The Similarities

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Four hundred years have passed since his death, and Kalego finds himself still amidst the agony of such a burning lament, unable to transcend the abyss left by his lover's death.

Prior to Iruma's death, Kalego was known for his ill temperament; however, the loss of Iruma further escalated his trials, turning him even more bitter and reclusive.

The barriers that once kept people at a distance have become walls of concrete. His sadness is abrupt and keen, accompanied by increased estrangement from colleagues and students. He bursts into tears at every sight and sound that reminds him of Iruma-familiar places and certain things.

Sometimes, it gets darker, and the burden of his loss has led him to even consider taking his own life, but the awesome support network of friends and family of Iruma and his loved ones prevents this from occurring.

Kalego is still steeped in his sadness.

It includes Iruma's family, his friends, and his coworkers trying to reach out continuously, doing all they can to comfort and support him. Kalego turns them away at every opportunity, feeding into the isolation he fosters.

There is a noticeable feeling of empathy for Kalego's endless anguish, but their recovery from their own grief makes it almost impossible to understand why Kalego can't put his pain behind him and move on.

The atmosphere in the school has totally changed since the death of Iruma.

There are new teachers and students who hardly know Kalego's past and how much he suffered because of this. Reactions by these new members are mostly those of confusion as to why Kalego would be so cold and ruthless.

This growing resentment against him is fueled by the warmth and understanding accorded to him by long-serving staff who try to explain Kalego's actions. Due to a rumor about the strictness of Kalego, fresh students have been worried about class assignment annually.

That is not how things are this year.

The resemblance, through the way and mannerism, of this new student to Iruma was uncanny; it became an unexpected reactions among the old staff members-first it was a coincidence, but the more the days go by, through shared energies, habits, and even some physical traits. With each passing day, suspicion among the staff that this student might be the reincarnation of Iruma grows stronger.

Kalego discovers the reincarnation, and there comes the twist.

The old staff members, with a view to saving Kalego from further sorrow, try to hide the discovery. However, Kalego finds this out on his own due to a deep intuitive feeling. In a storm of internal turmoil, a whirlwind awakens in Kalego's heart.

He was torn between his relentless grief and this new hope as Kalego resolved to protect this reincarnated student at all costs. This is his desperate measure to make sure such a fate does not befall the student as has happened to Iruma.

The clash between old and new staff members escalates.

The old staff tries to ease things by mediating, balancing themselves between Kalego's predicament and the growing frustration of the newer arrivals. Kalego has become so determined to safeguard this reincarnated student that the dynamics in school seem to put him against everyone else, creating a volatile atmosphere of conflict and resolution.

The school environment reflects this ongoing tension as Kalego is given time to sort himself out. What was once a place of learning and companionship in the school now rumbles with the unresolved grief of its members.

The atmosphere weighs heavy due to the happenings of the past, with the current state of the school mirroring the pain within the community. It is then that Kalego's past relationship with Iruma comes into significance.

To appreciate Kalego's torment fully, one has to relate to his past with Iruma; their bond was very strong and influential, the essence of Kalego's personality and way of life. So, when Iruma passed away, it was not the end of that great bond between the two but left a void that has been seemingly impossible to fill.

The circumstances this year are very different and hold promise for a resolution.

In this new phase that Kalego has undertaken for his wish to protect the reincarnated student, healing and redemption seem to face him. The journey is likely to be marring at the same time; it also points out the path to the future through which he may search for harmony with whatever has taken place and come out into the light from dark shadows of grief.

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