose fangs are coming out involuntarily, just like all of her fellow wolves] Now, you will be trapped in wolf form, save for the full moon, leaving you very little time to cause any further mischief. [Hayley and Jackson continue transforming painfully on the floor.]
Klaus: And, because of the Unification ritual linking you to your pack, now they will share your fate, Queen.
Hayley glared at them. They ignored it.
[Hayley and Jackson scream in pain as their bones snap painfully. Meanwhile, on the road, Mary and Hope are in the car, driving away from the junkyard, when Mary begins to painfully transform into her wolf form as well. She's forced to pull over before she jumps out of the car and falls to the ground, leaving Hope alone in her car seat.]
Mary: Ah! Oh! Oh! Oh, God! [Back at the junkyard, Hayley is trying to plead with Klaus despite her agonizing pain.]
Hayley: Please. Please don't do this. She's gonna steal our baby.
Klaus: [angrily] It was you who tried to steal my child. And, for that, you will suffer.
"Actions and consecuences." Said Bella.
[Hayley and Jackson are overwhelmed by their transformations and finally begin to shift into their wolf forms, growing fur and claws and the rest of their fangs.]

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