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     Taehyung had kissed Jisoo on the cheek. Why did Jungkook feel like his whole life fell apart? Why was he so sad? Why were his adorable brown eyes  tearing up? Why did he feel this way he was only a child?A frown appeared on Jungkook's face a frown that replaced his beautiful bunny smile. The smile that lit up every room.

     Taehyung smiled at Jisoo and then Jisoo ran away waving good bye to Taehyung. Cheeks were a dark red.

     Finally Taehyung notice Jungkook across the street. He smiled and waved. Jungkook saw this,but couldn't wave back. The same scene replayed in his head. Taehyung and Jisoo.

     Jungkook ran up to his house porch,eyes teary. When he made it to the door he noticed the door was locked. Taehyung was starting to walk towards him worried.

     Jungkook saw him getting closer each second. He ran down the porch and went to the backyard of his house.

     Where he finally let out his tears. What he didn't understand was why he felt so heartbroken. Why did  he felt so sad seeing Taehyung with Jisoo. Why?

He was lost in thoughts for a good while when suddenly he heard banging on the gate. Surprised he wiped his tears quickly and walked slowly towards the door.

"Um... Who is there?" He asked quietly.

"Kookie it's me TaeTae. Are you OK?" Jungkook could hear the worry in the kids voice.

"I'm fine TaeTae," He started,"it's nothing." He ended. The last part kind of gloomy. He opened the gate slowly. On the other side stood an adorable Taehyung with his adorable boxy smile.

"Kookie,were you crying?!" Taehyung said wide eyed as he saw Jungkook's puffy cheeks. "Um no I just have allergies." Said Jungkook wiping out his own adorable smile. A classic, THE BUNNY SMILE.


Soon the two boys were running around Taehyung's front yard. They played tag and chased after squirrels and the neighbor's cat.

Jungkook kept thinking about earlier though. Why did he feel like crying when Taehyung kissed Jisoo? He came to the conclusion that he was just feeling a bit sensitive today and that's all.

Yeah..... That's totally it.


Jungkook and Taehyung sat still on the floor. Both exhausted from running after a squirrel that they swear was purposely throwing acorns at them.

Taehyung laid back on the grass. Arms and legs spread apart. Relaxing as if he was in his own room as he gazed up at the sunset.

"Do you think she is pretty?" Taehyung asked Jungkook suddenly.

     "What?" Jungkook asked confused. He didn't even know what Taehyung was talking about. "Jisoo, do you think she is pretty?" Taehyung repeated himself.

     He slowly sat back up looking at Jungkook. Jungkook did the same. "I guess..." he said slightly frowning. "Don't tell anyone,but I have a crush on her." Taehyung said slightly giggling at the end.

     "Oh.." was all Jungkook responded. Again he felt his heart ache,but why?

     "Do you have a crush?" Taehyung asked smiling widely at Jungkook. Jungkook in response just shook his head no. He then got up slowly.

     He looked at Taehyung and then started, "Um, TaeTae I am going to go now alright?"

     Taehyung tilted his head in confusion. They had only been playing for 2 hours. Yes that might seem like a lot, but Taehyung usually played with Jimin and Namjoon for 5. "Ok,I guess..." he said finally standing up. He smiled at Jungkook and caught the younger by surprise as he dashed over to him. Almost tackling to the ground. He gave a big hug and then ran towards his door. Waving at Jungkook goodbye as he walked into his house. He left Jungkook shook with wide eyes in his lawn.

     He came back to reality when he felt an acorn hit his head. That squirrel had a grudge against him and Taehyung. I swear.

     He ran to his door and opened it looking at Taehyung's house one more time before closing his door.

Jungkook's perspective:

When he closed the door he immediately leaned down to take his shoes off. He could smell kimchi, the delicious odor coming from the kitchen. He ran upstairs though instead of heading to the kitchen. He changed into a black t shirt and some red iron man short pjs. He laid on his bed for a while,closing his eyes. Yet the only image he saw was Taehyung kissing Jisoo.

Why did it affect him so much?

He had only known Taehyung for a day,but it felt like forever. Though that was still not an excuse to why he is feeling heartbroken. Is it normal for an eight year old to feel this. Who knows... all he knows is that when he saw Taehyung's lips contact Jisoo's cheek,that felt like the end of the world to young Kookie.

With those thoughts Jungkook fell asleep. 8:32 pm no dinner and his last thoughts before his slumber tore him apart.

Taehyung's perspective:

     When he finally closed the door he took his shoes and sweater off. He went to the family room where his mother and father were currently at, "Hi dad,hi mom." He said smiling.

     His father turned to look at him,but his mother was to busy on Instagram,that she didn't even notice Taehyung was standing there. "Hey bud,your home early. Why is that?" Mr.Kim asked and then patted his wife's shoulder to get her attention. "Oh Tae,why are you home so soon babe?" His mother asked surprised,as she spread her arms out to give her son a hug.

    "Oh,it's cuz Kookie left inside and so I didn't want to be left alone." He said," I'm going to go take a bath mommy." Taehyung finished sweetly."OK babe," Mrs.Kim said standing up," I'm going to get dinner ready."


Once he was out of the bath,he changed quickly and went to his room. He did notice something wrong with Jungkook today,but he didn't exactly know what. Maybe he was having a rough day or something.

He looked out the window to see Jungkook's house across the street and a frown appeared on his face. He remembered seeing Jungkook with puffy checks that signaled that he had been crying. Though he had denied it, there was a shred of Taehyung who was suspicious about the response.

He finally head down stairs to eat dinner with his family. It was a normal dinner with a normal chat about school and work. Once everyone was done Taehyung was sent upstairs to brush his teeth and go to sleep.

OK so I know that technically it's The Boy Across The Street,but that sounds weird so let's just leave it at The Boy Next Door okie. Also this chapter might seem a bit exaggerated since Jungkook is just a kid and he is feeling "strong emotions" for Taehyung but its ok 👌.Alright so there you go that's my update. I feel like I'm getting better at writing but I'm probably worse at it to be honest. Anyway I don't want to continue to waste your time so bye bye

XOXO - kimmiedulse❤️

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