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What have I gotten myself into?

You can still back out, I told myself.

But did I want to?

With the thumping of my heartbeat and the ghost feeling still between my legs, I knew I couldn't end it there. Not yet. Vico carried me down the hall, and I let the feeling of utter excitement consume me. I couldn't fucking wait.

The slight smile on my face was a dead giveaway on how Vico had me feeling good during and feeling better afterwards. I pulled my lips into my mouth, hiding my face but he couldn't see me anyway.

I watched the floor move, feeling his hands clamped around the back of my thighs to keep me steady. He lifted one, placing it on my ass and I felt him give me a squeeze followed by an almost delicate slap. Vico ran his palm over the subtle sting, and I nearly yelled at him to do it harder. Too much?

I breathed in, struggling to find the patience within me. I never wanted to fuck anyone more. The intense pulsating I felt between my thighs was...unfamiliar. In every way. There were no words to describe how badly I wanted—needed Vico inside of me.

I gasped, not even realising that we were in his room until my back met the soft mattress.

With no chance to gaze around, Vico was on top of me and his lips were on mine. I closed my eyes, enjoying his soft lips while my legs closed around his waist.

How vulnerable am I being right now? Struggling to care, I let myself accede to everything Vico wanted to do to me. I ran my hands over his shoulders, feeling how strong he was and knowing that I was in for a treat.

"You okay, mama?" he breathed, kissing me on the corner of my mouth before trailing to my jaw until he reached the side of my neck.

I nodded, incapable of finding the words. When he pulled away and stared at me, I knew he wanted verbal confirmation.

"I'm okay," I whispered, giving him the validation he wanted. He grinned and his dimples dented into his cheeks, forcing me to smile too. How could a man that deadly have a smile that lightened up the room? It didn't make sense.

"Good," he murmured, staring down at his fingers tracing an unknown pattern on my collarbone. "Because I'm not done."

When he disappeared from my vision, I couldn't understand what he meant. That was until my legs were opened by rough hands and I felt him kiss both my hips.

I took a deep breath in. Again? This man had stamina, or it was a hunger because fuck, the moment his lips touched my clit, I could cum all over again.

I groaned, my fists clenching onto the sheets. I was highly sensitive, and it nearly brought tears to my eyes when he sucked on a spot that had my fucking toes curling. No, really, who the hell is this man?

"You taste so good," he whispered, his voice barely audible and slightly muffled. "I can't get enough of you."

"Vico," I moaned, my hands going to his hair. "I can't—" I can.

"Just say the word," he murmured against me, and I spared a glance to see his eyes peacefully closed.

He sucked, holding me open with two fingers to reach that spot that I've never touched before. I grunted, fisting his sheets to contain myself but my moans were endless and the shivers on my skin didn't stop.

It felt almost too good to be real.

I stared at his high ceiling, arching my back but he palmed my lower belly and forced me back onto the bed. Shit. With one hand pinning me down and the other stretching me open for his mouth, I lost all my senses. My eyes squeezed shut, feeling Vico circle my hole with the tips of two fingers.

Yara |18+|Where stories live. Discover now