Too far gone to bring back to life (?)

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Song is You're Losing Me by Taylor Swift!

Part 2 to I said Iove you, you say nothing back!

side not: I am so sorry about that last chapter (not really)
• • •
Travis' POV
On the drive home, I felt numb. I realised what I'd done, what I really needed to fix. But could I? Would she even let me?

I drove straight down the empty highway, trying to focus on driving. I barely held myself together.

By the time I reached home, I could feel every fibre of my body ready to tip, to spill out into tears.

The moment I stepped out the car and opened my phone to check the time, that was the last straw. Because right there on my screen, Taylor stood there. A picture of the two of us.

Tears spilled like a tap that couldn't be shut, a leak from a pipe.

I lost her.

Two weeks later

I watched the video again and again. She was out with Blake. Not a hint of sadness, but no hint at joy either. The smile was so fake. She was hurting, and it was my fault.

Blake didn't look all that happy either. She looked like she was forcing a smile, trying to act strong.

Fustrated, I threw my phone down on the couch and stood up. "Fuck!" I yelled.

How did I screw up this time?

A month later
I'd given up on any hope of contacting Taylor. She'd blocked me everywhere except her public Instagram, but I was blocked on every finsta she had.

My number. Blocked.

Twitter. Blocked.

The app we used to see what the other was listening to. Removed as a friend.

That was like a stab in the gut.

I turned away from my phone, ready to go to bed and stop thinking when I heard a buzz.

Groaning, I turned on my my side and checked.

Unkkown number
Can we talk?

Who is this?

Unknown number

My eyes widened. "No fucking way." I muttered.

Why is your number unknown?

Unknown number
Second phone. Don't really want Tree knowing, she'd have my head.


Meet me at the breakfast diner tomorrow morning at 9. The one we used to frequent at. We can talk then.

Alright then. See you.


Taylor's POV
I couldn't sleep. I was halfway tipsy on wine, and for some reason, my first instinct was to message Travis.

I got a second phone out. It was a backup in case I lost mine or broke mine.

Nothing I say can explain my actions, because if I'm being honest, I myself don't know why I did it.

So the next day, I got up early. I changed, wore something simple enough. A basic white shirt, a leather jacket and black mini skirt with knee boots.

I got in the car. I'd informed my driver the night before, so he was waiting patiently by 8.30am.

I ttook a deep breath, trying to focus on anything besides the fact I was meeting with my ex.

"Ms Swift? We've arrived."

I nodded. "Thanks."

I got out of the car, thankful for the early morning and lack of paps.

I stared into the diner so familiar it hurt. I watched the place slowly come to life as I stepped in, sitting down at my usual table. The one I once shared with Travis.

"Hi Ms Swift! It's been a while!" A voice pulled me back. I smiled at the young waitress.

"Lia! Yeah, it's been a while. You can call me Taylor you know." I laughed slightly.

"What can I get you? The usual?" I nod. "Very well then. One black coffee and muffin."

She walked off and I fell back into a trance of staring at nothing.

I heard the chiming of bells against the glass door and looked up. Travis.

He looked awkwardly at me. "Taylor. Hey."

I nodded. "Travis." His full first name felt foreign from my lips. I never really called him that.

He sat down. "Why did you call me here?" He asked. "I thought you would despise me."

"I do. But I also believe in second chances."

He lowered his head. "You've given me more than two chances already. I don't deserve it."

I shook my head. "Travis. Much as I hate to admit it, you still hold a small place in my heart. I do not wish for you to be gone, somehow."

He looked up, clearly suprised at my sudden declaration. And if Im' being honest, I don't really get why I said it either.

"Taylor, are you saying..." He paused, unsure at what to say.

"I'm going to extend this olive branch to you. If you want to take it, stay. If not, leave. We'll go our seperate ways. But if the branch breaks, there's no more." I kept my voice as firm as I could.

The way he looked at me after that sentence made it clear what his answer was.

"I'll take it."

•                 •                 •
To everyone who was ready to come for my blood after that last chapter I hope this makes up for it (ish).

If you guys want a part 3 I can try to make it happen but at the moment I'll probably try and write something else.

Requests >>>>>

love you guys!

-YT xx

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