Chapter 19

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[Oliver and Hayley are hiding behind a crypt when suddenly, Aiden arrives, leading another group of werewolves.]
Aiden: Come out! We know you're here.[Hayley looks over at Oliver, who is bracing himself against the wall, before walking out into the aisle to face them.]
Hayley: Why don't you just let us go and we can call it a day? [Hayley gives Aiden a significant look, but he seems torn.]
Aiden: No, I don't think so.
Hayley: [annoyed] Then we do this the hard way. [The werewolves brace for a fight, but Oliver staggers over to Hayley before anyone can move.]
Oliver: You idiots! You're lining up to fight a hybrid? For what? So you can kill me? All because some witch gave an order? I know I ain't innocent, but I never lost sight of what I was fighting for! We were gonna be a pack! But now? [He steps toward them] We're turning on each other! Killing your own people? We do that, we're nothing.
"He did the same." Said Davina.
"And he regrets it." Said Hayley.
[Oliver and Hayley tense in case they start a fight, but Aiden waits a moment before clearing a path so Hayley and Oliver can leave without violence. Elsewhere in the cemetery, Klaus has arrived to rescue Elijah. Suddenly, Klaus hears the sounds of fighting nearby and goes to investigate. Ansel is still mowing down werewolves with his sword in front of the Lycée when Klaus vamp-speeds behind one of the werewolves and snaps his neck. Ansel holds his sword up until he sees that it is Klaus. Klaus is shocked to see him.]
Klaus: You. [Klaus flashes back to when he found Ansel killed by Mikael.]
Ansel: [stunned] Niklaus?
Klaus: [panics] No, no! You're not real!
Ansel: Niklaus!
Klaus: NO! You're a phantom, conjured by Esther, that's all that you are! [He brushes past Ansel and stomps toward the Lycée.]
Bella side hugs Klaus.
Klaus: Mother! Stop this charade! I know that thing is not real! [Ansel, confused yet pleased to see his son, approaches Klaus carefully.]
Ansel: Look at me, Niklaus. [Klaus, frightened, slowly turns toward him.]
Ansel: I am flesh and blood. Your flesh and blood.
Klaus: You've been dead a thousand years!
Ansel: And through that time, I lingered on the Other Side, watching you let the world fall apart, until I woke, four moons past, in the land of wolves like myself.
Klaus: No. No! No, you're just in my head. You're an illusion, meant by my mother to sway me to accept her bargain!
Ansel: [confused] I do not speak for Esther. I know nothing of her bargains. [He walks toward Klaus] But you are my son.
"He should have thought about that before. Now Nik is 1000 years old, he doesn't need a father!" Said Bella. Klaus is looking at scene with pain.
[He reaches to caress Klaus' face, but Klaus grabs his arm before he can so he can see the crescent moon tattoo on his forearm. The sight of it causes Klaus to flash back once more to when he found Ansel's body after Mikael had killed him. In the present day, Ansel looks at Klaus curiously.]
Klaus: And, if what you say is real, you are nothing to me. For all I care, you can crawl back to hell. [Ansel looks hurt as Klaus vamp-speeds away.]
"He has audicity to look hurt?" Scoffed Bella.
[Klaus has finally made it into the lycée, where he finds Elijah still bound in chains and unconscious. He spots the poppet that binds the spell that keeps the chains from being broken, and quickly rips down the chains. Elijah falls into his arms, so Klaus sets him down on the floor so he can try to wake him.]
Klaus: Wake up, brother. Elijah. [Suddenly, Lenore/Esther appears behind him.]
Esther: He won't wake. Not yet. Which gives you and I one last chance to discuss my offer.
"Can't she just go away?" Said annoyed Layla.
[Klaus is furious, and gently lays Elijah onto the ground to break the cuffs off his wrists.]
Klaus: You promised me Elijah's safe return. Or, was that a lie, just like that ghoulish atrocity outside claiming to be my father, back from the dead?
Esther: Your father's return is real. I pulled him from the Other Side before it collapsed, left him in the Bayou to join the wolves. And, I used the execution of one of his own to draw him here, where I knew he'd find you.
Klaus: [enraged] To what end? Besides my torment?
Esther: I brought him here to be the father you never had. To teach you to be the man you always longed to be. Once you are remade as a werewolf, you can join him.
"He's already a man. He's thousand years old. I think Ansel's little late, for like... 10 CENTURIES!" Said Bella.
[Klaus, furious, stands to his feet and walks toward her.]
Klaus: [scowls] His return changes nothing.
Esther: It changes everything. It is my gift to you, Niklaus. This offer is your last chance at salvation. Reject me now, and you will live out your endless days unloved and alone. Do not refuse me out of some ancient spite--
Klaus: [interrupts her] Not spite. Hatred. A pure and perfect hatred that's greater now than the day I first took your life!
Esther: [frustrated] Why, after all I've done to explain to you, why must you persist-- [Klaus completely loses his temper and grabs her in a choke-hold, slamming her head against the stone wall as he pins her down.]
"Is she getting flashbacks?" Joked Layla.
"Not the time." Said Hayley.
Esther: [struggles to breathe] You... don't... understand!
Klaus: MY. CHILD!
Esther: [gasps] Niklaus! I had to! [She lifts up two fingers, causing Klaus to experience a nosebleed similar to the one she gave Kol. Still, he grips her throat even harder, and she whimpers in pain.]
Klaus: You declared war when you came after my family. And, for that, I will make you suffer as only I can. [He smirks through the blood pouring from his nose.]
Klaus: After all, I am my mother's son.
"Go, Nik!" Cheered Bella. Klaus smiled.
[He throws her down onto the floor, where she struggles to catch her breath. Klaus rushes over to Elijah, picking him up and carrying him out of the crypt. Esther backs up and leans against the wall before she's transported into a flashback.]
[Young Esther is standing in front of her sister Dahlia, who is gripping onto Freya's arm. Esther is upset, and Finn clutches her side.]
Esther: Please, do not do this!
Dahlia: You wanted a family! Fate said otherwise, and so you came to me. And, for a price, I granted your wish. [She pulls on Freya's arm in emphasis] Now, I must collect.
Esther: When Mikael returns from his journey, I swear--
Dahlia: You will tell him Freya grew ill and died!
Esther: [in tears] No, Dahlia!
Dahlia: You were forced to burn her body to stop the spread of plague.
Esther: Sister, please, I cannot give up my child!
Dahlia: You've already offered me more than just this one child! Our bargain was for this first-born, and every first-born of each generation that is to come, for as long as your line shall last.
People glare at Esther.
Esther: [furious] If you do this, if you take my daughter, I swear to you, I will return to the black arts. I will grow in power as a witch, and I will MAKE YOU PAY!
Dahlia: Your power is nothing against mine! Foolish girl. You knew the bargain you made! And, should you defy me, then I will take all your children. Including little Finn! [Finn starts to cry, and Dahlia gestures to Esther's pregnant body.]
Dahlia: Even unborn Elijah!
Esther: [devastated] No, Dahlia! [Dahlia angrily picks up Freya and rushes away from them. Freya becomes frightened.]
Esther: No!
Freya: Mommyyyyyy!
Esther: Dahlia! Freya, please!
Freya: MOMMYYYY! [Freya continues to scream, and Esther breaks down in tears as Dahlia leaves with her.]
Mikaelsons look sad and betrayed.

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