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[if you don't wanna reread, I did a small plot summary at the end of this chap! <3]
Taehyung's pov :
       "Hey did you know Jeongguk moved back to town?" Taehyung said as he lay on his bed, eyes closed as he remembered the little bunny smile of the boy he met years ago.

       "Oh so that was him?" Namjoon replied, "I saw him the other day but I thought it couldn't possibly be him."

       "It was..." Taehyung muffled and let out a deep sigh. "That boy," he chuckled after a minute, "I remember really missing him."

       "Trust me, I remember that too. He was a good friend. Why not try talking to him?" Namjoon stated. "Nah. It's been too long" he sat up and took off his Captain America t-shirt "plus, didn't you see, he hangs out with that bore, Park" he rolled his eyes and got out of the bed. Taehyung walked up to his window and stared at the Jeon residence as his friend replied, "Park huh. Do you ever miss him as well? I mean, cutting him of seems somewhat petty now?"

       "That doesn't matter now, the past is past. It's just us now Joon, let them be them will ya?" Taehyung said. In reality he regretted the way he ended up. He regretted going to that senior party, and regretted cutting off one of his best friends to please those seniors.

       Namjoon let out a sigh "I guess.." and went back to his phone. He began to text away with his 'friend' from another school. The one that both the boys got in trouble for skipping class to see.

       As Namjoon texted away with his college heartthrob Taehyung couldn't help but keep staring at that house. Memories from his childhood with Jeongguk surged.

The time the two boys snuck into Taehyung's dad office to play computer games and accidentally put multiple viruses on the computer. Innocent Jeongguk and Taehyung hurried over to the kitchen pantry where Mrs. Kim kept the medicine, and attempted to feed it to the computer. No luck.

Or the time when Joon got in trouble for throwing a base ball and it hitting the window. The other three boys needed him for their nerf gun tournament and Jeongguk came up with the great idea of putting a wood plank by Joon's window and him using it as a slide. He got a lot of splinters on his butt that day.

These two thoughts made him chuckle.

And how could he forget the day Jeongguk cried at the sight of Taehyung with Jisoo, his current girlfriend. Of course he knew the boy had cried, he just pretended that he actually believed it was allergies. Partly because it was Jeongguk's privacy and he didn't want to invade, and partly because of confusion. Back then he was genuinely confused. Now he has a theory, the boy liked boys. It makes sense, he was more feminine, more vulnerable, calm, gentle. He was everything Taehyung wanted to protect back then. Everything he wouldn't mind protecting even now..

       NO! No Taehyung, you aren't like him! No you like Jisoo, you like girls.

       This thought shot the junior back into reality. He shook it off and then noticed the figure of a boy across the road at the window. Jeon Jeongguk. He couldn't help but smile as they made eye contact.

       Then suddenly, he was gone. He must've been embarrassed or surprised. He was known for his shyness after all. This made Taehyung chuckle, and blush slightly. "What's so funny Taetae?" Namjoon asked, finally looking up from his phone. "Stop calling me that! And also known of yours" he said a bit annoyed, that nickname died once Jeongguk left. "Dang well sorry" Namjoon rolled his eyes and continued typing.
Jeongguk's pov :

       "You really need to stop being so dramatic" Jimin couldn't stop laughing on the floor alongside Jeongguk who had just 'fainted' because Taehyung had smiled at him. "You like that douche THAT much" Jimin continued.

"HEY! Don't call him that." Jeongguk left his heart eye stages and plastered a pout on his face.

"Honestly like it or not Kooks, they both aren't 9 and 10 anymore. They are completely different people. Two people that just don't care for guys like us." Jimin said now in a serious tone.

"I know Jiminie.... Just let me be a lil delusional for a sec. Not just about me liking Taetae, but also about Nam and our little group.." Jeongguk looked up at him friend and gave a faint smile. "Should we get some ice cream?" He suggested.

"I like how you think that's even a question, of course we should" both boys stood from the ground and rushed to the kitchen to continue there gossip session.
Please don't kill me. It's been so long huh? I had to reread some of the story in order to remember and still am kinda lost. If you guys don't feel like rereading I'll do a summary.

Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, and Jeongguk were all childhood friends. Jeongguk and Taehyung especially close. Jeongguk had to move away and while away realized he was gay and was heavily bullied. Now he returns how after about 8 years and of course the boys he once knew have changed. Namjoon and Taehyung are bad boys that cutoff Jimin. Taehyung is dating the girl that Jeongguk was once jealous of and yeah pretty much.

One thing that confused me coming back to the story was ages so here we go. Jeongguk is 16, he's a sophomore. Jimin and Jeongguk are juniors, and Namjoon is a senior. Namjoon a love interest is a sophomore in university. Making him a senior the year of the party when the group of three broke up.

Guys I really want to finish the story, imma try my best I promise.

XOXO-kimmiedulse ❤️

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