Chapter 11: Finally, some action!

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The Atlantic Ocean

Beach Bazooka

Wednesday Night 

2320 Hours

Ben's POV

We went to our rooms to pack while Cyrus was calling the CIA. Erica gave me a ear piece when we were running back to our huts. "Ben, get your lazy butt over here!" Erica said through the ear piece. It took me 1 minute and 47 seconds, but as usual, Erica was already standing by the helicopter, ready to go. She gave me her old usual icy glare for being late. By this time Murray had noticed us and has started a beeline towards our chopper. By the time everyone else was here, Murray was in shooting distance. I was about to run on into the helicopter until, I saw Murray had something in his hand. He had a cartoony looking device with a red button in the middle. He was smiling deviously. I pulled Erica back as fast as I could while saying, "There's a bomb on the chop-!" Everyone else was running out when it blew up. I felt a huge wave of heat on my face as I curl around Erica and then I blacked out.


I woke up but I kept my eyes closed. I could feel that I was in the air with my hands and legs tied together. I was probably on Murray's chopper. I kept quiet, listening if I could get any info from them. But all I heard  was mumbling, I was about to try to attack when Erica spoke up. "Ben, they know you're awake." I opened my eyes and noticed everyone was next to me asleep except for Erica. There was a wall right in front of me with a sound proof window on it so I was lucky I didn't try to lunge forward. "Oh... thanks." "You really need to work on your skills, I knew you awake immediately. You started breathing very fast." "Harsh." That got me a punch in the arm. I don't even know how she did it tied up but she did. "Well, have you figured out any information from them" I asked hopefully. "Nope, they have kept complete radio silence, not even a text to SPYDER." "Do you have even a theory about them" I asked losing hope. "I was hoping you would. All we know is that they are planting bombs around the island." "Can they hear us?" "No, were alone." Immediately after saying this she realized her mistake. "I mean... uh." "It's okay, we don't have to talk now. Lets focus on escaping." She gave me a rare smile, one of relief. "Thanks for protecting me back there by the way." "Don't worry about it" I tried to say nonchalantly. "Well, let's get to it" She said while jabbing everyone's guts. "OWW" they all said in unionsion. "What you do that for" Mike said obviously angry. "Where are we, how did you get your hands undone." I looked at her and just realized that to. "Were in Murray's chopper obviously" Erica said like it was common knowledge. "Thanks for telling us about the bomb." "It's nothing" I said. That's when I realized something important.

"Guys, the bomb is what that bump was on the chopper. They knew we were on our way and exactly where we were in the air. This was a set up." Everyone looked at me and Erica. Surprised that this was the case and that Erica didn't figure it out. It only took one cold stare for them to shut up. Cyrus just started waking up from all the commotion, as Erica didn't want to jab her own grandfather. "What's happening?" He asked while rubbing his head. "Well Ben realized that this place was a setup and that the bump on the plane was Murray planting the bomb" Zoe said. "Hmm... I thought it was weird that they just asked me to name and island and not talk about it again." Erica then undoes all our cuffs and we try to devise an escape plan. "What if we make a run for it once they land" Mike asked helpfully. "Won't work. Dane has a gun pointed at us at all times while landing" Erica said. "What if we-" "No Zoe, we can't try to take control of the chopper, there's a self destruct bomb in here just in case of things like that." We sat here until it was 2:00 AM trying to come up with a plan until I thought of one. By then, we made it a quarter way around the island. "Hey, what if we jump." They all looked at me like I was crazy. "If we took the smallest piece of C4 and placed it on the door, we could bust through and jump." "What about the landing dumbass!" Erica yelled. The night has really taken a toll on her. "Sorry" she said sheepishly. "Well, I did the math, and if we jump out and explode the rest of the C4, we should make a safe landing." Erica looked impressed. "Lets do it, I can't stand to be in here any longer" Cyrus said exhausted.

