Shopping with the Girls

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Luna's P.O.V
Yesterday was great! Everyone started to cheer up and no one looked so sad anymore! So today we decided to all go out, except, the boys had to start at the ministry for their auror internships today so it was just us girls! Me, Ginny, Hermione, Fleur and Pavarti and Lavender joined us too!

We could've done the internships too but we decided on different career paths, well I'm going to run The Quibbler anyway, not sure about the rest of our group though. Hermione defiantly isn't sure and Ginny possibly wants to do something with Quidditch seeing how good of a player she is.

We decided to go clothes shopping for something new. That were, well... less torn to bits, before we would join the boys for tea later.

"Where shall we go first?" I asked. Most of the shops were shut so our choices were quite limited. Never the less we managed to spend a whole 2 hours trying on clothes in Gladrags Wizardwear!

We paraded around the shop in our flowing dresses and frilly frocks. Fleur wore a light blue dress that was the color of her Beauxbaton's robes, It was simple but elegant with her glimmering glass slippers.
"You look like Cinderella!" Hermione awed.
"What iz dat?" Fleur asked, slightly offended. We looked quizzically at Hermione.
"Oh, sorry it's a muggle story. I mean you look radiant!" She replied.

Hermione herself chose a lilac waterfall dress with purple 6 inch high heels and a spell so you couldn't trip over whilst wearing them.

"My favorite color!" She remarked giving herself a twirl and we applauded.
Lavender had chosen a short dark pink dress and Pavarti a matching dark blue one. They wore pumps that were just lighter than their dresses and shawls to match. They all looked stunning!

"Wow we're fabulous!" I giggled.
"Absolutely divine" Lavender chimed in.
"Magnificent" added Pavarti.
"Beautiful" said Fleur.
"Gorgeous!" Said Hermione and Ginny together.

I chose a lime green, knee-length dress adorned with big bows, I coupled it with large earrings the shape of frogs and peep-toed shoes.

"I wonder who that dress is for!" Ginny asked sarcastically.
"Now who do we know who likes toads, and the color green, oh and likes luna too" Lavender added.
"Hmmmmm..." They all said at the same time which echo'ed around the room.
"Howre ze both' of youz anyways?" Asked Fleur.
"Oh we're just wonderful! I can't believe how amazing we are!

The rest of the day was spent shopping, we went to Honeydukes, Florish and Blotts to get mine, Ginny and Hermione some school books we might need. We obviously hadn't got the list yet but we thought we'd have an advantage.

Also each of us purchased "the life and lies of Albus Dumbldore" and Harry's biography by Rita Skeeter just for a joke. Then we went to meet up with the boys in The Three Broomsticks for tea.

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