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Serena frowned deeply as she watched her daughter pack up and move things to Elliot's truck and her car. She hated that this was the end of her friendship with Stephanie. They had been close for so long, and now that was all coming to an end.

"Liv, please reconsider. Stephanie needs your help and-" Serena started, but Olivia interrupted her.

"No, Mom. I'm not sticking around to help her when she said some pretty shitty things about Elliot. I'm never talking to her again," Olivia snapped. She grabbed another garbage bag and tossed it down by the front door.

"Olivia Margaret Benson! I didn't raise you to treat your friends like this! Go and apologize to her and put your stuff back!" Serena exclaimed. Olivia turned to look at her mother in disgust.

"If you are so angry at me, why don't you go comfort Stephanie? Elliot and I will finish moving out and you won't have to think about me again," Olivia snapped.

"Don't sass me, Olivia!"

"Don't support me, okay?! Ignore me and pretend that I don't fucking exist. Stephanie can be your little girl!" Olivia yelled, as Elliot walked through the apartment door and looked at them awkwardly.

"Liv-" He started, but Olivia shook her head as she turned to face him.

"How much more can we fit? I wanna leave soon," Olivia breathed.

"A few more bags and then we will be full. We can come back-" Elliot started, but this time Stephanie barged from her room and looked at the couple.

"Anything of hers that is left here will be set on fire. I'm not threatening you. I'm promising you."


Olivia sat on the floor of Aiden's bedroom and cried quietly. She was so angry but also incredibly hurt. She didn't understand why Stephanie couldn't just be supportive, because she was doing this for Aiden. Her newborn didn't deserve to be shipped between apartments just because his mother's roommate didn't want her to move out.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Elliot asked as he strolled into the room. He turned on the overhead light before sitting beside Olivia. He leaned in close and kissed her temple softly.

"I can't believe tonight actually happened," Olivia whispered.

"I know, but I'm sure you can fix things with Steph," Elliot replied.

"Fix things? Things are far too broken to fix. And she needs to apologize for being a bitch to me," Olivia huffed.

"Bad things were said on both sides. She needs to cool down, and then I'm sure she'll come back around," Elliot replied.

Olivia shook her head and slowly laid down on the rug. It was the only thing from her room that was set up. She ran her fingers over the fabric before rolling onto her back and looking at Elliot.

"She called you King of Red Flags... Aren't you angry too?"

"I deserved it, Liv. You know I do," Elliot replied quietly.

"No, you-"

"I abandoned you. You spent a good portion of your pregnancy alone and you never knew if I'd come back. Of course, she's angry that you wanted to move in with me, especially since I really didn't do anything to deserve it," Elliot frowned.

Olivia ran her fingers over her still-swollen midsection before sitting up slowly.

"I love you, and I want to be with you. My poor decisions are mine to make, and she can't stop me from making them," she grumbled.

"No, she can't. You are stubborn as fuck, but so is she. Stephanie just wanted to protect you from any more heartache, and we can't blame her for that. Now, let's go see our baby. He needs to be snuggled by you since today was just as stressful for him," Elliot spoke.

He stood before helping Olivia to his feet. They shared a few kisses before walking from Aiden's future room and into the living room. Their son slept soundly in his carrier, his pacifier dangling from one of his tiny lips.


Stephanie stood in the doorway to the empty bedroom that once housed her best friend. She wiped a tear from her cheek and shook when Serena gently touched her back. Stephanie turned slowly to face Olivia's mother.

"You should have helped her move out," Stephanie whispered.

"I don't agree with how this all went down. She shouldn't have dropped this bomb the day she and Aiden were released from the hospital. I really don't think she and Elliot should be living together at all," Serena sighed, as she grabbed Stephanie's hand and led her to the kitchen table. She forced her onto a seat before sitting a mug of tea in front of her.

"I think she should just leave him for good. He is going to break her heart again. Next time she'll have a handful of kids running around and he'll be bored with her," Stephanie frowned.

"I guess neither of us will see that since she's done with both of us," Serena sighed.

"I'm sorry, Serena. She is your only daughter and-"

"And I don't enjoy who she has turned into. I guess that even if it hurts me so much, I just gotta deal with being nothing to her and Aiden. I won't be able to watch my grandson grow up, but I'm honestly surprised I got to watch him be born."

Serena and Stephanie sat together and drank an entire pot of coffee before Serena stood to leave.

"My lease is almost up," Serena spoke as she pulled her jacket on.

"Yeah?" Stephanie asked, unsure why Serena was telling her that.

"Do you want me to take over Olivia's half of the lease? I won't be getting knocked up by an ex and leaving you to fend for yourself." Serena smiled.

"That will be the last nail in the coffin, Serena. She will never forgive you," Stephanie spoke.

"It was going to happen, anyway. Our relationship has been rocky for years, and even if it just started to get solid, it was still easy to break. So, want me to be your roomie?" Serena asked, and Stephanie nodded.

"Yes, please," she whispered, before standing and hugging Olivia's mother tightly.

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