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"I know," Yara murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed. In nothing but her underwear, Yara held the phone to her ear and spoke to a woman she addressed as Alexis.

I had just gotten out of the shower and I dressed myself in the closet, trying not to pay attention to Yara's conversation. It was hard not to—especially because she was within earshot and talked with a certain finality in her voice.

"You haven't heard from him in days?" Yara asked, her brows furrowed together.

She didn't seem worried, and I wondered if I was truly the paranoid one between the both of us. How could I not be? When she looked like that and talked like that and made me feel the way she did? How could I, possibly, not care what happened to her?

"He say he's on a business trip?" she asked, her eyes on me as I stepped into my boxes.

Her hair was partially wet, cascading over her back with curls that she didn't bother tying up. With a fresh face and a glow to her skin, I felt fortunate to be in the same damn room with her.

How is everything beautiful?

I was no longer hearing her conversation. Instead, I was fixated on the way her lips moved and how her nose scrunched when Alexis said something funny. She grinned and I don't think she knew that it was one of my favourite things about her.

I sighed, running a hand over my head as I finally looked away from her.

She's stressing me the fuck out.

Truthfully, nothing had managed to rattle me the way she did. And all she did was exist. It was the thought of her not existing that had me scowling at nothing in particular.

Mario was on the other side of the world with eyes following his every move. Still, it was hard when I had the knowledge that Yara's life was filled with people who wanted her dead. Family members of men she's killed. Partner. Friends. Business associates. The list was endless.

As long as they didn't know who she was, Yara wasn't in danger.

Or at least I hoped so and fuck, did I have all the hope in the world.

During my thoughts, Yara must have said her goodbyes because I looked at her, finding her phone settled down next to her and her eyes on me. She gazed at me, her eyes lingering on my bare stomach and chest a moment too long.

It was hard not to smile at her when she stared at me as if I were her favourite sight. But it was brief. When I didn't say anything, she frowned at me.

"What's wrong?" she asked, her eyes concerned.

It might have been my imagination, but Yara only seemed worried when it wasn't about her. I looked at her, leaning against the doorframe as I crossed my arms. She didn't have a single clue how I felt about her.

Or did she?

Of course she did.

I wasn't discreet, and I was well aware of it.

"Nothing, amor," I said, only half-heartedly meaning it. "Is everything okay with you?"

"Yeah," she said, her smile soft and her eyes too. "Alexis has been keeping me in the loop."

"She's a friend?" I asked, sitting next to her and I welcomed the warmth that flowed off her body.

She was always warm. So damn comfortably and lovingly warm. What the fuck am I turning into? I was someone who wanted to be held in her arms as if I needed her comfort to function.

It didn't make sense. It didn't make sense how I'd rather sit in her company than face a world that needed facing either.

I'm falling for her.

I knew that I was. But at the rate I was going, I was afraid I was going to crash and burn before I got a chance to actually show how her unbelievably hard I was falling for her.

I needed to show her the world. Or give it to her. I needed to have her by my side until she grew utterly sick of me.

"You could say that," she said, shrugging. "I like to think that we are. But we met through Mario and you know how that goes." It was good she wasn't entirely trusting of Alexis. She shouldn't be. Again, I needed to stop doubting her expertise.

"You trust her?" I asked, just for clarification.

She didn't hesitate with her answer.

"To a certain extent yes," she said, running her fingers along my forearm. She likes doing that. "I trust that she has my back. But I don't trust that she'd tell me if she has a gun to hers."

I soaked in her words, realising that Yara didn't trust Alexis because of her character. No, she didn't trust Alexis because she knew that threats and demands were a common occurrence and Alexis wasn't an exception.

It made sense. Someone could love you to the ends of the world. But if their lives depended on it, they'd have no problem throwing you under the bus. I nodded, taking her hand in mine and she sighed in content, showing me that I brought comfort to her too.

It was miniscule, but it was something and I cherished it.

Pretty girl.

"Yara," I blurted, my face serious when I looked at her. "Promise that you'd tell me if you have concerns. Or worries. Anything. It didn't matter how small it was,"


"I know you're capable," I murmured, my thumb on her chin moving her head to face to me. "I'm not saying you're not. I would just like to know if you're bothered by something. That's all." And I meant it. Yara was able—very much so. But that didn't mean I wanted her to do it alone.

She grinned and I melted, feeling my hand tighten on her own in a way that didn't hurt—but made sure I conveyed how much I liked seeing her smile. Such a corny fucker.

"I know," she said, inching closer. "I won't keep anything from you. I promise."

I promise. Her word replayed in my head, and I could see the sincerity in her eyes. She meant it.

"Do you promise?" she asked, her head slightly tilted to the side.

My brows furrowed. "Promise what?"

Her hand on my thigh had her leaning closer, and I was close enough to give her kiss. I wanted to, but I wanted to hear what she had to say too.

"That you'll tell me if you're bothered by something. Anything. No matter how small you may think it is," she said, her eyes roaming my face as if she sought any indication of a lie. There were no lies. I nearly smirked, seeing the threat she didn't say.

"I promise," I said, not skipping a beat.

"Good," she muttered, pecking me on the lips once. "Because I won't be happy if you don't, Vico."

She's the only person I wanted to hear say my name. Ever.

"I know," I breathed, feeling her kiss me again, and again until her lips stayed on mine. When she pulled away, I wanted to beg for more. She smiled, patting me on the cheek in a way that showed she was happy with my answer.

Does this woman know I'd do anything for her?

I looked at her, and I was frightened by the limits I didn't have when it came to her.

How fucked am I?

• • •

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