Erica put a piece of explosive on the door and then we got as far way as we could. Erica still had her inside pocket gun so she shot the C4 piece. boom It wasn't as loud or as painful as a normal bomb but it still packed a punch. The chopper started to wobble back and forth as the engine malfunctioned from the blast. "I hope this works!" Erica said as we all jumped out and she shot the bomb. Boom!  This one was loud. Luckily, my plan worked perfectly. Besides the fact that Cyrus broke his arm and I got shot by shrapnel. Seconds later we see the plane fall down in flames as well as Murray and Dane jumping out with parachutes. That didn't matter now though, we had to get out of there immediately. Flying debris was coming down from everywhere. We were all running, not to anywhere, just away. "Erica!" I called out not being able to keep up. Blood pouring out of my wounds. All I hear is "Don't go Ben!" before I black out.


I woke up in a dark cave. All I could see was Erica beside me, cuddling up with me. She was holding me tightly like she was about to lose me. Then I remembered what happened with the chopper, the shrapnel, Cyrus's arm. I want to get up and make sure he is okay, that I am okay. But I can't bring myself to do it. Erica's grasp is so comforting, and I don't think I am ready to give that up yet. I just lay there as I drift back into sleep. Hoping that this moment could last forever. But it didn't....

I woke up to some taps to my head. "Just 5 more minutes" I said while unconsciously tightening around Erica. Then I got jabbed, which should have been expected. "Oww, what was that for" I said while releasing my grip from Erica. Then I blushed like a tomato. Of course. "Don't think this is a thing. I was trying to protect you and stop your bleeding. Tell anyone and yo-" "I'm dead. I get the drill. Thanks for helping me." "No problem" Erica said with a smile. I then started to look around the room and realized that no one else was here. "Where is everyone else?" I asked concerned. "Well... When I went beck to get you, they all left us behind so I had to find a safe place." "Well, this is a nice cave. Good choice." I tried to get up but all my muscles felt like I was being burned alive. "AHHHH! Jesus!" "I forgot to tell you but I haven't had a chance to remove the shrapnel. We're going to have to do it now." My eyes went wide with fear. "Right now! While I'm conscious!" I was trying not to panic but it still crept through. "Sorry, we had to do it now or you would have died." "Lets just get this over with" I said with a sigh.

Erica pulled a small med kit out of her breast pocket. I accidently mumble, "How many things can she fit in there!?" "Excuse me!" she sounded offended. "Sorry" I mumbled again. "You better be" she said giggling. "Now hold my hand. When I pull out the shrapnel, hold on tight and don't scream. We don't want to alert Murray." "Okay, cool" I said trying to calm myself. I held her hand and looked into her eyes, they looked like a fun winter's day. Then she took out her tweezers and dug them into my skin. It hurt BAD! I gripped her hand like this was the last I would see her. "It's okay, keep calm" she said as she pulled the first piece out. I felt instant relaxation.  "3 more to go, not that much" she said softly like a cloud in the sky. She then started pulling out the second one. Again, it felt like fire! I tried my best to not scream but I was sweating and kept letting out large moans. "Shhhhh..." she said calmly, putting a instant cooling effect on me. This happened over and over until all the shrapnel was out and there was just blood. "There, all better. Lets get some bandages." Once everything was patched up, I felt so much better. I still couldn't really walk but I felt good enough to try to get signal on a laptop. "How did you get a laptop out here anyway?" I asked generally confused. "There are help beacons around the island, and there happened to be one right next to the cave. Unfortunately, the beacon was destroyed by debris and only the input laptop was left." I was happy to hear that there are help beacons around the island, but I was worried about everyone else. "When should we start looking for the rest of the gang." "We'll start looking for them and beacons if you are capable enough tomorrow" she said with a smile. "Thank you for everything Erica. Healing me, coming back for me, cuddling with me" I said with a slight grin. "Again, I wasn't 'cuddling' , I was helping you preserve body heat" she said slightly annoyed. "Thank you anyways Erica, it means a lot." And with that, I plunged back into my sleep, happy as can be.

Thank you guys for 100 views! It really means a lot to me and I would like to thank all of yall. I am sorry I didn't upload yesterday but I was working on this long chapter for yall, I hoped you liked it. Comment if you like these types of chapters, long, or my usual shorter ones. Thank you guys again for the 100 views! Have a good day!😊

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