Chapter 20: Escape

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The Atlantic Ocean

SPYDER's Underground Lair

Tuesday (New Years Eve)

1630 Hours

Ben's POV

"Actually I do have a plan, I am ready to get out of here anyway. Too depressing" I said as I ripped open the mattress with Erica. "Why are we doing this?" Erica asked confused. "If we rip the springs out of the mattress, we will be able to pick the lock." "Huh, I never would have thought of that. Good job Ben" Erica congratulated as we started to pull a spring out. "Go Ben!" Mike and Zoe cheered as the spring came loose. I yelped as I flew back from pulling. I picked up Erica and she went to work, it only took her 17 seconds to pick the lock. We went over to the other cell and picked their lock to. "So what do we do now" Zoe asked as if I were a leader. "I don't know, getting Cyrus first would probably be our best bet." "I guess we're doing that. Cyrus was dragged this way by Dane" Mike said. "Wait a minute, why did Dane want Cyrus so badly?" I asked confused. "We don't know-" Zoe admitted. "-All Dane talked about was something about a Murray." "Well we better go find him fast before blood spills" I said dramatically. Erica just rolled her eyes.

We ran (And I carried Erica) down the halls, trying to find Cyrus to only find a bunch of labs. Presumably to make the modified neurotoxin. The halls were unusually dark, like the lights were dimming. Turns out, the lights were dimming. It looked as if something in the building was drawing a lot of power. We continued until we came across another doorway. It was guarded by 2 guards, inside the door was a bunch of screaming. We hid behind a box in the hall and discussed our plan. "So how are we going to go about this" I asked. "Mike and I could rush the guards and then barge in the doors" Zoe said. "Sounds good to me" Mike said as he got up and rushed at them. "Wait up" Zoe yelled. We lost our surprise attack but we at least had our second best fighters fighting them. The guards immediately pulled out their guns but Zoe round housed the gun out of ones hand, and Mike just punched the other in the face, making them drop their gun. Zoe swept out both of their legs and deployed the armless tiger while Mike preformed the banana serpent. Zoe's guard jumped back up and tried to jab her in the gut, but Zoe jumped away. Then Zoe slid behind him and punched his neck so hard he passed out. Mike on the other hand did get hit when the guard upper-cutted him when he jumped up. Mike got back on his feet fast, but the guard kicked him back down. Zoe had to kick him in the back so that Mike could get pay back and also upper-cut the guard back.

I ran over to them (while holding Erica) and grabbed a taser from one of the guards. "Lets go get Cyrus." We barged in to see Dane hovering over Cyrus. Cyrus was strapped to a chair with blood oozing out of him. Dane seemed to be in some slight pain after Erica shot him in the legs, yet he was still standing up strait. Dane turned around at a startling pace and charged at all of us. This startled Zoe and Mike so much that they got tackled onto the ground, but Erica pulled me away with her weight just in time. "Thanks." I put her down and rushed at Dane with my shoulder as hard as I could. I just bounced off. He was so big that I just got bounced to the ground while Mike and Zoe were trying to roll away. "Use the taser dummy" Erica said while slapping her head. "Oh, right." I pulled the taser out and jammed it in his neck. Dane stumbled back, allowing Mike and Zoe to get back up. "I'm going to get back at you girl" Dane screamed while, again, rushing Erica. I guess he was mad after she shot out his legs. We all ran to Erica's side and tried to push off Dane, but he was really strong. We all kept throwing punches at him but he seemed to just shrug it off. Zoe tried to sweep his legs but he was to bulky. He threw us all to the ground in a single swipe and started walking towards Erica again. We all jumped up and went at him again. He tried to punch us but we kept moving. He threw a jab at Zoe, but she just slid between his legs and took him from behind. Mike kept going in for the face until Dane headbutted him to the ground. He also grabbed Zoe from behind in a choke and threw her across the room. It was now just me and him so I went for his private, I know, cheap, but he didn't even react. He just stood at me and smirked. I used his taunt as a opportunity to hook him in the face and then jab him in his gut. Unfortunately, he didn't bend over in pain and instead punched me in my face so hard that hit the wall. My nose was broken and was bleeding profusely, my clothes turned from brown to red in seconds. I was out of it for seconds until I regained my focus and found Dane picking up Erica by the throat. The same rage came over me again and I ran at him with full force. I came in and hooked him using all my momentum to knock him off his feet, and I just kept going at him. I was punching him with the taser on full power, each time knocking him further back from Erica. He kept trying to block, but I just went right through him. Eventually I hit him to the wall, but I just kept going until he was knocked out, bleeding from everywhere. I pulled myself away and helped everyone up. " You guys okay" I asked. "Yeah, but are you" Zoe asked. "Your nose is bleeding and you just took on Dane alone!?" "Ooooo" I said wincing in pain as I touched my nose. "I'm fine, I only broke my nose. Erica, are you okay" I asked looking at her bruised neck. "Yeah, thank you Ben." "No problem" I said while picking her up. "This is all cool in all, Ben taking on Dane, but let's get Cyrus" Mike said obviously tired of this mission. "Thank you, someone with sense" Cyrus grunted.

We went over to Cyrus and all got a better look at what had happened. It look's like one of his teeth were pulled and he had several cuts all over his body. His blood was collected into a big puddle on the ground. "What did they want from you anyway" I asked as I undid his leg ties, Zoe undid his arm ties. "They wanted to know where Murray was, they said they needed something from him" Cyrus said obviously annoyed. "Just get me out of here." "Anyone got a tissue" I asked as I finished untying Cyrus. "Here's two" Erica said as she handed me them from her inner-breast pocket. I let out a little laugh "Are your pockets bad or something." "No, they are just dirty from being on this beach." "Okay sure." "Alright kids, what did you find while I was gone" Cyrus said glaring at me, probably from leaving him with Ashley. So I told him everything except for what happened in the jail cell. "Hmm, well let's go get Joshua and figure out a way to stop this."


We slinked up some stairs. We had just came out from beating some guards protecting, yet again, another door. It lead to a stairwell that had a lot of floors. I swear I went up 15 floors of an apartment complex before we came across another door. There was a lot of noise behind it so we waited to hear what they said. "We will make Billions I tell you." "Yes but we need Murray for it to work." "It will be fine, won't it Tom." "I think so." "Exactly, we can find Murray later. It will be a month or two before we can get the big bucks anyway." "Okay Josh, if you're sure about this." "Of course I am, I am always sure." As someone said this we heard typing on a laptop and then a big alarm. "That's not good" I whispered. "Ugh, I knew we should have just rushed in" Zoe said under her breath. We walked in like we were supposed to be there and saw Ashley, Joshua, a guy probably named Tom, and one more unknown person sitting at a large table with a PowerPoint TV at the front of it. "Shit!" Joshua yelled as he ran out the door with the laptop. Ashley followed behind shortly after. "You go get them, I'll handle these runts" Cyrus said as he started a fist fight with Tom. "You heard the man. Let's go!" Mike yelled as he ran out the door.

ONE THOUSAND VIEWS!!!!! Thank you guys soooo much!!! It really means a lot to me that you guys read my book and I can't thank you enough. Next chapter will be the last but I promise to come out with a sequel for you guys. I am also thinking about making a Spy School Vs. Charlie Thorn book if you guys are interested. Thank you guys for the support through out the book and I hope you have a great day.😁

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