What if all I need is you?

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Biting her finger nervously, Taylor was backstage as Sabrina was performing, waiting for her turn on stage. She wasn't usually worried about these performances, she did them almost every week for crying out loud. Today was different.

Travis was coming to her show today. They'd been dating for about a month after the Matty Healy incident, Kam, her dancer, had decided he had enough of Taylor moping around and set the two of them up.

Today was a PR stunt. The whole point was testing the waters, seeing how PR was around them. They agreed if the press wasn't bad, they would consider going public. The plan was simple: they would make the whole world believe they'd never met, not once in their lives. Travis would bring a friendship bracelet with his phone number on it, and "try" to get it to Taylor. He would fail, talk about it on his podcast, someone on Taylor's team would take notice, set them up. Easy enough.

One small problem: nobody besides Tree and her mom knew. Not Sabrina, not Travis' friends, none of them. Tree knew because Tree is Tree and Andrea knows because she's literally mama swift. She decided to shoot Travis a quick text.

Princess 👑: You sure you can pull this off, Trav?

El Travador: You doubting me, princess?

Princess 👑: Never. Best of luck, Travvy. I'll look for you ;)

El Travador: You know I'll be cheering you on no matter what <3

Giggling like a schoolgirl, Taylor set her phone away as someone came into her dressing room. "It's time." Tree said, patting her on the shoulder, "You got this. I will keep you updated on Travis." Smiling, Taylor nodded, following Tree to the bottom of the stage, where she waited paitently for her cue.

Taylor's POV
I took my mic when it was handed to me. I lowered my head as I heard Miss Americana start. Taking a deep breath, I felt the platform rise and watched as the large fabric covers were pulled off, revealing me. I put the mic up to my mouth, and the show was on.

• • •
3rd person

After the show, Taylor took a bow and went back under. She'd spotted Travis mulitple times through the show, he wasn't hard to find. She delivered both surprise songs to him, but no one knew that except him. The songs were both inside jokes, not really love song.

Last kiss was the first song, and it was because she knew it was one of Travis' favourites.

The second song, Dorothea, was because one of Travis' favourite things to say was that she was his Dorothea, his closest friend. He knew that he would always know her. She could've sworn Travis' smile grew even wider when he heard it.

•A few days later•
Taylor and Travis were on facetime, talking about last weekend. Travis' latest podcast episode was out, and the clip of him talking about her went viral and was circulating like crazy.

"So, Princess, I would say the press is as decent as can be. What do you think?" Travis said, smirking.

Rolling her eyes, Taylor replied, "Trav, darling, I love you, really I do. But you need to have some patience. People are thinking we just met, or maybe that we haven't even talked before! Slowly, Travvy."

Smiling, Travis knew she was right. "You got it...Taytay."

"Don't call me that!" Taylor laughed.

"We both know you love it." Travis said, eyes shining with joy.

She did. "I hate it." She said flatly but couldn't stop her smile or the laughter that bubbled up. "We can go to my Rhode Island house soon, maybe? Just me
and you. We can go down to the beach, and I can show you the places I love. There's this little cave..." Travis smiled as his favourite girl in the world rambled on and on about everything around Rhode Island.

"So what do you think, Travvy?" Taylor said, excitement clear as day. "Let's do it. How 'bout after my last game of the season, we could head down?" Taylor nodded eagerly. "I end tour in September and don't restart tour until November."

"Alright girlie, see you then. I'm ready for the press when you are." Travis said smiling.

Taking a shaky breath, Taylor nodded, half to reassure Trav, half to reassure herself. "Yeah. It's gonna be fine." She sounded like she was trying to convince herself more so than trying to convince Travis.

"Tay, princess. It's fine. Breathe, okay? Everything is just fine, princess. You're safe." Travis' voice soothed her and was more reassuring than any song lyric she could ever write.

"Hey Travvy?" Taylor murmured. Eyes twinkling, Travis asked, "'Sup, Taytay?" Grinning to herself, Taylor replied, "Thanks for being there. You're a good man, Travis Michael Kelce."

"Taylor, that, to me, means more than any song or note or message."

•               •               •

First chapter done! Hope ya'll like it as much as I do.

Requests if you have any >>>>>

love ya!

-YT xx

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