I Want To Say Hi To You

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Before this whole thing starts, I would like to say all titles are either song titles or lyrics.

This one is Hi by Laufey!


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Taylor's POV

I sat on my bed, completely and utterly bored. I just finished a show, which meant I was completely confined to my bed, hardly able to talk and my legs were practically out of commission.

I was watching Mean Girls for what felt like the thousandth time. It never got boring, but one thing couldn't stop bugging me in the back of my mind.

Him. He was always lingering in my mind, but this was less of a linger and more so of a constant tugging. It had been ages since I had seen him, so it was only natrual I missed him this much.

It was so unlike me to be so clingy to a man but something about Travis just made it...okay. Like it was alright for me to cling to him.

I picked up my phone. I was in Japan, so I checked the timezone difference. It was near impossible to talk to him. It was 8 a.m. here so it was...4 a.m. the next day. Great. Incredible. All I really wanted was to talk to him.

Just a chance, an opportunity to say hi to him. That was my simple ask to the universe. I saw a few messages from him from a while ago.

At 4 a.m.:I miss you Princess

At 4.23 a.m.:I wish I could hold you right now

At 4.30 a.m.: attachment Miss you so much

I loaded the picture. He was watching Rep Stadium Tour. My heart warmed. Don't get me wrong, it is a little bit unsettling to know anyone can watch a show with me in it, but the fact that he missed me so much he was watching the whole thing...my god.

At 6.57 p.m.: The show ended. I think I'll watch Miss Americana. Or Folklore Long Pond Studio Sessions. Maybe both. Probably both.

At 6.57 p.m.: Attatchment

This one was a picture of the long pond studio sessions show. Wait, if he watched the whole thing throught that meant he was probably...

I immediately typed "are you awake?" and sent it as fast as my fingers would let me.

A minute later, still no reply. As I was about to put my phone down with a sigh, 3 dots appeared above my keyboard.

"For you, always Princess." I smiled at my phone. The things this man did to me...

Then, I got a facetime request.


I had never answered a call faster. Oh, except for when Tree called me. I was about to be murdered by her if I didn't and the alternative was she hunted me down, which would also lead to my death, so bargaining for life seemed to be the best option.


"Tay. I miss you." He looked at me, a glow from the television and his phone illuminating his face.

"Are you still watching my stuff?" My nose crinkled.

He laughed. God I could listen to that sound all day. "I'm on the first, like, fifteen minutes pf Miss Americana." I blushed at the mention of my doccumentary.

I knew he'd watched it, in fact, he had asked me for permission to watch, knowing there were a lot of topics that were sensitive to me in it. I loved how considerate he was.

But knowing he was watching it felt so different for some reason.

"Really? Well, Miss Americana herself is here now, so turn on the lights and let me see that handsome face of yours."

I could faintly note bits of movement and in a moments time, bright lights illuminated my screen and his ever so handsome face popped up.

"There he is." I grin.

"So how are you Tay? And don't lie, we both know that'll go nowhere."

"Honestly? I just really really miss you. I just want to be with you and feel your arms coil around me. I wish you were here."

His eyes glimmered. "I miss you too, princess. I'll see you soon. I'm seeing your show next week baby. Just hold out for me a little longer, okay?"

I nodded. Not even a second later, though, Trav disappeared behind a wall of fur. "Dibbles!" I laughed. Olivia had decided just then was the best possible moment to invade my space and walk right over my chest.

"Hey Dibbles!" Trav said, laughter seeping into his words.

Once I had semi-successfully gotten Dibbles out of the way (she was now seated on my lap, which meant I was not going to get up again. Then again, I wasn't planning on doing so anyways), I looked at Trav, who had now moved to the kitchen.

"Are you baking at 5 in the morning?" I laughed. He shrugged, setting his phone down against the wall.

"Might be fun to try your chai sugar cookies. Was already planning on doing it, but since you're here, might as well get help from the source, right?"

"Uh huh. Mr Kelce, do you have the recipe?" I looked at him, head tilted to the side.

He pulled his laptop over from across the counter, opening it and logging in, proudly showing me a picture of the recipe I had put on the internet years ago.

Less than 15 minutes later, he finally said something again after being hyperfocused on taking everything out and starting the actual recipe. "Hey Taylor? What the hell is cinunnmon?"

"Cinammom, Trav, cinammon."

"Oh shit, my bad. Your handwriting is terrible by the way, no offense. Also, what are those little things in the corner?" He said, showing me his screen.

"Stars, do you like dem?"

•              •              •
This was fun!

As always, reuqests >>>>>>>>>

I hope you guys liked this one!

-YT xx

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