Chapter 15: Captured

358 8 9

The Atlantic Ocean

Beach Bazooka


?????? Hours

Erica reached for her gun when Murray said, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Just as he said this Dane came up from behind Erica and put his fist around both of their necks. "Ben!," she said throwing her gun at me. Of course I fumbled it. I tried to run at Murray but he pulled out a gun of his own. "Don't move." He gestured toward himself and said, "Come with me if your want your them to live." I did as I was told and walked over with him. We were walking over to another cave and tried to small talk. "So, Ben. How has it been since we last met?" "Amazing," I said sarcastically. "Okay, if you want to be like that then I could gag you now." "Sorry, I meant it has been the same. We met this month already, I need a break. That's why I came here." "Interesting, you know a mole planted that info." "That was pretty obvious." Murray the turned around to grab something out his bag he has been towing with him. I chanced a look back at Erica to see what she was doing, it just looked like she was choked by Dane, but I hoped she had a plan. During my interaction with Murray I was fiddling with my belt. If I could get out my taser, I might be able to stun Dane and get away. "Here's what I was looking for, Ben. I don't like tasers," he said as he chloroformed me.


I was nauseous and everything was foggy. The ground was hard and cold, the area had eerie music floating through itself that sent a chill down my spine. I opened my eyes to see I was in a jail cell. It looked like it has been abandoned for years, cobwebs were everywhere around me. Bars surrounded the place, although one looked a bit more worn down than the others. "Hello?!" I called out, knowing that I probably shouldn't. I heard some shuffling and then Murray came from around the corner. "Oh hello, look whos finally awake," Murray said smugly. "You shouldn't have reached for that taser Ben. I thought we were friends." "YOU TRIED TO BOMB US!" I said obviously mad. "Ben, I've already told you that I only do that for business. I would love for you to join SPYDER." "No," I said bluntly. "Suit yourself. I have locked you in here with all your friends with a dangerous neurotoxin that will go off in thirty minutes unless you agree." "What-" I said dumbfounded, "-your plan is to kill me and all my friends so that I join your silly club." "Call it whatever you want, you will die unless you join 'the silly little club'." Murray said trying to mock me. He put something on the wall with a thirty minute timer and walked away like nothing even happened. I had to figure out a way to escape.

I looked around the room for ages to find anything, anything that could help me. Nothing. Nothing was there except for webs, bricks, and an old bed. I laid down on he floor feeling hollow. I was going to die and it was all my fault. I was to obvious about the taser and now everyone is stuck in jail. I laid my head on the cement now to, fully succumbing to defeat until I heard a click. "Ben!" I heard Erica screaming angrily. "Get your head up off the floor and wake up!" My ears were ringing. I realized that I clicked a button to a ear piece. Erica must have slipped it on in the caves. "Erica, I'm awake, I'm awake, just stop screaming. The ear piece wasn't turned on." Erica sighed in disappointment that I didn't figure out that I had a ear piece sooner. "How much time is left on the clock" she said annoyed. " 9 minutes" I said without looking. "Damn-" Erica said under her breath "-is there anything that can help you escape over there." "No, just webs and a dusty old bed." I heard her instantly smile. "Go check in the pillow!" I went over to the bed and ripped the pillow to shreds, and sure enough, I found a file. "Was there a file there!" Erica said proudly. "Yeah, there was" I said while rushing over to that one worn down bar to start grinding away. "How did you know that there would be a file in there?" "Isn't it obvious-" she said returning to her old Ice Queen  ways, "-my cell had worn down bars, this is a jail, and you have a bed. Someone must have been trying to file down the bars." 5 minutes to go "Almost done?" Erica asked concerned. "Almost" I said trying to stay confident. 2 minutes to go "I got it!" "Hurry up Ben, we are on the second floor!"

I broke off the bar and ran down a corridor. I decided to keep the bar just in case I needed it for defense. No one seemed to be in the halls, they were all empty. I headed up the stairs. 1 minute 30 seconds to go "Ben, hurry! We are in room 3!" Erica was saying almost at a yell. I got up the stairs and barged into the room. It was full of tubes with green liquid in them. I almost didn't see Murray holding a gun to Erica's head. Erica looked down in shame.  I used my momentum to swing the pipe directly into Murray before I could even process what was happening. Murray was knocked out cold before he could even react. I was about to swing again but Dane grabbed me by the neck, squeezing tighter and tighter. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move or breath. I just stood suspended by Dane as Erica watched the life drain out of me. I closed my eyes and excepted my fate knowing I tried my best. BANG! BANG! BANG! I was dropped to the ground with Dane. Erica shot out Danes legs. "Ben, grab the key and lets go!" Erica pleaded. 1 minute to go I grabbed the key and unlocked the cell. Cyrus ran out and grabbed Murray. "Come on" he yelled. I was about to run out but I saw Erica struggling to get up. She had deep cuts and bruises all over her body and legs. She could barely walk. I helped her up and placed her along my shoulder. We tried to run but the best we could do was walk. 30 seconds  to go It was hard figuring out the maze of halls and keeping up with Cyrus. There were so many ways to go until we finally found another set of stairs. It was a struggle, but we eventually got up them. "Ben-" Erica said almost crying from pain, "-I am sorry I lured you in. Murray was torturing me an-a-and the on-only way h-he would let me g-g-go is if I got you to come in." Erica was sobbing all over my shoulder now. She felt bad about failing me and herself but we couldn't think about that right now. "It's okay but we can't think about that right now." I said trying to comfort her. "There is 5 seconds left-" I said yelling, "-4,3,2,1" Boom! 

There was an explosion down stairs and a hissing sound. The neurotoxin was released. We had to hurry now. Erica started sobbing even harder and Cyrus started running even faster. I was about to have a panic attack. My breath became faster and I couldn't think anymore. Erica was wailing incoherent apologies and how she should have told me just to run. The world became blurry and all sound became fuzzy. We got to the final pair of stairs. The neurotoxin was catching up. I could see a comical green fog making its way closer to us as we ran. I ran and ran and ran. I was starting to slow from Erica's weight and my drenched clothes. My knees started to buckle and the gas came closer. I then saw the door as the sun light hit my face and blessed me with warmth. Instead of booking it like Cyrus who was already outside, I embraced the warmth and slowed even more with all of my confusion. Erica, now back from her panic attack noticed how delirious I was. She yelled Ben over and over but I kept on slowing until the gas caught up. Erica, not knowing what to do, slapped me in my face. I smelled her classic lilacs and gunpowder smell and got back to my senses, before I panicked again. I started sprinting towards the door. The gas at this point started burning on my back. Right before I got consumed by the gas, I leapt out the door and closed it. But it was to late. "I can't feel my legs. I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!" Erica was screaming as I collapsed from exhaustion.

Thank you guys for 500 views!!!!!!!! I never thought that I would get that many so I want to thank everyone that has read this book. Sorry that I was gone for a week but I had some family business. Thank you guys also for adding me to your guys lists and voting. It really means a lot to me that you guys like my book so much. I am thinking about having 21 chapters so stay tuned for those. I hoped you liked this chapter. Have a great day!😊

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