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Right before Olivia and Stephanie were going on their lunch break, they got a domestic violence call at an apartment complex not far from their location. After informing dispatch that they'd take it, Stephanie put the sirens on and they rushed to the location. The moment they got out of their cruiser, Olivia felt like she'd get sick. 

"Olivia, are you coming?" Stephanie asked as she stood in the open doorway.

"This is Elliot's building," Olivia replied, her eyes wide.

"Oh, my god. Do you think it's his apartment?" Stephanie asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"I think so... Kathy's been abusing him," Olivia whispered.

Running up the stairs, Olivia tried her hardest to not run into the apartment without Stephanie's backup. She knew she could take Kathy, but she didn't want anything to happen and for Kathy to use it against her. 

"NYPD, open up!" Stephanie demanded as she pounded on the door.

"You're such a pussy! Calling the cops on me?!" Kathy yelled bitterly before there was a groan heard inside. Olivia held her hand out, and Stephanie stepped back. Olivia took one shaky breath before kicking in the door and stumbling in. 

Kathy stood over Elliot, his service weapon held tightly in her hand. She looked up and saw Olivia and Stephanie, her face growing red with anger.

"Of course, your little whore responded! Get the fuck out of here, Olivia!" Kathy yelled, as her finger moved to the trigger.

"If you pull the trigger, I'll be forced to pull mine," Olivia warned, her gun aimed at Kathy. The last thing she wanted was to shoot Kathy and hurt her and the baby, but she might not have a choice. If Kathy pulled the trigger and killed Elliot, she'd have hell to pay.

"You don't have the balls to shoot me, Olivia! How are you even allowed a gun after you tried to kill yourself?!" Kathy spat, as she quickly turned and aimed the gun at Olivia. 

"Put the gun down, Kathy," Stephanie spoke when she realized Olivia had clammed up. She hadn't had a gun pointed at her since being undercover, so this was scary.

"Why don't you both leave and let me finish what I'm doing?" Kathy grinned.

"You're insane," Olivia huffed, her voice shaky.

"No, you are," Kathy smiled, before pulling the trigger.

Olivia fell to the ground, her heart pounding in her chest as she felt the sting of a bruise growing under her vest. She felt foggy and didn't even hear what was happening around her until a bloodied Elliot knelt beside her as tears streamed down his cheeks.


Olivia sat on a bed in the ER as she waited for the doctor to come back and review the x-rays to see if she had any internal injuries from being shot. She kept looking over to see if anyone came out with news about Elliot, who had been lying on the ground pretending to be unconscious in hopes Kathy would leave him alone.

"How are you doing?" Stephanie asked as she brought her friend a bottle of water.

"I'm sore, but doing okay. Any word on Elliot?" Olivia questioned.

"He's pretty bad, Liv. He told me Kathy would get away with this all because men can't get beaten by women." Stephanie frowned.

"He told me the same thing, but I thought he believed me when I told him it doesn't work like that. That anyone can abuse anyone. Men and women," Olivia sighed. She shifted awkwardly on the bed as she placed a hand on the bruise growing below her ribs on the right side.

"What happened?" Sergeant Lee exclaimed as she came racing to where her officers were sitting.

"We responded to a domestic violence call and found a woman standing with a gun aimed at her boyfriend. She shot Olivia, but luckily it hit her vest," Stephanie explained.

"Your son's father was the victim, right?"

"Yes, sir," Olivia breathed, as a frown darkened her face.

"Olivia, you should have had someone else respond!"

"If we had, I would be burying Aiden's father. Kathy was going to kill Elliot, and she planned to kill him after shooting me. Stephanie had my back, and everything was okay. We didn't use our weapons," Olivia replied, as a doctor came out and called for Elliot's family.

Olivia quickly stumbled from her bed and held her side as she walked towards the doctor.

"His parents didn't show up, but I'm the responding officer. What's wrong with him?" Olivia asked quickly.

"Officer, you should be resting. Please-"

"Is he alive?" Olivia asked as tears burned her eyes and her lip quivered. She was worried that he wasn't telling her right away because Elliot was dead.

"Officer, Elliot is alive. He has internal bleeding, a concussion, a fractured cheekbone, and a broken collarbone. He didn't fight back," The doctor replied. Olivia swallowed hard and nodded slowly.

"He didn't want to hurt her or their baby..." Olivia trailed off as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"He should make a full recovery, but he might need help to get over everything that was inflected on him." 

Olivia nodded weakly as Stephanie came over and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Can I see him?" Olivia whispered.

"Once you are discharged, I'll let you back. Please go back to your bed."


Olivia was discharged with orders to take it easy and take pain medicine to help with her pain. She didn't have any internal injuries, but she had one hell of a bruise that was taking up a good majority of the right side of her abdomen. Before Stephanie could convince Olivia to go home and see Aiden, Olivia insisted on seeing Elliot. 

She walked quietly to his room and knocked lightly on the door. Elliot mumbled something as Olivia opened the door and peeked her head in.

"Are you up for a quick visitor?" Olivia asked, and Elliot looked at her and nodded slowly.

"Hi, Olivia," Elliot breathed.

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you," Olivia breathed.

"Are you here to arrest me?" Elliot asked, and Olivia looked at him in confusion.

"Why would we arrest you?"

"Didn't Kathy lie about how I hit her first?"

"She was examined and there wasn't a bruise on her body. We all know that she beat you up, and she'll be going to jail for a very long time. Let alone for shooting me, which is a big deal," Olivia sighed.

"She's going to take Maureen from me and I'll-"

"Elliot, look at me," Olivia breathed.

Elliot slowly looked at Olivia as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Kathy is going to jail for a long time and no judge is going to allow her to take care of Maureen because she's abusive. She'll give birth in prison and Maureen will be given to you. Everything will be okay."

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