Work with the boys

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Draco's P.O.V
Draco Malfoy, the boy who had no choice, that's what they keep saying about me anyway. So then why am I in a court room about to be locked up in Azkaban?

"Your first part of auror training will be to interrogate a family of death eaters we've captured." I heard a large voice through the door. It was a tall, dark man who I'd recognized as once part of the Order of the Pheonix.

"Hello minister" my father said.
"Good evening Malfoy" he replied.
"We heard you'd come the Prime Minister, Kingsley. I know your doing a good job rounding up the Death Eaters as I haven't seen Bella in days!" My mother says.
"The court would like to add, as we can't withhold information from a defendant, that Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black) is dead. Now continue with the proceedings minister." Said a middle aged witch with a pointy red hat and green robe who seemed to be in charge. My mother slid back in her seat and started sniffling at the loss of her sister.

Kingsley lead he group over, they seemed too young to be working in the ministry.
"Harry and Ron, you will take this case" said the Minister. The Harry and Ron? Oh great!
"Yes Minister thank you!"
"Potter, Weasley?" I said
"Malfoy..?" They said together.
"You three have been accused of being Death Eaters? Well you are Death Eaters though, everyone knows that!" Barked Ron.
"Mr Weasley, they are on trial for being known Death Eaters but they might have valid reasons over it and that's the opportunity they'll have here!" Said the middle-aged witch.

" Mr Malfoy, you're known to be in the main circle of the late Lord Voldemort. What are your reasons for this?" Harry directed at my father.

"My reasons have been to keep the noble houses of Black and Malfoy in touch with its support to our Lord and the Dark Arts" my father sneered. Why did he have to mess everything up for my mother and I?

"Any further statements? From anyone? No? Okay."
"Mrs Malfoy." They said turning to my mother. "You have been accused of the same as your husband, your defense?"
"I simply wanted to protect my son, my family as you know are heavily influenced by the Dark Arts and all I wanted to do was to protect my son from harm" she said shakily, she knew there wasn't much she could say to avoid Azkaban but at least it was the truth. My mother always looked out for me.
"Does anyone have anything else to add on this? No? Oka-"
"I can vouch for Mrs Malfoy having personally witnessed her lying to Voldemort himself to protect Draco, and save my life in the process." Harry spoke up.
"Can he do that minister? He's suppose to be the one interacting them!" Said the witch.
"He's Harry Potter, he can do what he wants."
"Thanks Potter" I snarled although I did mean the thanks.

"And as for you Malfoy, what's your defense?" Ron asked.
"I had no choice, do you know what could've happened if I double crosses the Dark Lord?" I replied.
"Snape did it!" Harry remarked.
"Yes and look where he is now! Dead!" I pointed out.
"In all fairness Harry I think he was just trying to save his own skin. Sounds like he's telling the truth, he's always in it for himself." Ron added, was there a compliment in there somewhere? No, maybe not, but I think it helped.
"The court has the verdict, we sentence Mr Malfoy, the father, to life in Azkaban. We sentence Mrs Malfoy and younger Mr Malfoy no time in Azkaban but volunteer work in the muggle world must take place, without magic. We would also like a donation to Saint Mungo's. That is all"
"Oi Malfoy" I heard Ron call.
"Me and Ron are about to meet everyone at the Three Broomsticks, coming?" Harry asked.
"Yeah I guess I can go apologizes to them and explain myself".

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