Chapter 16: Hardship

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The Atlantic Ocean

Beach Bazooka


????? Hours

I woke up feeling great, like all my pain was washed away. I looked around, it was dark out. We were in a small tent made of leaves and rabbit pelt. Then I saw her, Erica, and all the memories started to rush back. She was in the far corner, tears clung to her face. I really messed up. How could I have done this? I felt ashamed, worse even, but I sat there lonely. I eventually snuggled up to Erica hoping that it would make me feel better, but it made everything worse. I remembered how she let me close, how she opened up to me, and how I let her down. How I might have just ruined her entire life. I sat there wanting to cry, holding it in knowing it would do no good. I go to move away, the emotions being to much, but something grabs me. Erica pulls me back down so hard that my breath get knocked out of my lungs. Tears are streaming down her face as she tries to make words out. She's punching and scratching me relentlessly but I don't move, I just pull her in closer knowing I deserve this. She eventually calms down and and speaks. "Why Ben, just why. How could you?!" was all she could make out before she started crying again. "I trusted you Ben! I trusted you! Now I can't even walk." Erica was full on screaming now. I was afraid Cyrus would wake up but he seemed to be passed out. Then I started crying to. We both just cried holding each other until we fell asleep.


Erica's POV

I woke up clutching Ben, not wanting to let go. If I did, I still wouldn't be able to move, I would just be lonely and immobile. So I held on, not wanting to face the world yet, not ready to face it. I was useless now, I was more of a determent to the mission now than I am helpful. I'll never be able to move again. I clutched Ben harder and pulled him closer, hoping I would never have to leave. But as fate would have it, Cyrus woke up with Murray still unconscious in his arms. He looked over at Ben and I and scowled at him. He walked over and kicked Ben. "Get up!" I heard him huff. He has never been this angry. I tried to say something but he placed a finger on my lips and said, "Save your strength." Ben woke up clearly depressed only to find a angry Cyrus. I wondered if I could help, but I would let him have it if I were Cyrus to. " sir" Ben said sheepishly. "Come here boy!" Cyrus scowled. Cyrus and Ben went behind the tent and talked, it felt like an eternity. I heard a loud yelp and Ben came limping back to the tent. "What happened." "I made a deal," he said saddened. "What deal?" "I can't say," he said as he turned away in shame. I wanted to be mad. He's not telling me things and he paralyzed me, yet, I can't help to think it was all my fault. If I didn't lie to him for Murray or if I pushed through the pain in my legs we might have made it. But instead, I am stuck on the cold hard ground while Ben is beating himself up on the inside. "Ben, I am not mad, don't beat yourself up, please," I said trying to be sympathetic. I saw a tear stream down his face as he started to talk. "How could I not. I paralyzed you forever, I have a broken leg, and..." He sat there for what felt like minutes silently crying. "and...I failed you." I didn't know what to say, I never knew he felt this much for me. "Ben. You haven't failed me. Everyone makes mistakes" "Not you, you never make mistakes. I am always the one screwing up the missions." "Ben, don't think that. Without you, we could have never have beaten SPYDER without you. So come here and let me see your leg." He started to say something but I just pulled him over and tore his pants off. He immediately turned red and stopped talking. I looked at his leg and saw a big bloody spot in the center of his knee. "Let me just wrap this up" I said as I pulled out the med kit. It looked like it needed stitching to but I didn't want to worry him. So I put in the needle without warning, but it didn't even effect him. Ben was now looking down at the ground, taking every stich like nothing. Once I was done, Ben pulled up his pants, thanked me, and walked over to a corner to sulk. I wanted to call out for him, but Cyrus beat me to it.

Ben's POV

I wanted to sit down and just die. Why is Erica treating me so kindly? I mess everything up, I always do. So I just sat in the corner for what felt like hours until Cyrus came over. He told me to grab Erica and bring her over. I accidently blushed and got kicked again by him. So I walked over to Erica and hoisted her up. "Is this good" I said. "Yeah this works" Erica said smiling, trying to brighten the mood. It didn't though, it just made things worse knowing that I hurt her. I walked over to Cyrus to find he duck taped Murray to his back. "Lets get a move on, I set up a rendezvous with the rest of the team. We'll talk more about 'THIS' when we get there" he said still glowering at me. "Gra-" was as far as Erica got before he stopped her. "I also don't want to be talked to so I can think, now let's GO." So I reluctantly went with Cyrus and carried Erica through the path. It felt wrong for me to even talk to her, let alone carry her. It was pretty hot for winter out here, about 66 degrees. The birds were singing there morning songs. Yet, it felt like I was stuck in a dark void  with only- "Ben!" Erica screamed in my ear pulling me from my daze. "Oh...sorry I was thinking." "It's okay Ben, can you just cheer up, your bringing the mood down." "I'll try" I said glumly. She sighed, "Would some Alexander stories cheer you up." And for the first time today, I smiled. "Sure, that would be great" I said while hoping that I could make things right in the future.

Sorry if this was a shorter chapter but I wanted to focus on emotions this chapter so I thought I would just put the action in the next one. Thank you everyone for getting over 600 views!!! I know I say this every time, but thank you guys so much for helping me grow and for reading my story, it really means a lot. Have a great day and thanks for reading.😊

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