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I'm sorry it took so long to update! I planned on getting more done in this but I thought I might as well publish it tonight, I'll just have to put more in the next chapter! Thanks for the 1.9k views! And all the stars! Don't worry I'm not giving up on this I'm just slow at writing :)
Hermione's P.O.V.
"Since when can death eaters drive, I can't even drive, did you see me in second year? I crashed into a tree!" Ron ranted.
"Ron?" I said leaning in and kissing him.
"Yeah?" He said smiling into the darkness of the van.
"Shut up, we can apperate you idiot!"
"Oh yeah."

But then there was a thump and the car stopped.
"Get out, and don't try anything, this place has an anti-spell for everything you could try and it'll hit you back with a spell 10x harder than you could imagine." A man in a hooded cape spoke firmly to them.
They looked around. They were in a place that very much reminded them of Malfoy Manor.
"You might as well have your wands back, there's not much you can do with them here" someone shouted before tossing the wands at us and locking the door to the dark room they were in.

"Lumos" Ron said. Followed by a scream as the light from his want started blinding the room.
"Nox" he shouted. Changing the room from a bright white to pitch black.
"I guess I'm not trying that again." He said. Wait that gave me an idea!
"What if there's a spell that the death eaters don't know, or didn't think about, therefore the room can't bounce it back because there is no counteraction for mystery apart from knowledge so we'd only be able to do the spell once before the room immune's itself."

"How about sectemsepra or one of the ones out of Harry's book?"
"That wouldn't do much good here and I can't remember any others from that ghastly book!" I replied.
Ron continued to list spells, none of which would work.
"Wait, of corse that's it! What's the spell for the patronus to go and talk to a member of the order?"

As I tried remember the spell a quiet voice came from the shadows.
"Who's there Ron shouted."
"Don't hurt me" the voice replied.
Out of the shadows walked the other Hermione. She was crying.
"It's okay! What happened?"
"They took my mother, I don't know where, not long ago."
"It's okay, come here!" I said as she walked towards me, sniffling.
"This is Ron by the way, Ron Weasley and I'm... Lavender Brown." I said.
Ron have me a look saying, 'what are you doing.'
The younger Hermione had fallen asleep in the corner of the room, under Hermione's jacket.

"I can't do it!" I sighed at the sight of the blue smoke evaporating away from my wand.
"You just need to think of a happier memory!" Ron insisted.
"You know I have trouble with this spell!"
"Then let me!"
"Do you know how to do a full corporal patronus? With the ability for communication?"
"I guess I'll figure it out." Ron replied.
He cast the spell and a Jack Russell Terrier bound around the room.
"Follow the patronus to us, we know where her parents are, we got kidnapped, come help us, the place is surrounded by death eaters so be careful." I said to the patrous before casting it to Harry and Ginny.
"Thanks" I said blushing and kissing Ron on the cheek.
"Don't worry Mione" he said kissing my forehead.

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