Chapter 17: Perseverance

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The Atlantic Ocean

Bazooka Beach


?????? Hours

Ben's POV

I grudged through the rough trail, not ready to face my friends. Not wanting them to know what had happened over the past days. Erica had fallen asleep in my arms, warming me up. The day has gotten colder as it went on, getting as low as 13 degrees. I wanted to move on, forgive myself like Erica has, but I just can't. I can't move on, but I preserver and keep on walking, not wanting to get kicked again. The volcano hasn't had any activity in a while, while this worried me, the nagging feeling that SPYDERS plan is much bigger than it has ever been before worried me more. Why were they collecting spiders? Why were they bombing the island? And why didn't they just threaten to shoot us? Why did they use a neurotoxin? Nothing was making sense and it was all weighing down on me. Mike and Zoe than bursts out of a bush pulling me from my train of thought.

They came in close and gave Erica and I a hug. If she was awake, she would be livid. "Oh Ben, where have you been. It's been 3 days" Zoe said compassionately. "I have been trying to not die from this cold, it's freezing." "Oh really, you look real snug" Mike said looking at Erica. "What happened back there." I sighed knowing Mike would ask. "I can't tell you unless you want a broken bone." "She's asleep man, tell us" Mike said while nudging my shoulder. "It's not her, it's Cyrus" I said pointing at him. Both Mike and Zoe backed up realizing the seriousness of the situation. " there anything you want to know?" Mike said trying to move the subject along before Cyrus heard. "What day is it? I have gone unconscious so many times that I couldn't keep track." "It's Tuesday, today there plan will go off. We found out from Murrays phone that it will happen at midnight tonight." It took a minute for it to sink in, but when it did, it hit hard. "Do you know what they are planning" I heard from below me. It startled me at first but I realized that it was Erica waking up. "" "Oh come on Ben, it's been 3 days. Do you have even a theory!" Zoe said desperate. "I wish I knew, but there was no evidence with Murray." They both turned around and noticed for the first time that we have Murray. "Why don't you just beat the evidence out of him" Mike said maliciously. "I would but he has been unconscious for a while, I hit him pretty hard with a pipe." "Well, lets just hope he wakes up, in the meantime, let's go jump another base" Zoe said. "What?" Erica said still drowsily awakening from my arms. "Well, while you guys were gone busting Murray, we found that a pizza ad email was actually encrypted coordinates to another base right over there. We have just been waiting for yall to come back so we can jump it." "Then let's talk to Cyrus and get out of here" I said trying to be confident even though I was dying inside.

We explained the plan to Cyrus and got going. A group of three goes in through the vent system trying to sneak up on the guards, if they fail, they will create a distraction for group B. Group B will be made up of two people who sneak into the building through a underground entrance and tries to collect info to stop the attack. I thought that me and Erica as usual would be the group of two as usual, but Cyrus kicked me in the knee (undoing my stiches) and told me that I will be going with him instead. "Zoe, carry Erica through the vents. Take this" he said while tossing Zoe an ear piece. "Talk to me if you are in danger. Now lets get a move on!" he barked. Everyone hurried into position and made there way down to the base. "What about Murray?" I asked. "I tied him up with duck tape to a tree. He shouldn't be going anywhere" Cyrus said confidently.

Erica's POV

I was upset that Cyrus separated me and Ben. It wasn't his fault. I mean it kinda was, but everyone was going delusional, even me! I just wish I could walk again instead of having to be carried anywhere. I would probably mess up this infiltration and get everyone caught. I messed up on the last one and now I can't walk. I have to find a way to fix Ben, I need the old Ben back.

We got up next to a rock and pushed it aside to find a vent. We unscrewed it and awaited the signal. "It's a go" I heard in my ear piece. So we went into the vents and started crawling. It was hard without my legs, but I pushed against the walls and got moving. Once we got a good way through Mike asked "What happened to you and Ben back there. He seems depressed and you can't walk." I was reluctant to answer but I knew I would have to explain my need to be carried eventually. So I told them everything after Ben got knocked out, about how I lied to him and how I got paralyzed. They both just stared at me in shock. "Stop gawking and lets just beat these people up." "Um...Erica. How are you going to fight" Mike brought up. My false confidence instantly faltered. "I could um...uh. Lets just go." We were silent for the rest of the way until we got to the intersection. "Are you ready Erica?" Zoe asked wearily. "Yeah, of course I am ready." Then we dropped down on top of 5 unsuspecting guards.

