Battle of Azur Lane

911 16 3

One explosion... all it took was one explosion and I was sent through a wall. Everything hurts as I feel my bones shift back into place. I come to, seeing my love standing over me making sure I'm still breathing, she sighs in relief as she sees my eyes open.

We need to get everyone ready to fight, whatever decided to blow up the base really made me mad. I stand up, now even more pissed realizing my suit is torn.

"Darlin? You mind grabbing my riot armor kindly? I am quite pissed at whoever decided to attack us."

She simply nodded and summoned my armor, I go to a nearby closest to change into it. Coming out I see Valentina issuing orders.

"Commander! I'm going to go outside and beat the ever living shit out of whoever ruined my day. Get everyone in place I'll buy some time."

The commander wanted to protest but seeing me in my armor, wielding my halberd and pistol, and seeing my rigging snarl and bite the air in anger she let me go. As I run through the hallways I'm stopped by someone

"Kaiser love, I have a gift for you." I hear from behind, I turn seeing Kaiserin holding a gun case.

"Oh? And what would that be? Only gift I see is you darlin." She giggled and opened the case

In it I see two of the most advanced weapons imaginable, one seems to be a rifle and the other? Oh boy the other is a shoulder fired launcher!

In it I see two of the most advanced weapons imaginable, one seems to be a rifle and the other? Oh boy the other is a shoulder fired launcher!

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"Ahahahah! You musta known it was my birthday! What's the ammunition?"

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"Ahahahah! You musta known it was my birthday! What's the ammunition?"

I can't help but be giddy, I've always loved weapons. As I'm holding the rifle it moves on its own, seemingly fitting to my hand size.

"It runs on your fire powers. You can make plasma yes? Just feed the plasma into the chamber and your ready to fire. Be warned it doesn't reload but overheats quickly." She says as she straps the launcher to my rigging, allowing ease of access.

I nod in understanding... hmm but the design ain't my style.. I pour my power into the gun, watching the metal warp and melt, it turns black and the blue turns purple. Along the side are engravings. Beautiful.

(A/N the engravings that appeared)

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(A/N the engravings that appeared)

She looks at me surprised, guessing she didn't know I could do this. Finally she hands me a vial of a purple liquid

"And finally this, this is a serum we made to genetically alter us at our will. For you it will work once and give you the ability to change yourself, give or subtract an ability at your desire. Please be careful Love." She said as she kissed me

"I will don't worry. Ain't no way in hell I'm leaving you so soon."

I pop the top off the vial and down It. It burns like whiskey minus the buzz. But I have a plan on what to do.

I hug her one last time and start walking towards the outside, hearing shouting from some familiar voices, and some unfamiliar.


???2 "Sister calm down please! You must not let your anger cloud you."

???3 "Please listen to your Sister Akagi, we need to win this not let our emotions cloud our judgement."

Akagi: "Fine.. but if you see that male ship he's mine."

Huh guess they really want me. Time to make an entrance and I think I'll start with my missiles, aiming at those siren ships.

I load my missile racks, no need for WMDs at the moment, I take aim at 6 siren ships, 3 destroyers and 3 battleships. Easy.

I fire my missiles and with a loud screech they soar through the air all the while catching the attention of the sisters and the unknown ship.

Kaga: "Bismarck?? Why are Ironbloods firing at our siren ships?!"

Bismarck: "Those are not iron blood missiles! Brace for impact!"

All you hear and see is 6 massive balls of fire, the battlefield grinds to a halt, the Ship girls get out here soon enough and all the enemies eyes are on me. Can't help myself but speak up.

"Well howdy there! If it isn't Kaga and Akagi. Seems you healed from our fight, as you can see I'm not much worse for wear." I laughed as I looked at them, seeing the brown haired Kitsune glare at me. I turn to the third female and ask

"Und wer könntest du sein? Ich nehme an, du bist hier, um zu kämpfen? (And who could you be? I assume you're here to fight?"

I ask her, knowing her native language. She seemed taken back by me knowing German, but responded to me none the less.

"Ich bin Bismarck, und ich bin tatsächlich hier, um zu kämpfen. Wer bist du nun? (I am Bismarck, and I am actually here to fight. Who are you now?)" she asked with a suspicious glare.

"Ha! Well my name is Kaiser! Good to meet you Bismarck but you see? Your attacking my base, my friend and family. I would highly suggest you leave, I'm not in a good mood right now." Gamma starts to roar and looks impatient.

"Hmm.. Good to meet you too Kaiser but we must fight. I don't think we will run, last I heard you nearly died from a duel. We outnumber you."
She said confidently.

Never underestimate your opponent in battle Herr Bismarck.

I whistle loud as I can, confusing the 3 attackers but soon portals appear behind and beside me. Out steps Kaiserin and the rest of the sirens.

"You called Love?"

"Yes you called us father?"

I can't help but just die of cuteness. Observer Zero is just adorable...

Beta rests his head on Zeros jellyfish rig and purrs. Alpha nuzzles love and likewise purrs.

"Yea I did call. We got a fight ahead of us and what better way to show your a friend to the gals than help?"

Love grins and Dreamweaver simply smiles. Ready to fight.


The Doctor of Azur Lane [UNDER REVISION] / (Wattys 2024)Where stories live. Discover now