The Golden trio?

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Harry's P.O.V
They walked around like idiots all loved-up but confused for a few days but confused. I know Hermione asked Ron to go to Australia with her, to find the Granger's or 'the Wilkins' as they're known in Australia. This may be our one last chance for an Adventure before we get to the real world and I'm pretty sure the newly engaged couple don't want me tagging along. I think they were probably going to get married after they come back so they didn't have to worry about planning a wedding before traveling. They were leaving on April 1st, George's Birthday. First one without Fred. But that was the only day they could go because of ministry regulations. They couldn't fly because it would take to long for Ron to get a passport and Hermione's was with her parents in Australia although it hadn't been updated since she was suppose to go Skiing for Christmas a few years ago.
"I want to go with the Gin" I said to my lovely girlfriend who was walking around her room and I was sitting on her bed in her room at the Burrow.
"You couldn't leave me!" She said sitting down next to me.
"I'm not saying that! Maybe we could go together! Think how romantic that would be!" I said as she crawled on top of me and we started to make out.
"Very romantic" she said.

* * *

We were laying on the sofa downstairs, Ginny on my lap, Hermione pacing and Ron reading the Quibbler which someone else was temporarily running as Xeno was probably too busy and Luna at Hogwarts.
"Sit down Hermione!" Ron shouted.
"I can't! I just can't, we're leaving tomorrow and I don't even know where to start!"
"Maybe we can't do this on our own 'Mione"
"What do you mean?"
"Come into the hall with me a second please?" He led her out into the passage just as George came down the stairs with a pair of extendable ears.
"Need these?" He pointed towards the invention. We listened to the conversation, although Ginny gave a disapproving look she joined us.
"We can't go without them!"
"But it's to much to ask Ron!"
"My best friend and sister? I'm sure they'll be happy to help"
"I couldn't ask them, it's my problem, my parents, my responsibility. Not theirs"
"You went with Harry to Godric's Hollow and are going to be Ginny's Sister-in-law! They owe you!"
"Your asking then!" She sighed.
The opened the door to find us standing there.
"Of course we'll come, Hermione!" Ginny said unable to resist, she gave Hermione a hug until she started turning purple.
"Well we better pack then Gin!" I said as we ran upstairs.

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