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⚠️ slight trigger warning for attempted S.A ⚠️


A clumsy woman stumbled into the loft—a nasty and mean grip on her arm being the only thing stopping her from falling to the tiled floor.

"Please," she begged, her speech slurry and her voice thick. Her dressed had hiked up to her thighs, revealing her bright red underwear. Her black hair had turned into a tangled chaos while her eye make-up fell down her cheeks in a streaky, dark mess.

"Shut the fuck up!" a man growled, his grip on the woman tightening until his knuckles whitened. The hold on her arm was relentless, and she was sure to be bruised the next day.

I stared at Vincent from my spot, wondering how it was possible for a human being to be the embodiment of pure evil. He was dressed in a luxurious suit—one of the finest pieces of clothing in the city but all that luxury couldn't conceal the utter malice that lurked underneath.

He was a cruel man who had cruel intentions.

"I don't want to!" the woman shouted, her voice cracking as she tried to claw his hands off of her. It didn't work and her body started to shake with fear.

My heart thumped in my chest and my jaw ticked, finding it hard to stay in my place.

"Let me go," she sobbed, digging her heels into the floor as Vincent tried to drag her to his bedroom. His eyes were hard with rage and wide from the cocaine still on his nostrils. He wanted her, even though it was loud and clear that the woman wanted nothing to do with him. He didn't care.

"I won't tell anyone," the woman pleaded, tripping over her heels as she resorted to using her nails on his bare skin. Again, he ignored her.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Vincent grunted, saliva shooting out of his mouth as he stared at her as if she wasn't anything short of the shit on his fucking shoe.

"Please!" she begged, dropping to the floor and the man finally let go her arm. His grip was tight enough to stop the blood flow to her skin, and I ran my tongue over my lips as I saw the white marks on her arm.

Vincent hovered over her, and a sick and twisted smile made its way to his face when she got into a prayer position on her knees. She was literally pleading for him to let her go. Without another word, Vincent started to loosen his belt.

"Right here, huh? Is that what you want? Don't worry, I'll pay you a nice little bonus when we're done," he laughed, and the adrenaline rushing through had him struggling to pull his zipper down.

The moment was opportune, and I stepped out of my place in the dark shadows. Vincent was so caught up in trying to take what wasn't his that he didn't notice me standing there until I stepped forward and pushed my blade against the back of his neck.

My hand twitched, immediately wanting to dig the sharp silver into this flesh and drain the life out of him.

My thoughts were consumed by violence and rage, nearly blinding me from my goal but I stopped myself. He needed to suffer. Vincent stilled and his hands raised in surrender. My insides started to twist with disgust.

"Thank you, my darling," I murmured to the woman. Alexis smirked, pushing herself off the floor as her drunk and petrified façade slipped off.

"Anytime," she grinned, smoothing her hair and wiggling her tight dress over her thighs. At first, I felt terrible about the position our boss put her in. But truthfully, she seemed to love it. The odd dynamic worked for us.

"What the fuck? You stupid fucking—" Vincent grunted, baring his teeth as if he were a wild animal while his fists clenched at his sides.

A grinning Alexis exited the loft, but she was far from amused. The stretch on her lips was sadistic and cunning, already knowing what I had planned for one of the most horrible people on the planet.

See, Vincent was a vile sex trafficker, always seeking poverty-stricken girls and boys to pump full of narcotics. The drugs would lead them to a life of addiction and ultimately, Vincent would take advantage of their desperation for the next high. It made me sick to my stomach.

He lived and breathed to use others at his own disposal, but it was my turn to make him the target.

"Shut up," I whispered, applying enough pressure for my blade to slice though the delicate skin on the back of his neck. Blood rushed to surface and I welcomed it while hating that it was barely a drop in the ocean in comparison to how many lives he had fucking ruined.

Vincent winced, turning around quickly but not quick enough.

His fist went flying to my face and I stepped back, dodging the hit he was about to lay on me. So slow. I twirled the knife in my hand and gripped the handle, slashing his forearm with one swift movement. Blood splattered from the wound, decorating the white wall with vibrant spots.

Vincent screamed, looking down at the cut with a furious glare. He was breathing heavily, almost frothing at the mouth. I stared at him for a moment, failing to understand how this was someone's baby at one point.

With blonde hair and an array of freckles on his cheeks, his face did not match his strong and muscular build. His body screamed power, but it slowed him down significantly and I took advantage of it.

"What the fuck do you want?!" he spat, bending over as he gripped the wound. It was deep but his suit had protected him—the slightest bit.

Vincent reached to the back of his pants, searching for a gun that was no longer there.

"My girl is good, isn't she?" I teased, referring to Alexis who had stripped him of all his weapons without him realising it. She had taken his expensive gold watch too, but he didn't seem to notice.

"What the—" he murmured, his eyes bewildered and confused. His bloodied fingers reached for his ankle and again, he returned empty handed.

If possible, the anger in his eyes increased.

With a scream from his gut, Vincent launched at me and I grinned.

Time to play.


"Done?" Alexis asked as I closed the door of Vincent's loft behind me. I nodded, cleaning my blade with the disinfectant wipe Alexis had offered to me. I sighed, closing my eyes for a brief second while I tried to bring myself back down from the unbelievable amount of anger I felt.

"You think Mario will let you retire now?" she asked, handing me another wipe for the mess on my hands.

Through the silence, I could hear Vincent gargling on his own blood behind the door. If I had it my way, I'd let him live through constant torment but Mario was the boss and he wanted Vincent dead and gone.

"I hope so," I breathed out, licking my lips. It was no secret that retirement was all I wanted. At twenty four years old, it sounded silly and beyond my imagination.

"One way to find out, Yara," Alexis murmured, letting her arm fall over my shoulders and I leaned my head on her chest. Physically, I was fine. Mentally, I wanted to throw myself off a fucking bridge and drown out the world while I wallowed in self-pity.

"Come," she whispered, leading me away from the sounds of Vincent taking his last breath. "Clean-up is on their way."

Despite the relief that came with ridding the world of a vile creature like Vincent, all I could think about was the fact that I never wanted to do that again.

• • •

will be posting a chapter every Saturday!

you can read up to chapter 5 on my patreon!
i post every tuesday and friday on there

love youu 🫶🏽 hope you enjoyed this!

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