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"Are you sure this is not a bother?" Emily murmured, her voice low as she looked up at me. Was it a bother? Not when I had all the time in the world to make sure she got home...safe.

I stared down at her, wondering how this woman managed to be comfortable with someone she had just met. Especially with the way she looked at me.

For the first time, I couldn't read the pair of brown eyes following my every move. Was she scared? Or nervous? Or just flat out trusting? I didn't let it drive me insane, as much as it almost did.

"Not at all," I let her know, silently fiddling with my keys as we approached my car. The wind had picked up, but I paid no mind to it as I unlocked the door for her.

I gazed around, an act that I had grown accustomed to doing in spite of where I was. There were people around, but they were far too in their own drunken world to notice the both of us. My men were parked out front, but I had let them know I was going my own way for the night and I couldn't tell if it was a good decision or not.

"Thanks," she said, sitting down on the passenger seat with a slight wave of my hand. The light of my car lit up in the interior, and it didn't fail at lighting up her face and the rest of her body.

Emily, I repeated in my head. She didn't look like an Emily. But she was prettier in the light and I tore my eyes from her exposed thighs. There was no need for that.

"Before I go," I muttered, leaning my hand against the frame of the door while I hovered over her. "Do you need anything from inside?"

She seemed to be thinking about it.

"No," she said, shaking her head. "I can get it tomorrow."

"Okay," I said, glancing over her empty hands. "You sure? No key, or phone?"

Emily rolled her eyes and lifted her hand, sliding into the cup of her bra and pulling out a singular key. "No phone."

I smirked, watching her shove it back inside. "Alright."

I closed the door and rounded the hood, quickly taking my place behind the wheel. In the close proximity of my car, I could smell her sultry perfume. When she moved her hair over her shoulder, I caught a hint of the shampoo she had used too. It went good together. Trying not to think of it too much, I switched the ignition on.

"Oh," Emily shifted in her seat. "That's...new."

"What?" I asked, frowning at the strange woman sitting next to me.

"Nothing," she chuckled, gesturing me off with her hand. "Don't worry about it."

Finally driving off, I gave her a quick glance. "Where am I dropping you?"

She responded with an address, and it took me a second to realise that she lived a couple of blocks from me.

"Close," was all I said.

Emily was quiet for the drive, and I could have forgotten she was there if it wasn't for her bare thighs in my peripheral. Or the scent invading my car. Approaching a deserted stop street, my car came to a halt as I double checked if it was safe to go.

"So—" I started, but Emily moved and I saw it coming. Yet, I did absolutely fucking nothing to stop it.

In the blink of an eye, Emily was out of her seat and leaning over the centre console. A blade was pushed against my neck and I let out a small gasp, feeling and seeing her on top of me. I looked at her face, seeing the faux ditsy look fall right off.

Yara |18+|Where stories live. Discover now