Chapter 2: The Meeting

760 8 9

Washington DC, USA

Principles office


1400 Hours

I was now standing in the principles office, I told Mike I had to go. He was upset because he just got here but he understood. I suddenly realized, "Where's Cyrus?" Erica, who has been smiling since I got there, frowned. Only for a second though. "Cyrus will not be joining us today." the principle said. "Your not being activated for a mission. Under his breath I could here him saying that "I wish Ben wasn't so lucky for once." I saw his face and it started turning red as he read his procedures.

"Apparently, after 4 missions, the spies are allowed a week break to rest from the stress of work!" He was steaming now! "They would go to a isolated island for the vacation and they could bring 2 friends. There are 2 normal huts and one supervisor hut. All of them have 2 beds in the room." I could see literal heat being radiated off of him now! He was muttering curses at me and how it's unfair that students get time off but not him. "I'll give you two time to decide what the decision is, by the way, Cyrus is your supervisor."

"I can go on vacation with you! I" I tried to keep the excitement out my voice but I couldn't help myself. After I finally recuperated myself, I said "Do youuuu want to go on vacation.... with me." "Yeah, I have nothing else better to do and I still need to heal from the skiing mission." She then looked away, embarrassed about that mission. "Well, so we have a deal!" the principle says while rudely barging in. "Thanks for barging in, yeah. We have a deal." "By the way Erica, can we bring Mike and Zoe along." She seemed to frown at this but she still said yes.

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