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      "Jungkookah,baby don't cry." His grandmother said from the front seat as they drove off. "You have to be strong boy." His grandfather then added. Jungkook looked up at them his eyes were still watery, "I'll try to not cry" He said quietly.

     After five hours on the road they finally made it to Jungkook's grandparent's house.

     When they got there Jungkook was fast asleep. His grandfather parked and stopped the car engine getting off and taking the boy's lougage out. His grandmother opened the back door of the car revealing a sleeping Jungkook with his lips slightly parted. "Jungkookah!" His grandmother whisper yelled while slightly shaking the boy so he would wake up.

      Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and grunted "Mm what happened!?" He asked.

     "We're home baby." His grandmother said taking his hand to help him down. Jungkook slowly got out of the car. He started walking and almost tripped "Careful now" His grandmother chuckled.

     Jungkook and his grandmother made it inside. "Alright boy let's take you up to your room" His grandfather said as he headed upstairs.  Jungkook followed and his Grandmother went to the kitchen to start making some dinner.

     "Alright this is your room. Hope you like it Jungkookah we decorated it just for you." His grandfather said sitting on the bed,"This was where your mother slept when she was a kiddo." He finished.

     Jungkook smiled "Oh-" was all that came out of his mouth. Jungkook sat beside his grandpa "I miss my mom,and my friends appa Minho." He told his grandfather."It's alright boy you'll see them before you know it." His grandfather reassured him,patting his back.

      His grandfather got up and made his way to the door, "Are you going to take a nap?" He asked and Jungkook shook his head yes. "Alright boy sleep tight." He said heading out.

     Jungkook saw as he grandfather left. When he closed the door Jungkook went to open his suitcase. He took out a brown stuffed bear. The bear Taehyung gave him for his birthday.


     It was Jungkook's 9th birthday. His mom didn't really have money to make him a birthday big party,but she still got him a present and invited his friends over for dinner. Jungkook didn't know about the surprise.

In the morning of Jungkook's birthday his mom came into his room with a small chocolate cup cake. She opened the door quietly and sung her son happy birthday. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Jungkookah. Happy birthday to you." She sang. He started to open his eyes. He rubbed them gently and sat up.

"Hi mommy" He said sweetly

His mom looked at him with a soft smile "Happy birthday sweet heart." She told him leaning in to hug him. Jungkook happily hugged her back. "Herr you go live,a chocolate cupcake." She said happily handing the small treat to her son.

Jungkook took a big bite out of it and smiled widely. He had a blue mustache that the frosting had formed. He took another bite and then put it close to her mother's face, "Want some mommy" He asked. His mom shook her head "Go ahead and eat it baby." She said."And get ready you are going to the park with your friends in 30 minutes." She said standing up and leaving the room.

Jungkook finished the rest of the cupcake and then quickly went to change. He put some gray sweats on. Along with his favorite red shirt and some black timberlands.

Jungkook went downstairs and sat down at the table. His mom had made some pancakes. "Hurry Jungkookah." She said serving herself a mug of coffee.

When Jungkook was done eating he took his plate to the sink. "Alright Jungkookie you can head over to Mrs.Park's now" she said pulling him into a hug. He gagged back and then ran out the door. He got to Jimin's house and saw Taehyung,Jimin,and Namjoon sitting on the grass. "Hey Kookie" Jimin said standing up "we are just waiting for my mom." He said.

Right as he finished the door opened "Alright boys let's go to the park." Mrs.Park came out saying. The three boy got on the truck. Jungkook and Taehyung sitting in the middle section of the car. While Namjoon and Jimin were in the back section and Mrs.Park was in the driver's seat.

The boys all started playing around and making a whole chaos at the back of the car. "Hey guys quiet down!" Mrs.Park yelled. The boys lowered their volume a bit. "Jungkookah happy birthday" she said and smiled. "Jungkook thanked her and them went back to playing with the other three boys.

Once they got to the park,the three boys ran up to the playground pushing and pulling on each other. They were each trying to get to the swings first since the last one there was a rotten egg. Eventually Jungkook got there,beating everyone. After him came Jimin and then Taehyung. Namjoon was the last one making him a rotten egg.

at home

As soon as Jungkook left the house Mrs.Jeon started cleaning the house. It was squeaky clean once both Mrs.Kims got there. Mrs.Jeon started cooking the meal for the dinner. She was making turkey and salad. Mrs.Kim Taehyung's mom had brought with her a small bag of six balloons.

She put air in them and taped them to the wall. She figured that Jungkook would appreciate it of it at least looked like a party and not just a dinner. They baked a cake and the two Kims left to there own house to clean up a little.
Jungkook and the others got home three hours later. They spend one hour at the park,one at the arcade, and the other hour they went to eat ice cream and talked to each other. They finally came home at 3:00 pm. (Yes he woke up at 11:30 am)

The boys each went to their house,except for Jungkook Mrs.Park wouldn't let him so she told him to stay to play with Jimin. He and Jimin watched a movie while eating popcorn. Once the movie was done Mrs.Park went to get them "Alright boys." She started "let's go take little Jungkook to his house." She said taking both of the boys hands.

They all walked over to Jungkook's house. Once they got to the front door Jungkook openes the door and "SUPRISE!!" Jungkook jumped back startled. Mrs.Park gave him a tight hug and everyone walked over to him giving him a hug themselves. Jungkook smiled the whole time.


Jungkook was happy as he played with Namjoon,Taehyung, and Jimin. They played in Jungkook's toys and had a pillow fight when they were finally called to eat. They all say down,eating quickly. They were all hungry and thirsty. Their mom's chatted and bragged about their boys. While the boys listened and look at each other with wide eyes when the mom said something about her kid.

They finally finished their food. All the boys and their moms were full. Though they weren't full enough to eat cake. Everyone was excited for the cake. Jungkook's mom went for the cake and brought it over to the table. All the boys were excited and jumping up and down happily with a smile plastered in theur face. Jungkook was the happiest. This day was the best day he had ever had.

They ate cake and opened presents. Jungkook received two toy cars from Jimin and Mrs.Park. He got a iron man shirt from Namjoon and Mrs.Kim. As well as play doh from his mom, but his favorite thing he got was a stuffed animal that Taehyung gave him. "Here Kookie this is Mr.Tickles and I got him when I turned nine,now it's yours." Taehyung finished happily. Jungkook took the hear happily and hugged him tightly. Since then Jungkook was attached to Mr.Tickles. He couldn't sleep without him.

Flashback over...

He got the bear hugging it tightly. He went to his new bed pulling the blanket over him and falling asleep.
Alright so that is that. Was it good...? I don't know what else to say.... Let's see how are you liking this book?

XOXO - kimmiedulse❤️

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