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Jungkook went inside his house, a wide smile crept on his face as he entered. He closed his eyes and placed the bags on the floor as he breathed in the sweet scent he recalled from childhood. He took a deep breath before opening his eyes again. He felt a gentle and warm hand rest on his shoulder, the hand rubbing his shoulder reassuringly. This small action made him smile more. He turned his head to face his mom, who was looking at him with a faint smile, "Wow, I'm actually h-here." Jungkook said through the widest smile. His mom nodded her head and reached down to grab his bags.

She started walking upstairs and mid-way up she stopped and turned to see Jungkook not leaving the initial spot, "C'mon honey, let's go to you bedroom." She said,"You need some rest." She added.

Frozen Jungkook came back from his zone out and nodded as he slightly giggled. He hurried up to catch up with his mother who was already in his room. He came in slightly panting. He looked around the room. It was the same as when he had left. Exactly the same, not even dusty. As if his mother had been cleaning it.

Jungkook wandered around his bedroom, brushing his fingers against the toys and dressers. He opened the drawers and they were empty. "Well I cleaned your room before going for you. Most of your clothes was donated and some I actually kept, just as a memory. Now you are able to put in your new clothes and I also bought you some, it's all in the closet over there." His mother told him as she pointed over to a large door on the opposite side of the room.

     Jungkook walked over to the closet and opened it, revealing a bunch of new clothes. Clothes just his style, over sized hoodies, big t-shirts, beanies, some iron man clothes, and even some clothes with pink bunnies on them. He looked at the corner of the closet and there was more clothes, except these were smaller. It was some of his childhood clothes. He smiled widely. Then we looked down and saw a small drawer and opened it revealing sweat pants, and jeans. At the bottom of the closet finally were 2 pairs of new shoes. Some sneakers and a pair of Timberlands which he loved. Jungkook smiled and turned to her "Thanks mom." He simply said. She nodded her head "You're welcome Kookie"

Jungkook slightly chuckled at the nickname as he recalled being called that by Taehyung and the other two boys.

     Jungkook sat down on his bed, where he still fit. Not only was he rather small, but also the bed was rather big for a six year old. He kept looking around his room. Looking at how the room was such like a baby's nursery in a way.

     It was filled with adorable teddy bears, and it's aesthetic was light pastel colors. You'd once in a while turn and see some super hero toys and small cars. Surprisingly, after seven years this was still Jungkook's taste. So he still liked his room.

     All he had to do now to make it official that he was back, was unback. "Hey mom, if you don't mind. I'm just going to unpack and head to bed." He said. His mom nodded and went over to him kissing his forehead and sweetly saying good night. Jungkook smiled as he watched his mom walk out and gently close the door behind her.

     He stood up and quickly got to work. He unpacked, folded, and put away his clothes. He put his shoes by the door. And placed all his other belonging away in a corresponding area. Lastly he took out his precious stuffed bear and gently placed it on his bed.

     He went over and turned off the lights before running back to his bed, because he can't let the monsters get him duh! He lay on his back with his blankets covering him as he hugged the bear.

    He thought about his old friends. Would they recognize him? He really hoped so. School started in two days for him. On a Monday. He was really nervous. He didn't want to be alone at school, so he really wished that at least one of the guys would know who he was.

What if they did remember him, but hated him when he found out he was gay. As this idea popped up, so did Taehyung. Recalling the feeling of sadness he felt when he saw Jisoo kiss Taehyung all those years ago. "Did I have a crush on him?" Jungkook thought as he giggled to himself, with a grin plastered on his face. He barely realized it. "Wow I did. Didn't I. Well I still do." He admitted as his face turned a bit pink. "Ha, I was gay from the start huh? Gay for Taehyung." He let out a small sigh.

Jungkook stood up from bed, forgetting about the monsters. He walked to the window and stared off to look at Taehyung's house for a bit. He bit his lip, and his cheeks were slightly pink just at the thought of Taehyung. He wondered what he looked like. If he was still a kind and goofy boy, ready for a new friend.

He finally thought about Namjoon and Jimin. Wondering if the three boys were still as close as back then. Or at least still friends. He chuckled slightly remembering how close those three were, "Of course they're still friends." He said finally coming to a conclusion. And into realization that those three loved each other too much to be completely out of each other's lives.

He smiled to himself and then walked back to his bed, he covered himself with the blankets. He wrapped them around himself and reached for the bear and hugged it tightly, as he stared at the ceiling.

A tear was able to escape his eyes, because he remembered his grandparents. They were there for him through hard times. He missed them, but he knew it was time to go back to his mom. He missed her too.

With this in my Jungkook's eyes started to get heavy, as they closed slowly until they were fully shut. And within minutes Jungkook was asleep and lost in a dream. Though he didn't let go of the bear. Not once.
I haven't written in a long time. And my chapters are kinda filler chapters now. But we need plot guys. Be patient beans. I apologize once again cause it's been forever, but I do think I will be writing more frequently now so there is that. Remember to stay safe.


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