Chapter 13: Search and Rescue pt.1

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The Atlantic Ocean

Beach Bazooka


0700 Hours 

Ben's POV

I woke up to the pleasant feeling of arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder. It was dark out but it was still warm. I looked over to Erica on my side. She was sleeping with a smile on her face. I thought I never would get to see this day. I didn't want to wake her up, so I lied there until it was lighter out. Erica then started drowsily moving. "uhhmm....auh" she said while stretching. Then she noticed me. "What the-" She said almost at a scream. She then looked around to see if anyone else was awake. "Sorry...I-i...uhh" she started to stutter. "It's okay, I'm sorry." After she recuperated herself she said "Don't be" with a smirk and then walked off to make breakfast and plans. This was going to be a good day.

Erica's POV

OMG! I just slept with Ben! Not in the weird way. Well I guess it is pretty weird. Why do I love him so much. Feelings only get in the way! Erica, you don't like Ben! You were just cold and needed some warmth! But he is so dreamy. No! Snap out of it. No relationships can be had in this business! That's FINALE Erica! I looked around to find Ben staring at me. Again. But he wasn't looking in his usual dreamy state anymore, he looked concerned. I just then noticed I was pacing back and forth mumbling to myself this entire time! "Sorry" I said as I went to cooking some rabbit. "Are you ok" Ben asked concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just worried about my grandad." I could tell he didn't buy it, but he didn't want to push me further. I did just look crazy for a minute there after all.

Ben's POV

I hope Erica is okay, ever since I tried to talk to her she has been going crazy, talking to herself, cursing, cuddling. I think she is having a breakdown. Whatever the case is, I should probably not try to push the problem. I woke up the others and we ate breakfast. "So munch what is the plan for today" Mike asked Erica and me while eating. "We should go find Cyrus and see what he knows about Murrays plans. He is most likely following Murray himself" I suggested. "That's seems like a good plan" everyone else said. So after we ate, we packed up and covered our tracks. Off to find Cyrus.

"Where do you think he is anyway" Zoe said "Well, if he is following Murray, we should try to follow him to. Mabey we will find some clues to where he is. So we started towards where we heard the bombs last.


"Ugh, why do forests have to always be disgusting" Zoe said while getting a spiderweb out her hair. "Why does a beach have this dense of a jungle anyway." "Well, over the years, the volcanic soil must have fertilized the first plants, bringing in expediential growth" Erica said. "Volcanic ash, like a volc-!" Mike said before the ground started to violently shake. Cracks started to appear in the ground, leaving deep pits. "Erica!" I yelled reaching for her hand. She was about to fall in before she grabbed me. I saw real fear in her eyes for the first time ever. I pulled her up and we caught our breath. I saw Mike lift Zoe out of a crack to and they locked eyes, they realized they were still about to fall in so they moved closer to us. "What.. that" Mike said while heavily breathing. " the volcano is active" Erica said, also in-between breaths. "We better find Cyrus quick, before something swallows us up" I said. We continued walking as Mike marveled at the fact he didn't see the volcano before. He kept saying he thought it was a mountain.  I think he was just trying to annoy me though. 

We hopped over a small ridge, I dropped my flashlight so I went back when I saw something weird. "Erica, we might have something here" I said concerned. "What is i-" Erica trailed off in thought as we saw a huge cavern with huge spiders. "That's the Vebon Spider. It lives only in the Amazon.....and here I guess" Erica said concerned. "What does the Vebon Spider do exactly" I said while shivering. " can paralyze cows with one bit and can grow up to 1 foot in length. We should probably go." "Agreed" Everyone said while running away from  the site. "I think that is what SPYDER meant by caverns" I said. " SPYDER is using spiders for a evil plan. Isn't that something" Mike said trying to lighten the mood. "Lets just find Cyrus and stop Murray" Erica scoffed "we can interrogate the plan out of him then." So we ran to the last explosion sight and saw a massive crater. We all looked down and saw that it was at least 40 feet deep leading into more caverns. "Woah, whatever there planning, it must be big" I said. It was about 1:00 when we got there so we took a little break.

"Ben, what could SPYDER be planning" Erica asked me. I thought for a bit and admitted "I have no clue." "Well, you better figure it out fast, we only have 3 days left and Murray is halfway around the island." "Well, it might have something to due with the spiders venom, I just don't know how they could use it to make money." "Alright, you can figure that out. I got to go for a bit" Erica said while heading towards the bushes. "Me to" Zoe chirped way to enthusiastically. Mike and I were left alone. "By the way, I wasn't sleeping last night" Mike said, once again, deviously. I looked at him confused for a moment and then remembered. "Oh...what do you mean" I said trying to be as convincing as possible. "I mean, are you and Erica a couple." "NO!" I said way to loud. "Why do you care so much about me and Erica anyway?" "It's fun to get on your nerves" Mike said laughing. "I saw you and Erica cuddle last night." "No you didn't" I said as convincingly as possible, knowing that that would never work. "Mmmhm. Sure. So what was she doing laying her head on you then." I turned bright red. "Nothing, she just rolled over in her sleep, I didn't wake her up." "Mmmhm" Mike said again. He was saying it like a detective just to get under my skin. "Well, speaking of relationships, what's going on between you and Zoe. He turned as red as a tomato. "What do YOU mean" he said professionally. "Back at the quake, you guys were staring into each others eyes like you just found love." I started making kissing sounds when another quake started to happen. I heard both of the girls scream. "Erica" I called out. Mike did the same as we ran over, but he said Zoe's name. I smirked at him as we ran.

Again, Erica was getting sucked down a crack, but she was in it this time. She was standing on a small ledge close to the pit trying to get out, but she was 16 feet deep. Me, Mike, and Zoe tried to reach her but it was to deep. The pit started to swallow her whole. She started to scream as she fell. I made a quick decision and jumped in with her, wrapping myself around her as we fell. The last sound I heard was Mike screaming out for me as we plumaged into the Abyss.

Sorry for the wait again guys, I had school testing so I wasn't able to write this as fast. I was going to do this all in one part, but I feel that this chapter might not be the most interesting and so I wanted to give myself time to get the next part better. Sadly, for these longer chapters, I think I am only going to be able to  put them out every 2-3 days. Thank you guys for 250 views! I never thought I would get this far so thank you guys. Have a great day!😊

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