No one can hurt you now - Requested

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Song is Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift!

Enjoy this one!

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Taylor's POV

Immediately after the game, we'd gone out to a restaurant for a celebratory dinner. It was so fun to get to know everyone, especially since I would be spending plenty of time with them.

Trav and I were staying back for a while just so we could help clean and so the paps didn't target others as much compared to if we left with the main group.

We knew paparazzi would be bad but as I peeked out the window, I couldn't help but feel a little terrified as to just how many there were.

Security walked in. "Ready to go, Miss Swift, Mr Kelce?" I look at Trav, who nods in affirmation, and nod back at the security guards. "Yeah. Let's go." I take a deep breath, stepping out the door.

Suddenly, I'm blinded by the oh-so familiar lights and sounds of paparazzi screaming.

I feel someone get close to me, and before I even process what's going on, I'm on the ground.

I stand up quickly, dusting myself off. Trav stops almost immediately, helping me up.

Turning to the guy who shoved me, he yelled, "Hey you! Yeah, Green shirt. Don't think I didn't see that fucking stunt you pulled." I tugged on his arm, shaking my head. "Not worth it." I said softly.

He glared at the man, then glanced back st me, before ulitmately deciding to listen to my words. "You learn some basic respect, all of you." He yelled the last bit at all the paparazzi he'd seen taking pictures as I fell.

He took my hand and led me to the car, letting me in first before I pulled him into the safety of the car.

I didn't know how to feel. Usually, all the guys I was with were taught to stay out of it, not to interfere, speaking was worse. We had given Trav the exact same talk and despite agreeing a the time, he broke that rulebthe moment he saw what happened.

He stood up for me and could probably not care less about the consquences. There was something so intriguing about seeing a man do such a thing.

After a few minutes of both of us silently lost in our thoughts, he finally spoke. "I'm sorry I snapped. I know staying silent has less consequences, I just broke when he pushed you. I should have controlled myself. I'm sorry." He apologized.

I paused, trying to form words. "I don't...I- oddly, I'm not mad. I think what you did was pretty cool honestly. It shows me that you're willing to go to great lengths for the ones you love. I like that about you, Travis Kelce." I hummed, tilting my head to rest on his shoulder.

"Good thing I like you too, Taylor Swift."

In that moment, something clicked in me. Something that made me realise: I'd fallen hard. Losing him would hurt more than any before, because of just how many things he was doing.

He wasn't scared to show his love and affection, but was fine with being open about it.

He wasn't one to think he was always right, or that men were better than women.

He showed respect to everyone's ideas, never shut anyone down bedore hearing them out.

And the scariest part? I trusted him. I had faith and trust in him. What he did wiht that from here was entirely and utterly out of my power.

Maybe that wouldn't be so bad though, I thought as I rested my head on his shoulder.

Maybe this would be fine.

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Another chapter done!!

This one should have come out yesterday actually I just had no motivation to write 😭

Requests >>>>

There is still one more under the requests of another chapter which I will write in my own time, but right now I should sleep 🫡

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night to you all, love you guys!

-YT xx

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