Should we go?

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Ron's P.O.V
She stood in the doorway, watching us, studying us. With anyone else I'd have told them to mind their own business, but out of the corner of my eye, I was staring back.

Her hair, now golden brown, was ripped, torn, cut and in places looked as if it'd started falling out. None the less she was nothing less than perfect.

Her emerald eyes looked worn out and her face started to droop with the weight of a thousand deaths dropped on her shoulders, willingly. Yet I had never seen anyone so beautiful in my life.

I've had a small pain in my heart since Fred and the others... Well you know... since they died a couple of days ago in the battle. It's hard to think of them as gone. The truth is I'm not as tough as everyone thinks, but Hermione knows this and she doesn't care!
Oh she's beautiful! All I have to do is look at her and I know there's hope.

Both of my best friends have lost their parents. This should be a time for togetherness, at least that's what Hermione would say, I'm starting to sound a bit like her (although I'm not sure if that's good or bad)! Hermione's parents could actually be alive but it's not the kind of thing you bring up at the breakfast table.

I'm glad to still have so much of my family, I suppose we're lucky that Fred was the only one who we lost. We should be celebrating! But we lost so many in battle... Mad-eye was lost before the real battle even began. Parvati, like Fred, is another twin gone. Colin was too young to even fight in battle, how could this have happened. Lupin and Tonks, gone, leaving Teddy and orphan of war, like countless others.

Then Hermione breaks the silence, not that anyone noticed the silence as they were wallowing in their own thoughts.
"I think we should go over to Hogwarts and help with the clean-up"
"How" I spoke without intending to.
"What do you mean how?!" She said with a small amount of anger growing inside of her.
"I mean how could you go back to the place where we all lost so much?" I don't know if I can ever go back there again bit she seemed determined.
"They need all the help they can get, come on! Ginny? Harry? George?"

Then Percy came out of the shadows he was hiding in, un-noticed by the rest of the room.
"Yeah, I'll go" he spoke softly. He'd been distant in the past couple of days. Spending most if his time in the Ministry or locked up in his room. He came down for meals of corse, but stayed quiet. The stress of work and the ordeal was hard on him and reconnecting with his family seemed to much to comprehend. He hid behind his workload, hoping the sorrow would go away.
"Come on then, we'll all go!" Ginny chimed in. They all nodded, I guess that was final.

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