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Jungkook entered his house like normal. Taking his coat and shoes off right as he walked in. He started to go upstairs when suddenly he heard his grandmother call, "Jungkook-ah!" she said. Jungkook hurried on over to the living room,where he saw his grandparents seated.

"Hello?" he said in a bit of a confused tone. His grandfather spoke up after a couple seconds of silence,"Jungkook-ah,have a seat please." he said in a calm voice. Jungkook did as he was told and sat down on the corner of the couch,across from his grandparents.

"Is something wrong?" he asked. His grandmother shook her head and slightly chuckled,"Oh no,no,no completely the opposite sweetie." she said with a smile. Jungkook nodded,relieved that nothing was wrong. "So then what is going on?" He asked and his grandparents looked at each other. Finally his grandmother gave her husband 'the look'.

That look telling him to say something. All Jungkook could do was arch his eyebrow slightly. "Well Jungkook.." his grandfather started, "we talked to your mom a couple nights ago." he said and then slightly sighed. He looked down at his fidgeting fingers. "And we decided that it's time" he said. Jungkook sat there staring at him,his face full of confusion.

His grandmother then took over for his grandfather,"Jungkook what we are trying to say is that we talked to your mom. And along with her we decided that it is time for you to go back home."

Jungkook didn't exactly know how to react. He was at home,this was his home. He considered this his home. He was raised here after all. "Grandma this is my home though." Jungkook said in a voice perfumed with saddness.

His grandfather nodded,"Yes of course it is Jungkook,but I think you know what we mean by that." He said to which Jungkook nodded.

Then he remembered his teacher's comment. "Was today my last day at school?" he asked. Both his grandparents nodded their heads. Then a awkward silence struck. "So when am I leaving?" Jungkook suddenly asked them,breaking the silence. "Tomorrow morning.." his grandfather said quietly. Jungkook nodded his head and got up from his seat,"I better get packing then." he told them as he made his way upstairs.

When he was finally in his bedroom,he collapsed on the bed. And started thinking,he started thinking a lot. On one hand Jungkook was so excited to go 'home' and see his mother again.  But on the other he was going to miss his grandparents so much,they practically raised Jungkook.

As he was in the middle of his mixed thoughts and emotions,he heard the door to his room open. He looked up to see his grandmother standing in front of the door. Jungkook faintly smiled at her and she did the same. She walked up to sit beside Jungkook,resting her hand on his thigh. "Hi." Jungkook said. His grandmother smiled "Are you excited?" she asked him. Jungkook nodded slightly,"For the most part,yes I am. But I can't lie when I say that I will miss you and grandpa." he said. She smiled and then leaned in to kiss his cheek,"We will too,but your mother has been waited years to see you sweetie." she said. Jungkook nodded and smiled,"Yeah" he simply said. "Alright then let's get packing." his grandmother said standing up and getting his suitcase out of the closet.

They started packing all his clothes and all his necessities. His grandmother left after 5 minutes to start cooking today's meal. After Jungkook was done packing,he glanced at his bookshelf seeing a special stuffed animal. He went for it and put the stuffed bear Taehyung had gave him all those years ago in the suitcase. He carefully put it in and placed his suitcase against the wall.

After he was done packing he went down stairs to see his grandmother placing the food on the table. She had cooked quite a bit,"Oh Kook you're done. Your grandmother here decided to cook a big meal for your goodbye." his grandpa said with a slight chuckle at the end.

Jungkook went over and sat at his usual spot looking over at his grandparents,"Thank you." he said to his grandma. Then he continued, "Thanks to both of you for taking care of me all these years." Jungkook told them.

A smile crept on his grandfather's face. "Of course champ." he said and his grandmother sat down next to him. She reached over for his hand and squeezed it," Baby you were no burden. You were such a nice boy, I will miss you Jungkook-ah." Jungkook nodded and looked down. "Okay don't be so gloomy,it's the boys last day here. Let's make it happy." Grandpa Jeon exclaimed. Jungkook and his grandma smiled at each other and everyone started eating the delicious food.

Once Jungkook was done he got up and took everyone's plates to the sink and washed them. When he finished he went up to his grandparents," I'm going to go get ready to sleep now." he told them and kissed them both on the cheek. They both nodded and Jungkook went upstairs.

He went to get his PJs out of the suitcase and went to go take a quick shower. He scrubbed his body with the body wash and then rinsed himself up. As he finished taking the shower he turned off the water and reached for the towel.

Done changing and taking care of personal hygiene things,Jungkook finally went to bed. He closed his eyes, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Unfortunately Jungkook woke up at around 3:30 A.M in the morning due to some lightning outside. His eyes widened and then he couldn't go back to sleep. He then realized his stuffed bear wasn't there. He quickly got of the bed and opened the suitcase,and took out his teddy bear. He ran back up to his bed laying down and hugging it tightly. In a matter of seconds,Jungkook was asleep.

In the morning Jungkook woke up to the sound of birds chirping. He opened his eyes slowly as his eyelids were quite heavy to keep open. He stretched his arms out as he groaned and then got up. He walked over to his window to let the sun peek in. His eyes widened at the sight of a red truck that was in front of his house. He stood by his window for a couple of seconds,before he ran over to his stair case and went down the stairs quickly. He stopped half way down and looked over to the living room. His eyes got watery as they met with the women's eyes are who was standing in front of him. "Jungkook-ah..." she cried out and opened her arms widely. Jungkook smiled and ran up to her as the tears escaped his eyes. He hugged her tightly not wanting to let go. "Oh my god Jungkook-ah you got so big. Didn't you?" his mother sniffled. Jungkook nodded his head as it still rested on his  mother's shoulder.
OK so.....like this chapter seems like a filler huh. 😬 You know what it is a filler....I will admit it 😓Sorry but it's for the plot. It's not my favorite.........like it's seems a bit rushed,but I hope next chapter will be better. Ugh I keep looking back and I am not happy with this chapter!!! Nothing went on in it but yall remember it's for the plot.

Another thing I'm so so so happy because my baby nephew was born YAY. By the time this chapter is up it has been a couple weeks since he was born. Because like I prewrite my chapters and stuff. Anyway thanks for reading.

XOXO - kimmiedulse ❤️

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