~ One

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Hello there Beautiful People! So I know I haven't updated Take It Back in a while (sorry about that BTW) but I have been working on other projects and this is one of them. It's about the Cole Family...that's all I'm going to say. Hope you enjoy 🩵

• Tuesday, July 25th, 2017

Greg pressed the horn lightly, trying to get his talkative wife's attention.

Greg: Baby, come on, you know there's always traffic on the way back home.

Dorinda: Alright honey, I'm coming.

Dorinda turned back to her younger sister, pulling her into a hug.

Dorinda: Girl, let me go before this man drives me crazy. Breakfast was great, though.

Karen: Ha, okay, I love you, sis. I'll see you later. Bye, Greg!

Dorinda: Bye; I love you more. Bye,  Drew!

Doe said, waving to her brother-in-law, who, just like her husband, was sitting in the driver's seat of the car, waiting. After walking over to the car and getting in, Dorinda looked at her husband and shook her head. He noticed her reaction and asked,

Greg: What?

Dorinda: You are so impatient sometimes.

Greg: You talk to Karen multiple times a day, and you see her almost every day; we just had breakfast together for 2 and a half hours. I want to catch the game, baby.

Dorinda: Fine, let's just go home; I'm tired.

Greg: Mhm, mhm, I thought we were supposed to finish what you started this morning.

He was referring to their quickie before heading to the restaurant. Doe smiled and rubbed her hand down his thigh.

Dorinda: Oh, I didn't forget, Daddy.

Greg: Good, because I sure didn't.

The couple continued their conversation, soon entering their cul-de-sac and heading into their driveway, when Dorinda heard her phone ring.

Dorinda: It's the daycare.

The couple sighed as Doe answered the phone. The conversation barely lasted two minutes as their grandson's teacher explained his crime of the day.

Greg: Lord, Imma hurt this boy.

Dorinda: Let's just go get him.

Gregory looked toward the house and shook his head.

Greg: So I guess we ain't finishing anything, huh?

Dorinda: Oh, please.

• Thirty minutes later

DJ: Mommy, can we go to the jump place?

Greg: Boy, hush, when we get into this house, you get a spanking.

DJ: No! It was just an accident.

Greg: How? You pushed another kid down the slide, DJ!

Dorinda: Was it an accident, baby?

DJ: Yes, it is.

Greg: Dorinda, don't do that.

Dorinda: Babe, he said it was an accident.

Greg: He always says that I'm tired of having to stop my day for you, boy.

Greg said, turning to face his grandson in the backseat. DJ held his head down and began to cry.

Dorinda: Oh, honey, it's okay; Pop didn't mean it.

Greg: Yes, I did, Dorinda. See, this is why he acts like that. You baby him; he needs to behave like a young man, not a damn animal.

Dorinda: Don't call him that.

DJ: I'm sorry for behaving like an animal.

Dorinda: You are not an animal baby; see, now you have him calling himself that.

Greg: I-man whatever.

DJ: Pop I'm really sorry!

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