Chapter 8: The Note

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The Atlantic Ocean

Beach Bazooka


1500 Hours 

Ben's POV

I was freaking out!!! I had 2 hours to write the note but it still didn't feel long enough. Me and Mike had went on the wave runners, watched movies, and ate dinner with everyone and now everyone was just preparing for night, except for me. I had to find the perfect words, everything must be perfect. I was mostly nervous though because Erica kept sending me mixed signals all day. First she kisses me at the mountains and then keeps cold for a week. Then she does it again, keeping cold after Sneak Attack. I decided to brush this off and start to write the note before it's to late.

Erica's POV

I was freaking out!!! Ben was giving me a note. What is it about, should I get worried? No everything is fine. It's not like you even like him. He sucks at aiming, he is as defenseless as a turtle. Well, at least turtles have shells. But his eyes are so dreamy, like a ocean of warm chocolate ready to comfort you. I am starting to regret going here in the first place, I am losing myself with stupid boy trouble. I am just going to wait until it comes and what it is, is what it is. That was of course until Zoe got here from wave running.

"I see your back from your solo adventure" I said sarcastically. "Well I told yall I would go back after dinner if anyone wanted to join."

Zoe waited a second, suspiciously and then said, "You think it's time for our daily girl talk?" I didn't really want to because I knew I would end up embarrassing myself but knowing Zoe, she would force me into it anyways sooner or later. "As ready as I'll ever be." "Well, for starters. Do you like Ben?" "Of course not, what type of question is that!" I said scowling. "Jeeze, sorry.  It's just you have seen off lately around Ben. Like I said before, it's kind of obvious. I mean, you accept going here in the first place, then something happens underwater during our game and you go cold to him. Even after our skiing trip you were cold to him until now." "It's that obvious" I said a bit to loud and sullen. "Don't feel sad about your feelings, embrace them. If it makes you feel any better, he is going to try to do something for you this week." "Yeah, I heard already from Mike. Lets move on from me and ask about you. What's your deal with mike" I said deviously. "Hu..... What do you mean!" she said while blushing. "I've seen you talking with him to. You are even telling each other secrets, me and Ben haven't even done that." Zoe was blushing so hard I thought she might have exploded until she calms down and smiles. Uh Oh. " What do you mean by you and Ben 'EVEN' done that." Now she got me. She was looking smug now, how I wish I could wipe it off her face but it was no use. She was right, and worse. I have told Ben secrets, many. "Let's just go to bed." "Okayyy, just tell me if you and Ben sneak out." She was giggling now but there was nothing I could do. She got me. "Have a good night" Zoe said. "Sure I will."


Ben's POV

 I was now STRESSING!!! I made the letter and now all I needed to do was slide it through the door. What if Zoe saw it. What if Cyrus came to check on us! What if Erica rejects me!! Calm down Ben, it's going to be fin, just slide it through the door. I procrastinated another 30 minutes before finally building up the courage to do it. It was about 10:40 I guessed. I went over to her room, slid it under, and nocked. I ran back to my room and waited.

Erica's POV 

I wasn't sleeping knowing this would happen even though I hoped it didn't. Even though I wanted to ignore it and hide from myself, I couldn't risk Zoe finding it. She would use it against me forever. So I begrudgingly went over and read it.

From Ben, 

            Erica, we need to talk. You haven't done anything wrong, but for my sake can we sort out our feelings. I feel like you keep sending me mixed signals and I didn't want to be the awkward one. I hope you understand and will meet me at the hill on the beach at 2300 Hours


                                                                                                                                                   Your friend (or more) Ben

I knew this would happen soon, I just didn't realize when. So i sat waiting, waiting for my doom.

Thank you guys for all the support on my first book. I have always liked writing and the spy school books have really inspired me to continue on and try to post my stories. I hope you like this longer than normal chapter and will try to keep posting. Thank you guys, and I promise there will be more action after this next chapter. Your just going to have to trust me😉

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