What did she say?!

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Ron's P.O.V
Okay, what?! She's going back to Hogwarts basically so she doesn't have to spend another year with me! I don't even know where we stand and she's leaving! This news is earth shattering, I can't believe my ears. Devastated doesn't even cover it!

I pulled Hermione aside.
"Okay so you're going back next year? Is this to get away from me?"
"Not everything is about you Ron!" She said exasperatedly.
"Where do we even stand Mione?"
"Hand in hand, side by side, together" she said softly with warmth streaming from her voice.

"That's what I hoped" I whispered. I leaned in, and we kissed. It felt magnificent! I felt like we hadn't kissed in forever and we were finally reconnecting. Her arms were around my neck and I was holding her waist. Her lips were so soft! She pulled away, smiled and nuzzled her head into my chest. Her hair smelled like...

I held her there for a bit before George caller us over. We we're suppose to be working? Trust George to ruin my moment. That's what brothers are for right? Hermione blushed then dragged me over to one if the corridors where we started shifting though the rubble.

We finished the corridor and most of the rooms in the corridor by midnight. We went to the last room in the corridor that Harry and Ginny had been cleaning up, seeing if they were finished and needed any help.

"Get off my sister Potter!" I shouted half-jokingly half-deadly serious.
"Sorry mate" Harry showed his cheesy grin. The room was a mess, they'd been making out forthwith past half-hour! There was still a load of work to be done and we were all getting tired by now. Then Percy, Bill, Fleur and George turned up.
"Come, we may get diz room clean in minutes if we 'urry!" Said Fleur, she looked exhausted, and ready to go home. And we did get the room clean in 10 minutes it was done and everything back to the way it should've been.

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