Ben's POV

We got down into a small cavern, just big enough to fit us side by side. We walked down it until we came across a white door. The door looked like it came strait out of NASA "Its go time" Cyrus said into his ear piece. And just like that, we are inside the facility. It looked way different than I expected it to look. I was expecting it to look like a luxury apartment, but instead it looked more like an evil lab. Files were strewn everywhere across tables with microscopes. It would take days to look through all of it, so I got to work. I started looking through the microscopes and all of them had some type of mineral on them. It was a silver color and was flooded with a type of  microorganism. It was all over it and was spreading everywhere. I went through the files and all of them were encoded. All I could make out were the words Biosite and neuro. I was about to try to find a cypher or try to decode it when we heard talking outside the door. Me and Cyrus tried to find a place to hide but it was pointless. All there was were tables and cabinets. So I took action, opened the door and went out swinging. They tried to hit me back to I swept there legs out from under them. I pinned them down and got a good look at them. They were a scientist looking man who was named Harry. His name tag called him the head staff of the neurological team. "What do those files say!" I demanded of him. He tried reaching for something on his shirt but I pushed him harder and Cyrus came over. "I am only going to ask you one more time. WHAT do those files say!" At this time, they guy started panicking and mumbling. I was really confused until he pointed at the corner of the room. I looked over to see Ashley Sparks just sitting in a chair nonchalantly looking at her phone. "Oh, are you guys done yet. I didn't notice" She said cockily. She casually pulled out her gun and shot the scientist. "Couldn't let him tell valuable information now could I. Now it's your turn" she said menacingly. I tensed up, waiting for the trigger when AHHHHHHHHHH! came echoing from the halls. Erica's scream made my ears ring but I didn't pass up on the opportunity to get the upper hand. I rushed at Ashley and knocked her down and ran to Erica. I knew I stood no chance against Ashley and that I couldn't decode the files, so I ran to help Erica, leaving a raging Cyrus behind.

Erica's POV

We jumped down on the men. I grabbed one of their heads and flung them into a wall with my momentum, knocking them out. There were still 4 to go but I felt confident we could take them, until I came to the unfortunate reality that they could take them. Not me. I couldn't do anything, no one even tried to attack me. I was just a little girl sitting down in the middle of a fight, being more bothersome than useful. I felt useless, I felt weak. I wish Ben was here, the old Ben. "Erica look out!" Zoe screamed pulling me from thought. A foot was about to stomp on me but I rolled out of the way and grabbed them, pulling them to the ground. He tried to get up but I chopped his neck rendering him unconscious. Zoe and Mike took out the other 3 guards and we continued down the halls, Zoe picking me up. We came to a door that had a passcode. I hotwired the keypad and we continued on with these new sets of tunnels, they looked like labs. Tubes full of liquid were everywhere throughout these halls. Then we came across a big TV with a bunch of different cams on them. Mike went over and typed in a code without thinking, setting off the alarm. "Mike!" I scolded. "What were you even trying to do?!" "I was trying to hack it!" Mike came back at me. "Have you even taken a hacking class, you've barley been at school yet!" "Um...well-" "Guys, look out!" Zoe screamed. Guards were charging towards us with guns, I couldn't even help in the shoot out because of Murray. We dove behind cover, Zoe and Mike shooting at them. Mike was caught on the other side of the hall, hiding behind some boxes. The guards started pushing closer, slowly breaking down our defense. In the corner of my eye, I saw Ashley on the cameras. I tried to move, tried to help. Anything. But I just couldn't, I couldn't do anything. I saw Ashley point a gun at Ben. I turned back towards the fight, Zoe and Mike were gone, running to a different door. The guards were coming closer to me. Everything was to much, I couldn't take it anymore. So I let everything out, all my anger.

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