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I couldn't tell if I had just made the best decision, or the fucking worst.

As Camo's screams trailed behind us, I looked down at Yara and hoped that my inclination didn't fail me. Was it a bad idea to show her that? Her face gave no indication.

She was hard to read, but I let the both of us walk to my office in nothing but silence while I ordered my men to tend to the location he had given me.

Fuck. I pushed the door and let her in first, closing it behind me as I gazed at the back of her head.

For the first time in a long time, I felt myself grow nervous. Locking the door, I let my hand sit on the handle for a few seconds longer while I kept my eyes on her.

Was it too soon? When did I morph into an over thinker? Yara had managed to bring out traits of myself I didn't know existed.

I sighed, placing my gun on the table while I grabbed a disinfectant wipe. Quickly cleaning my hands, I watched Yara.


"Stop stressing," she muttered, her grin easing the weight on my shoulders.

When she grabbed the both of my cheeks, I was stunned by the rough and hungry kiss she gave me. I gasped, my hand going to her hip while the world stood still around me. I melted into her hold, closing my eyes as I imagined how those lips were the only ones I wanted to kiss—needed to kiss.

Despite the turmoil of the Camo situation, Yara brought a certain peace into my life that couldn't be duplicated. And I cherished every moment of it.

My arms closed around her waist, bringing her impossibly closer because all I needed was to feel her. With her arms on either side of my face, Yara stood on the tips of her toes between my legs.

I welcomed her, encouraged her, and felt privileged to be on the receiving end of her desire.

"I thought I was being stupid," I muttered, my hand running over the back of her hair. The regret had settled in right after I had already pulled the trigger. Does this change her perception of me? Does it change...anything?

I needed to gather myself and I quickly realised that she kissed me as if she didn't care.

"No," she whispered, her eyes searching mine. "I thought—were you asked to find that girl?"

I nodded. Her parents were ordinary folk with ordinary jobs and still, the cops dismissed their narrative that their daughter had fallen into the claws of local pimp, Camo. No evidence to back their story. But I went on a gut feeling and ended up being right, although part of me wished I wasn't.

Her parents, Diane and Patrick, had initially approached Kortez. Their daughter's friend. The least I could do was use my resources.

"Are they on their way?" she asked, her eyes laced with concern.

"They are," I told her.

She grinned, pecking me on the lips and I smiled down at her.

It must have affected her in a different way than I thought. Because ridding the world of bad guys was all she did for ten years, and I tucked a sliver of hair behind her ear.

How can anyone be so perfect? I glanced down at her, pulling her at her waist until she was snugged up against me. She was warm and smelled of something sweet and fresh.

Was it her hair or her soap? I leaned down and rested my face in the crook of her neck, finding solace in her soft skin. After a few moments, I lifted my head because I needed to see her.

"That was—" she stopped, her smile cheeky and it showed in her gaze too.

"What?" I asked, smiling down at her because of how beautiful she looked. Am I insane?

"Nothing," she shrugged, dropping her gaze to my chest.

I raised a brow at her. "Tell me, pretty girl."

Her hands followed her gaze, and I felt my breathing quicken against my will. Why did she have to look at me like that? I grabbed her wrists, incapable of stopping myself from turning the both of us around.

I gripped her waist and planted her ass on the table, resting between her legs instead. Face to face, I held her thighs and wished we were somewhere nicer than my damn office.

I'd have dropped to my knees if it wasn't for the fact that someone could knock on my door any second. Did I care? It was hard to, but Yara probably did.

"They're waiting for you," she breathed, circling her arms around my neck and I took the invitation.

My lips met hers—soft and smooth and everything I longed for. It wasn't a rushed kiss, but it wasn't languid either and I enjoyed it while it lasted. I pulled back, but Yara kept me there and I was happy to oblige.

"Let them," I murmured. Yara spread her legs further and I pushed deeper, removing any space between us.

She must have felt how hard I was because she grinned, tracing her hand over my stomach until her fingertips grazed my belt. I groaned, dropping my head on her shoulder. Pure fucking torture.

I thought she'd stop there, but she palmed me over my pants and I let out a small sound.

"You're killing me, mama," I whispered, kissing her on the part her neck and shoulder met. I'd kiss her all day if she let me. "I want to take you somewhere nice."

"Yeah?" she said quietly, pulling me back and our eyes met. "You should."

I grinned, trying not to get myself too excited. "You want to?"

"Of course," she muttered, smiling at me and I fell in love with the way her eyes glistened. I sucked my lower lip into my mouth, composing myself or else I'd attack her on that very desk.

"Does that mean..." I trailed off, hoping that it meant what I thought it did.

All she did was nod, and I didn't bother stopping my smile.

• • •

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